Allergy, Immunology and Immunotherapy Journals / Springer Allery & Asthma Collection
Top Textbooks
Allergy [2011] (ClinicalKey)
Manual of allergy and immunology, 2012e [Adelman], (Ovid)
Middleton's Allergy: principles and practice, 8e (ClinicalKey)
Patterson's allergic diseases, 7e (Ovid)
Pediatric allergy : principles and practice, 3e (ClinicalKey)
Other Books
Allergy [2011] (ClinicalKey)
Allergy & asthma : practical diagnosis and management [2011] (McGraw-Hill)
Asthma, 2010e (EBSCO-multiple)
Asthma : a clinician's guide, 2011e (Rittenhouse-single user)
Asthma and COPD, 2009e (ClinicalKey)
Benumof and Hagberg's airway management , 4e (ClinicalKey)
Clinical allergy : diagnosis and management (Springer)
Clinical Asthma, 2008e (ClinicalKey)
Contemporary Diagnosis and Management of Allergic Diseases and Asthma, 2009e (EBSCO-multiple)
Food Allergies : Enjoying Life with a Severe Food Allergy, 2007e (EBSCO-multiple)
Food Allergies : Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment, 2011e (EBSCO-multiple)
Food allergy, [2012] (ClinicalKey)
Kendig and Chernick's disorders of the respiratory tract in children, 9e (ClinicalKey)
Manual of allergy and immunology, 2012e (Ovid)
Middleton's Allergy: principles and practice, 8e (ClinicalKey)
Middleton's allergy essentials, 2017e (ClinicalKey)
Murray and Nadel's textbook of respiratory medicine, 6e (ClinicalKey)
Patterson's allergic diseases, 7e (Ovid)
Pediatric allergy : principles and practice, 3e (ClinicalKey)
Problem Solving in Respiratory Medicine & Allergy, 2011e (EBSCO-multiple)
More eBooks in Allergy & Asthma...
See Also Pulmonary Medicine...
Alternative and Complementary Medicine Journals | Springer CAM Collection
Top Textbooks / Resources
Integrative Medicine, (Rakel) 4e (ClinicalKey)
Textbook of natural medicine, 4e (ClinicalKey)
Natural Medicines - Natural Medicines Database with Medicine Interactions Tool
Other Books
Complementary Medicine And Health Psychology, 2009e (EBSCO-multiple)
Integrative Medicine, (Rakel) 4e (ClinicalKey) <More complementary medicine books...>
Integrative therapies in rehabilitation evidence for efficacy in therapy, prevention, and wellness, 2017e (Rittenhouse-single)
Methodologies for Effectively Assessing Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) : Research Tools and Techniques (eBookCentral)
Naturopathy Around the World, 2009e (EBSCO-multiple) <More naturopathy books...>
Perspectives on Complementary and Alternative Medicines, 2012e (EBSCO-multiple)*
Professional's handbook of complementary & alternative medicines, 3e (Ovid)
Textbook of natural medicine, 4e (ClinicalKey)
Winston & Kuhn's herbal therapy & supplements : a scientific & traditional approach, 2e (Ovid) <More herbal thery books...>
Acunpuncture <More Acupuncture books...>
Acupuncture in neurological conditions, 2010e (ScienceDirect)
Acupuncture for insomnia sleep and dreams in Chinese medicine, 2012e (EBSCO-multiple)
Acupuncture for Pain Management, 2014e (Springer)
Acupuncture for sports and trauma rehabilitation : dry needling techniques, 2011e (ScienceDirect)
Acupuncture : methods, health benefits and effectiveness, 2016e, (EBSCO-multiple)
Acupuncture : theories and evidence, 2013e (EBSCO-multiple)
The concise book of acupoints, 2014e (EBSCO-multiple)
Evidence-based acupuncture, 2012e (EBSCO-multiple)
Pocket Handbook of Particularly Effective Acupoints for Common Conditions Illustrated in Color, 2013e (EBSCO-multiple)
Yamamoto new scalp acupuncture principles and practice, 2011e (EBSCO-multiple)
Chinese Medicine <More Chinese Medicine books...>
Chinese medicine in fertility disorders, 2010e (EBSCO-multiple)
Chinese nutrition therapy dietetics in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), 2004e (EBSCO-multiple)
Clinical handbook of Chinese medicine, 2014e (EBSCO-multiple)
A comprehensive guide to Chinese medicine, 2016e (EBSCO-multiple)
Essentials of Chinese Medicine, 2010e (Springer)
Evidence-based Research Methods for Chinese Medicine, 2016e (Springer)
Fundamentals of traditional Chinese medicine, 2013e (EBSCO-multiple)
Introduction to Chinese internal medicine, 2013e (EBSCO-multiple)
Introduction to Diagnosis in Traditional Chinese Medicine, 2013e (EBSCO-multiple)
Introduction to formulae of traditional chinese medicine, 2013e (EBSCO-multiple)
The theory of Chinese medicine : a modern explanation, 2014e (EBSCO-multiple)
More eBooks in Alternative Medicine...
