3-D printing updates
Posted: November 10, 20213-D printing in the Library has been going strong since the beginning of the year. At the end of September, the Library had printed over 3,386 models (anatomy/dental for students, PPE, and unique research requests.)
This breaks down to over 5,240.788 cubic inches of ABS/PLA model materials, 2,364.288 cubic inches of support material, 7,668.92 hours of print time, and savings to students of $17,275.48 in free models.
Also, new this year, the Library created an order form with the most common requests, located on the 3D LibGuide, https://guides.atsu.edu/3Dprinting to make it easier for students to order. In addition, we continue to update the 3D gallery of STL files for students to choose from, so check back often. Also, if you find a file you would like printed, email the file or weblink to dsummers@atsu.edu.