Anatomy Journals | Springer Anatomy Collection
Top Textbooks/Databases
Ac land's Video Atlas
Bates Visual Guide to Phys Exams
Clinically Oriented Anatomy, 8e (LWW HealthLibrary)
Grant’s Atlas of Anatomy, 14e (LWW HealthLibrary)
Netter's atlas of human anatomy, 7e (ClinicalKey)
Netter's clinical anatomy, 4ed. (ClinicalKey)
Thieme Atlas of Anatomy (Gilroy)
Winking Skull
Other Books
Anatomy and human movement : structure and
function, 6e (Rittenhouse-single user)
Anatomy coloring book for health professions, 2014e (McGraw-Hill)
Atlas of Clinical Gross Anatomy, 2e (Rittenhouse - Single User)
Atlas of Human Anatomy, 7e (ClinicalKey)
Atlas of Neuroanatomy for Communication Science and Disorders, 2011e (ComSci)
Basics of anesthesia (ClinicalKey)
The big picture : gross anatomy, 2011e (AccessMedicine)
Clinical Anatomy, 13e (Rittenhouse - Single User)
Clinical Anatomy: A Case Study Approach, 2013e (AccessPhysiotherapy)
Clinical Neuroanatomy, 28e (AccessMedicine)
Clinical neuroanatomy and neuroscience, 7e (ClinicalKey)
Clinically Oriented Anatomy, 8e (LWW HealthLibrary)
Color Atlas of Human Anatomy, Vol I-Locomotor System, 7e (Thieme)
Color Atlas of Human Anatomy, Vol. 2-Internal Organs, 6e (Thieme)
Color Atlas of Human Anatomy, Vol. 3-Nervous System and Sensory Organs, 7e (Thieme)
Crash Course : Anatomy, 2012e(Rittenhouse - Single User)
Dental Anatomy, 2016e (EBSCO-multiple user)
Essence of anesthesia practice (ClinicalKey)
Essentials of anatomy and physiology, 6e (Stat!Ref)
Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology, 4e (Rittenhouse - Single User)
Fundamentals of Sectional Anatomy, 2e (Rittenhouse - Single User)
Gray's anatomy : the anatomical basis of clinical practice, 41e (ClinicalKey)
Grant’s Atlas of Anatomy, 14e (LWW HealthLibrary)
Gray's Clinical Photographic Dissector of the Human Body, 1e (Rittenhouse - Single User)
Grant’s Dissector, 16e (LWW HealthLibrary)
Gray's atlas of anatomy, 2nd ed. 2015 [Drake] (ClinicalKey)
Gray's anatomy for students, 3e (ClinicalKey)
A History of Human Anatomy, 2014e (EBSCO-multiple user)
Human anatomy : color atlas and textbook, 6e (ClinicalKey)
Last's Anatomy, 12e (ClinicalKey)
McMinn and Abrahams' clinical atlas of human anatomy, 2013e (ClinicalKey)
McMinn's Color Atlas of Foot and Ankle Anatomy, 4e (ClinicalKey)
McMinn's Color Atlas of Head and Neck Anatomy, 4e (ClinicalKey)
Netter's atlas of human anatomy, 7e (ClinicalKey)
Netter's clinical anatomy, 4e (ClinicalKey)
The Netter collection of medical illustrations a compilation of paintings, 2e (ClinicalKey)
Netter's concise orthopaedic anatomy, 2e (ClinicalKey)
Netter's concise radiologic anatomy, 2e (ClinicalKey)
Netter's Head and Neck Anatomy for Dentistry, 2e (ClinicalKey)
Netter's Introduction to Imaging, 2012e (ClinicalKey)
Netter's surgical anatomy and approaches, 2014e (ClinicalKey)
Neuroanatomy : draw it to know it, 2e (EBSCO-3 users)
Neuroanatomy in clinical context : an atlas of structures, sections, systems, and syndromes, 9e (LWW HealthLibrary)
Pocket Atlas of Sectional Anatomy, Volume I: Head and Neck, 4e (Thieme)
Pocket Atlas of Sectional Anatomy, Volume II, 4e (Thieme)
Pocket Atlas of Sectional Anatomy, Vol. III: Spine, Extremities, Joints, 3e (Thieme)
Sectional anatomy by MRI and CT, 4e (ClinicalKey)
Sedation a guide to patient management (ClinicalKey)
Stoelting's anesthesia and co-existing disease (ClinicalKey)
Thieme Atlas of Anatomy (Gilroy)
Understanding Anatomy & Physiology, 2e (Rittenhouse - Single User)
Weir & Abrahams' Imaging Atlas of Human Anatomy, 5e (ClinicalKey)
More eBooks in Anatomy...
Anesthesiology Journals | Springer Collection - Anesthesia and Pain Management
Top Textbooks
Clinical anesthesia [Barash] 2013e (Ovid)
Clinical anesthesia procedures of the Massachusetts General Hospital, 8e (Ovid)
Miller's Anesthesia, 8e (ClinicalKey)
Evidence-Based Practice of Palliative Medicine, 1e (ClinicalKey)
Other Books
Anesthesiology board review, 2012e(McGraw-Hill)
Anesthesia Secrets, Fifth Edition
Anaesthesia for Day Case Surgery, 2009e (EBSCO-multiple)
The anesthesia guide, 2013e (McGraw-Hill)
Anesthesia Secrets, 5e (ClinicalKey)
Anesthesia and Uncommon Diseases, 6e (ClinicalKey)
Anesthesia for Genetic, Metabolic, & Dysmorphic Syndromes of Childhood, 3e (Ovid)
Anesthesiologist's Manual of Surgical Procedures, 5e (Ovid)
Atlas of Neural Therapy with Local Anesthetics, 2012e (EBSCO-multiple)
Atlas of pain injection techniques, 2e (ClinicalKey)
Atlas of pain management injection techniques, 4e (ClinicalKey)
Basics of Anesthesia, 7e (ClinicalKey)
Brown's atlas of regional anesthesia, 2017e (ClinicalKey)
Chestnut's Obstetric Anesthesia: Principles and Practice, 5e (ClinicalKey)
Clinical anesthesia [Barash] 2017 ed. (Ovid)
Clinical anesthesia procedures of the Massachusetts General Hospital, 9e (Ovid)
Clinical cases in anesthesia. 4e (ClinicalKey)
Compact Clinical Guide to Geriatric Pain Management, 2012e (EBSCO-multiple)
Compact Clinical Guide to Infant and Child Pain Management, 2011e (EBSCO-multiple)
Complications in Anesthesia, 3e (ClinicalKey)
Coté and Lerman's a practice of anesthesia for infants and children, 6e (ClinicalKey)
Cottrell and Patel's Neuroanesthesia, 6e (ClinicalKey)
Crisis management in anesthesiology, 2015e (ClinicalKey)
Duke's anesthesia secrets, 2016e (ClinicalKey)
Emergencies in Anaesthesia, 2009e (EBSCO-multiple)
Essence of Anesthesia Practice, 4e (ClinicalKey)
Essentials of Neuroanesthesia, 2017e (ClinicalKey)
Evidence-based practice of anesthesiology, 3e (ClinicalKey)
Evidence-Based Practice of Palliative Medicine, 1e (ClinicalKey)
Handbook for Stoelting's Anesthesia and Co-Existing Disease, 4e (ClinicalKey)
Handbook of Local Anesthesia, 2012e (eBookCentral)
Kaplan's Cardiac Anesthesia, 7e (ClinicalKey)
Kaplan’s Essentials of Cardiac Anesthesia, 2e (ClinicalKey)
Manual of Pediatric Anesthesia, 6e (ClinicalKey)
Miller's Anesthesia, 8e (ClinicalKey)
Morgan and Mikhail's clinical anesthesiology, 5e (AccessMedicine)
Non-Operating Room Anesthesia, 2015e (ClinicalKey)
The pain center manual, 2014e (EBSCO) - single user
Pain Medicine and Management: Just the Facts, 2e (McGraw-Hill)
Palliative care : core skills and clinical competencies, 2e (ClinicalKey)
Palliative Medicine, 1e (ClinicalKey)
Pediatric anesthesia and emergency drug guide, 2017e (Rittenhouse-single user)
Pediatric sports medicine : essentials for office evaluation, 2014e (Rittenhouse-single user)
Pocket Anesthesia, 3e (Ovid)
Practical Approach to Obstetric Anesthesia, 2e (Ovid)
Practical Approach to Pediatric Anesthesia, 2e (Ovid)
Practical management of pain, 5e (ClinicalKey)
A Practice of Anesthesia for Infants and Children, 6e (ClinicalKey)
Procedural sedation for infants, children, and adolescents, 2016e (EBSCO-multiple)
Review of clinical anesthesia, 6e (Ovid)
Sedation : a guide to patient management, 6e (Ovid)
Smith and Aitkenhead's textbook of anaesthesia, 6e (ClinicalKey)
Smith's anesthesia for infants and children, 9e (ClinicalKey)
Stoelting's Anesthesia and Co-Existing Disease, 7e (ClinicalKey)
Wall and Melzack's textbook of pain, 6e (ClinicalKey)
Yao & Artusio's Anesthesiology: Problem-Oriented Patient Management, 8e (Ovid)
More eBooks in Anesthesiology & Pain Management...
Sports Medicine Journals (include Athletic Training) / ATSU A.T. Program Textbooks
Administrative topics in athletic training, 2017 ed. (Rittenhouse-single user)
The Athlete's Shoulder, 2nd ed. (ClinicalKey)
Athlete Performance and Injuries, 2012 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Athletic and sport issues in musculoskeletal rehabilitation, 2011 ed. (Rittenhouse-single user)
Cardiovascular physiology in exercise and sport, 2008 ed. (Rittenhouse-single user)
Care of the Young Athlete, 2010 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Clinical pathology for athletic trainers, 2nd ed. (Rittenhouse-single user)
Documentation For Athletic Training, 2005 ed. (Rittenhous-single user)
Emergency care in athletic training, 2010 ed.(FA Davis)
Encyclopedia of Sports Medicine, 2010 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Functional training handbook, 2014 ed. (Gale)
Genetic and molecular aspects of sports performance, 2011 ed (EBSCO-multiple)
A guide to sports and injury management, 2010 ed. (ScienceDirect)
Introduction to sports medicine and athletic training, 2nd ed. (Rittenhouse-single user)
Instructions for sports medicine patients, 2nd ed. (ClinicalKey)
Managing sports injuries : a guide for students and clinicians, 4th ed. (Rittenhouse-single user)
Medical terminology with case studies in sports medicine, 2017e (Rittenhouse-single user)
Netter's sports medicine, 2018e (ClinicalKey)
Nutritional guidelines for athletic performance, 2012 ed (EBSCO-multiple)
Orthopaedic Rehabilitation of the Athlete, 2015 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Orthopedic & athletic injury examination handbook, 2015e (eBrary)
Orthopedic taping, wrapping, bracing & padding, 2012e (FA Davis)
Physical rehabilitation of the injured athlete, 4th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Preventing sudden death in sport and physical activity, 2012 ed. (Rittenhouse-single user)
Principles of pharmacology for athletic trainers, 2016 ed. (Rittenhouse-single user)
Psychosocial strategies for athletic training, 2015 ed. (Rittenhouse-single user)
Qualitative research in physical activity and the health professions, 2009e (EBSCO-multiple)
Sports cardiology casebook, 2009 ed. (Springer)
Sports Cardiology Essentials : Evaluation, Management and Case Studies. 2010 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Sports Injuries and Their Effects on Health, 2009 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Sports injury prevention & rehabilitation, 2017e (AccessPhysiotherapy)
Workplace concepts for athletic trainers, 2016 ed. (Rittenhouse-single user)
The Young Female Athlete, 2016e (Springer)
More eBooks in Athletic Training...
Audiology Journals
Atlas of neuroanatomy for communication science and disorder, 2012 ed. (Thieme)
Anatomy and physiology study guide for speech and hearing, 2013 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Comprehensive and Clinical Anatomy of the Middle Ear, 2013 ed. (Springer)
Hearing : anatomy, physiology, and disorders of the auditory system, 2013 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
The human ear canal, 2013 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
A Practical Guide to the Eustachian Tube, 2014 ed. (Thieme)
Temporal Bone Dissection Manual, 2011 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
General Audiology
Adult audiology casebook, 2015 ed (Thieme)
Adult audiologic rehabilitation, 2013 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Audiology answers for otolaryngologists, 2011 ed. (Thieme)
The audiology capstone : research, presentation, and publication 2011 ed. (Thieme)
Audiology : diagnosis 2007 ed. (Thieme)
Audiology : practice management 2008 ed. (Thieme)
Audiology. Treatment 2008 ed. (Thieme)
Aural Rehabilitation of People with Disabilities, 2005 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Clinical Otology, 2014 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
A dictionary of hearing 2014 ed. (Thieme)
Essentials of audiology 2016 ed. (Thieme)
Foundations of aural rehabilitation : children, adults, and their family members / 2009 (Rittenhouse-single user)
Geriatric audiology 2013 ed. (Thieme)
Handbook of acoustic accessibility : best practices for listening, learning, and literacy in the classroom 2012 ed. (Thieme)
Inner ear partition, 1998 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
An introduction to the physiology of hearing, 2012 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Marketing in an audiology practice, 2015 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Mayo Clinic on better hearing and balance, 2014 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Medical speech-language pathology : a practitioner's guide 2007 ed. (Thieme)
The middle ear : science, otosurgery, and technology, 2013 ed. (Gale)
Outcomes in speech-language pathology 2013 ed. (Thieme)
Oxford American handbook of otolaryngology, 2008 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Quality in audiology : design and implementation of the patient experience, 2013 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
A Pocket Guide to the Ear, 2003 ed. (Thieme)
Roeser's audiology desk reference 2013 ed. (Thieme)
Scientific Foundations of Audiology, 2016 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Telepractice in Audiology, 2016 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Vestibular function : clinical and practice management 2011 ed. (Thieme)
Hearing Aids
Acoustics for Audiologists, 2002 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Active middle ear implants volume, 2010e (Karger)
Digital hearing aids 2008 ed. (Thieme)
Fitting and dispensing hearing aids, 2011 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Hearing aid dispensing training manual, 2014e (EBSCO-multiple)
Hearing aid handbook, 2008-2009 (Rittenhouse-single user)
Implantable bone conduction hearing aids / 2011 ed. (Karger)
Modern hearing aids, 2014e (EBSCO-multiple)
Sandlin's textbook of hearing aid amplification : technical and clinical considerations, 2013e (EBSCO-multiple)
Strategies for selecting and verifying hearing aid fittings 2002 ed. (Thieme)
Auditory Disorders
Aphasia and related neurogenic language disorders, 2018e (Thieme)
Aphasia and related neurogenic language disorders, 2011 ed. (Thieme)
Assessment and Management of Central Auditory Processing Disorders in the Educational Setting, 2015 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Auditory disorders in school children : the law, identification, remediation 2004 ed. (Thieme)
Auditory processing deficits : assessment and intervention, 2016 ed. (Thieme)
Auditory Processing of Temporal Fine Structure : Effects of Age and Hearing Loss, 2014 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Basic Aspects of Hearing : physiology and perception, 2013 ed. (Gale)
Cholesteatoma, 2012 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Chronic otitis media pathogenesis-oriented therapeutic management, 2008 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Clinical management of sensorimotor speech disorders 2009 ed. (Thieme)
Cochlear Hearing Loss : Physiological, Psychological and Technical Issues, 2007 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Deafness, 2013 ed. (Gale)
Diseases of the inner ear : a clinical, radiologic, and pathologic atlas, 2010 ed. (Springer)
Disorders of the auditory system, 2012 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Endoscopic evaluation and treatment of swallowing disorders 2001 ed. (Thieme)
Fibrocartilaginous Eustachian Tube : Middle Ear Cleft, 2003 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Handbook of Central Auditory Processing Disorder, 2014 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Hearing conservation : in occupational, recreational, educational, and home settings 2012 ed. (Thieme)
Hearing loss causes, prevention, and treatment, 2017e (ClinicalKey)
Medical otology and neurotology : a clinical guide to auditory and vestibular disorders 2006 ed. (Thieme)
Stuttering and related disorders of fluency 2007 ed. (Thieme)
Tinnitus treatment : clinical protocols 2008 ed. (Thieme)
Vertigo and disequilibrium : a practical guide to diagnosis and management 2008 ed. (Thieme)
Active middle ear implants / 2010 ed. (Karger)
The Artificial Ear : Cochlear Implants and the Culture of Deafness, 2010 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
The Chronic Ear, 2016e (EBSCO-multiple)
Clinical Management of Children with Cochlear Implants, 2017e (EBSCO-multiple)
Cochlear and brainstem implants, 2006 ed. (Karger)
Cochlear implant patient assessment : evaluation of candidacy, performance, and outcomes, 2013 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Cochlear Implantation in Children with Inner Ear Malformation and Cochlear Nerve Deficiency, 2017e (Springer)
Cochlear implants, 2014 ed. (Thieme)
Cochlear Implants : Adult and Pediatric, 2012 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Cochlear implants and hearing preservation / 2010 ed. (Karger)
Cochlear implants : principles & practices / 2009 (Ovid)
Cochlear Implants : Technological Advances, Psychological/social Impacts and Long-term Effectiveness, 2014 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Objective measures in cochlear implants, 2013 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Pediatric Cochlear Implantation Learning and the Brain, 2016e (Springer))
Programming cochlear implants, 2015 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Surgery for cochlear and other auditory implants, 2016 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Pediatric Audiology
Children with hearing loss : developing listening and talking, birth to six, 2011 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Assessing middle ear function in infants, 2012e (EBSCO-multiple)
Children with hearing loss : developing listening and talking, birth to six, 2016 ed. (Rittenhouse-single)
Clinical management of children with cochlear implants, 2009 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Comprehensive handbook of pediatric audiology, 2011 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Evidence-based practice in audiology : evaluating interventions for children and adults with hearing impairment, 2012e(EBSCO-multiple)
Pediatric audiology casebook 2011 ed. (Thieme)
Pediatric audiology : diagnosis, technology, and management 2014 ed. (Thieme)
Pediatric audiologic rehabilitation : from infancy to adolesence 2013 ed. (Thieme)
School-based audiology, 2012e (EBSCO-multiple)
Aesthetics and functionality in ear reconstruction, 2010e (Karger)
Atlas of Middle Ear Surgery, 2011e (EBSCO-multiple)
Auricular reconstruction, 2017e (EBSCO-multiple)
Ear Surgery, 2008e (Springer)
Middle ear surgery [Hildmann], 2006e (Springer)
Middle Ear and Mastoid Microsurgery, 2012e (EBSCO-multiple)
Otologic surgery, 3e (ClinicalKey)
Surgery of the middle ear, 2011 ed. (Thieme)
Assistive Technology : Principles and Applications for Communication Disorders and Special Education, 2011e
Auditory electrophysiology : a clinical guide 2012e (Thieme)
Electronystagmography/videonystagmography, 2013e (EBSCO-multiple)
ENG/VNG, 2013e (Rittenhouse-single user)
Hearing assistive and access technology, 2015e (EBSCO-multiple)
Instrumentation in clinical audiology : theory and practice, 2012e (EBSCO-multiple)
Laryngeal evaluation : indirect laryngoscopy to high-speed digital imaging 2001e (Thieme)
MATLAB primer for speech-language pathology and audiology, 2016e (EBSCO-multiple)
Otoacoustic emissions : clinical applications 2007e (Thieme)
Otoacoustic emissions : principles, procedures, and protocols, 2012e (EBSCO-multiple)
More eBooks in Audiology...
Medical Biochemistry Journals | Springer Biochemistry Collection
Top Textbooks
Harper's Illustrated Biochemistry, 31e (AccessMedicine)
Lippincott's illustrated reviews: biochemistry, 7e (LWW)
Marks' Basic Medical Biochemistry: A Clinical Approach, 5e (LWW HealthLibrary)
Other Books
The big picture: medical biochemistry, 2018e (AccessMedicine)
Case Files : Biochemistry, 2015e (AccessMedicine)
Clinical biochemistry : an illustrated colour text, 2013e (ClinicalKey)
Clinical Chemistry, 8e (ClinicalKey)
Color Atlas of Biochemistry. 3e (Thieme)
Handbook of Chemistry, Biochemistry and Biology : New Frontiers, 2010e (EBSCO-multiple)
Handbook of Clinical Biochemistry, 2011e (EBSCO-multiple)
Harper's Illustrated Biochemistry, 31e (AccessMedicine)
Human Biochemistry, 2018e (ClinicalKey)
Integrative Medical Biochemistry: Examination and Board Review, 2014e (McGraw-Hill)
Kinins, 2012e (EBSCO-multiple)
Lippincott's illustrated reviews: biochemistry, 7e (LWW)
Lippincott's Illustrated Reviews: Cell and Molecular Biology, 2e (LWW)
Marks' Basic Medical Biochemistry: A Clinical Approach, 5e (LWW HealthLibrary)
Medical biochemistry. 4e (ClinicalKey)
Medical biochemistry: an illustrated review. 4e (Thieme)
Principles of medical biochemistry, 4e (ClinicalKey)
Rapid Review: Biochemistry, 3e (Rittenhouse-single user)
Tietz Textbook of Clinical Chemistry and Molecular Diagnostics, 6e (ClinicalKey)
More eBooks in Biochemistry...
Biostatistics Journals
Accurate Results in the Clinical Laboratory, 2013e (Gale)
Advanced medical statistics, 2015e (EBSCO-multiple)
Basic and Clinical Biostatistics, (Dawson) 4e (AccessMedicine)
Biostatistics for epidemiology and public health using R, 2016e (EBSCO-multiple)
Biostatistics for radiologists : planning, performing, and writing a radiologic study, (Sardanelli) 2009e (Springer)
Biostatistics : the bare essentials, 2014e (EBSCO-multiple)
Conducting health outcomes research, 2011e (EBSCO-single)
Epidemiology and biostatistics : an introduction to clinical research, (Kestenbaum) 2009e (Springer)
Health promotion and education research methods, 2010e (ebrary-single)
How to use SPSS statistics, 2016e (ebrary-single)
Interpreting basic statistics, 2014e (ebrary-single)
Jekel's epidemiology, biostatistics, preventive medicine, and public health, 2014e (ClinicalKey)
Making sense of data I, 2014e (Wiley)
Making sense of statistics, 2016e (EBSCO-single)
Medical Statistics From Scratch : An Introduction for Health Professionals, 2008e (EBSCO-multiple)
Medical statistics made easy, 2014e (EBSCO-multiple)
Primer of Applied Regression and Analysis of Variance, 3e (AccessBiomedical Science)
Primer of Biostatistics, 7e (AccessBiomedical Science)
Qualitative Methods in Public Health, 2016e (EBSCO-single)
Quantitative methods for health research a practical interactive guide to epidemiology and statistics, 2008e (Wiley)
Qualitative research in physical activity and the health professions, 2009e (EBSCO-single)
Sage handbook of qualitative data analysis, 2014e (Gale-single)
Statistical and methodological aspects of oral health, 2009e (Wiley)
Statistical tricks and traps, 1999e (ebrary-single)
Statistics for advanced practice nurses and health professionals, 2014e(EBSCO-multiple)
Study Guide to Epidemiology and Biostatistics, 2011e (Rittenhouse-single user)
Studying a study and testing a test : how to
read the medical evidence, (Reigelman) 5e (Ovid)
More eBooks in Biostatistics...
Cardiology Journals / Springer Cardiology Collection / ACLS Collection
Top Textbooks
Braunwald's Heart Disease: a textbook of cardiovascular medicine, 11e (ClinicalKey)
Clinical Electrocardiography: a simplified approach, (Goldberger) 9e (ClinicalKey)
Current Diagnosis & Treatment in Cardiology, (Crawford) 5e (AccessMedicine)
Grossman and Baim's Cardiac Catheterization, Angiography & Intervention, 2014e (Ovid)
Hurst's The Heart, 14e (AccessMedicine)
Moss and Adams' heart disease in infants, children, and adolescents, 9e (Ovid)
The only EKG book you'll ever need [Thaler], 2015e (Clerkship)
Pathophysiology of Heart Disease, 6e (LWW Health)
Topol's Textbook of interventional cardiology, 2016 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Other Books
Atlas of nuclear cardiology, 2012e (ClinicalKey)
Atlas of Vascular Medicine : A Case-based Approach to Current Management, 2012e (EBSCO-Multiple)
Braunwald's Heart Disease: a textbook of cardiovascular medicine, 11e (ClinicalKey)
Acute Coronary Syndromes: A Companion to Braunwald's Heart Disease
Atlas of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography: Imaging Companion to Braunwald's Heart Disease
Cardiovascular Intervention: A Companion to Braunwald’s Heart Disease
Cardiovascular Therapeutics: A Companion to Braunwald's Heart Disease
Clinical Arrhythmology and Electrophysiology: A Companion to Braunwald's Heart Disease
Clinical Lipidology: A Companion to Braunwald's Heart Disease
Diabetes in Cardiovascular Disease: A Companion to Braunwald's Heart Disease
Heart Failure: A Companion to Braunwald's Heart Disease
Hypertension: A Companion to Braunwald’s Heart Disease
Myocardial Infarction: A Companion to Braunwald's Heart Disease
Preventive Cardiology: Companion to Braunwald's Heart Disease
Valvular Heart Disease: A Companion to Braunwald's Heart Disease
Vascular Medicine: A Companion to Braunwald's Heart Disease
Cardiac Imaging: The Requisites, 4e (ClinicalKey)
Cardiac nursing, 6e (Ovid)
Cardiology Churchill's Ready Reference, 2011e (Rittenhouse-single user)
Cardiology: An Integrated Approach, 2018e (AccessMedicine)
Cardiology (Crawford), 3e (ClinicalKey)
Cardiology Secrets, 5e (ClinicalKey)
Cardiovascular care made incredibly visual!, 3e (Ovid)
Cardiovascular Imaging, 4e (ClinicalKey)
Cardiovascular Physiology, (Mohrman) 8e (AccessMedicine)
Case Files Cardiology, 2015e (Case Files)
Cases in Interventional Cardiology, 2011e (ClinicalKey)
Clinical Electrocardiography: a simplified approach, (Goldberger) 9e (ClinicalKey)
Concise cardiology, 2008e (Ovid)
Controversies in Cardiology, 2015e (Springer)
Critical care of children with heart disease, 2010e (Springer)
Current Diagnosis & Treatment in Cardiology, (Crawford) 5e (AccessMedicine)
Drugs for the Heart, 8e (ClinicalKey)
ASE's Comprehensive Echocardiography, 2015 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Clinical Electrocardiography: a simplified approach, (Goldberger) 9e (ClinicalKey)
ECG interpretation made incredibly easy!, 2017 ed. (Ovid)
ECG interpretation made incredibly easy! pocket guide, 2017 ed. (Ovid)
ECG workout : exercises in arrhythmia interpretation, 6th ed. (Ovid)
Echocardiography in heart failure, 2012 ed. (ClinicalKey)
EKG plain and simple, 4e (Stat!Ref)
Electrocardiography of arrhythmias: a comprehensive review, 2012 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Marriott's practical electrocardiography, 2014 ed. (Ovid)
The Nuts and Bolts of Paced ECG Interpretation, 2009 ed. (Wiley)
The only EKG book you'll ever need, 2015 ed. (Clerkship)
Practice of Clinical Echocardiography, 5e (ClinicalKey)
Starting to Read ECGs, 2015 ed. (Springer)
Textbook of clinical echocardiography, 2019 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Washington manual of echocardiography, 2017 ed. (Ovid)
Evidence-based Cardiology, 2010 ed. (EBSCO-Multiple)
Fetal Cardiology, 2009 ed. (EBSCO-Multiple)
Grossman and Baim's Cardiac Catheterization, Angiography & Intervention, 2014 ed. (Ovid)
A Handbook of Vascular Disease Management, 2011 ed. (EBSCO-Multiple)*
The HDL Handbook, 2014 ed. (Gale)
Heart diseases in children : a pediatrician's guide, 2011 ed. (Springer)
Heart failure : a companion to Braunwald's heart disease, 2015 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Hurst's The Heart, 14e (AccessMedicine)
Mechanical Circulatory Support: Principles and Applications, 2011 ed. (McGraw-Hill)
Moss and Adams' heart disease in infants, children, and adolescents, 9th ed. (Ovid)
Multimodal Cardiovascular Imaging: Principles and Clinical Applications, 2011 ed. (AccessMedicine)
Multimodality Imaging in Cardiovascular Medicine, 2011 ed. (EBSCO-Multiple)
Netter's cardiology, 2nd ed. (ClinicalKey)
Park's Pediatric Cardiology for Practitioners, 2014 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Pathophysiology of Heart Disease, 6th ed. (LWW Health)
Peripheral vascular disease, 2004 ed. (Ovid)
Peripheral Vascular Interventions : An Illustrated Manual, 2013 ed. (EBSCO-Multiple)
Pocket Atlas of Sectional Anatomy, Vol. II: Thorax, Heart, Abdomen, and Pelvis, 4e (Thieme eBook)
Preventive cardiology : a companion to Braunwald's heart disease, 2011 ed. (ClinicalKey)
A Primer on Stroke Prevention Treatment, 2009 ed. (Wiley)
Problem Solving in Cardiology, 2010 ed. (EBSCO-Multiple)
Sabiston & Spencer surgery of the chest, 9th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Sports cardiology casebook, 2009 ed. (Springer)
Strategic approaches in coronary intervention, 3rd ed. (Ovid)
Swanton's Cardiology, 2008 ed. (Rittenhouse-single user)
Topol's Textbook of interventional cardiology, 2016 ed. (ClinicalKey)
The Washington manual cardiology subspecialty consult, 2014 ed. (Ovid)
More eBooks in Cardiology...
Child Psychiatry Journals / Springer Child Psychiatry Collection
The African American Child : Development and Challenges, 2014e (EBSCO-Multiple)
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder handbook, 2e (Springer)
Biological child psychiatry, 2008e (Karger)
Child & adolescent neurology for psychiatrists, 2008e (Ovid)
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 2009e (EBSCO-Multiple)
Child and adolescent psychiatry : the essentials, 2e (Ovid)
Clinical Skills in Infant Mental Health : The First Three Years, 2011e (EBSCO-Multiple)
Clinical topics in child and adolescent psychiatry, 2014e (EBSCO-Multiple)
A clinician's guide to helping children cope and cooperate with medical care, 2014e (EBSCO-Multiple)
Depression : from psychopathology to pharmacotherapy, 2010e (Karger)
Developmental-behavioral pediatrics, 4e (ClinicalKey)
Developing Mental Health Services for Children and Adolescents with Learning Disabilities, 2009e (EBSCO-Multiple)
DSM‐5, (PsychiatryOnline Premium)
DSM‐5 Handbook of Differential Diagnosis, (PsychiatryOnline Premium)
DSM‐5 Clinical Cases, (PsychiatryOnline Premium)
DSM-5 pocket guide to child and adolescent mental health, 2016e (Ebsco-multiple)
Dulcan's Textbook of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 2e (PsychiatryOnline Premium)
Essentials of Lewis's Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 2011e (Ovid)
The handbook of evidence-based interventions for children and adolescents, 2017e (EBSCO-Multiple)
Green's child and adolescent clinical psychopharmacology, 2014e (Ovid)
Handbook of Developmental Psychiatry, 2011e (EBSCO-Multiple)
Helping Parents, Youth, and Teachers Understand Medications for Behavioral and Emotional Problems (PsychiatryOnline Premium)
Massachusetts General Hospital handbook of general hospital psychiatry, 6e (Science Direct)
Measuring serious emotional disturbance in children : workshop summary, 2016e (Ebsco-multiple)
Mental Health Disorders in Adolescents : A Guide for Parents, Teachers, and Professionals, 2010e (EBSCO-Multiple)
Pediatric neuropsychiatry, 2006e (Ovid)
Pediatric psychopharmacology for primary care, 2016e (EBSCO-Multiple)
Psychological Assessment of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Children and Adolescents, 2015e (EBSCO-Multiple)
Technique in Child and Adolescent Analysis, 2011e (EBSCO-Multiple)
Also see Psychology & Psychiatry
More eBooks in Child Psychiatry...
Springer Clinical Cases Collection
Cancer biology review : a case-based approach, 2014 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Case-based neurology, 2011 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Case files. Anatomy,3rd ed.
Case files. Anesthesiology
Case files. Biochemistry 3e.
Case files. Cardiology
Case files. Critical Care
Case files. Emergency Medicine
Case files. Family Medicine
Case files. Geriatrics, 4th ed
Case files. Gynecologic Surgery
Case Files: High-Risk Obstetrics
Case files. Internal Medicine 5e
Case files. Medical Ethics and Professionalism
Case files. Microbiology 3e
Case files. Neurology 2e
Case files. Neuroscience 2e
Case files. Ob/Gyn 5e
Case files. Orthopaedic Surgery
Case files. Pathology 2e
Case files. Pediatrics 5e
Case files. Pharmacology 3e
Case files. Physiology 2e
Case files. Psychiatry 5e
Case files. Surgery 5e
Clinical cases in anesthesia, 2014 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Clinical cases in orthodontics, 2012 ed. (EBSCO) - single user
Clinical cases in pediatric dentistry, 2012 ed. (ebrary)
Clinical cases in periodontics, 2012 ed. (EBSCO) - single user
Clinical cases in tropical medicine, 2014 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Clinical review of oral and maxillofacial surgery, 2014 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Comprehensive otolaryngology review : a case-based approach, 2014 ed. (EBSCO-multilpe)
Davidson's 100 Clinical Cases, 2012 ed. (Rittenhouse-single user)
DSM-5 clinical cases, 2014 ed. (PsychiatryOnline Premium)
Endocrinology and Diabetes Case Studies, Questions and Commentaries, 2015 ed. (Springer)
Heart failure : a case-based approach, 2014 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Hurst's imaging case, 2014 ed. (AccessMedicine)
Physical Therapy Case Files: Acute Care, 1e (AccessPhysiotherapy)
Physical Therapy Case Files: Orthopedics,1e (AccessPhysiotherapy)
Physical Therapy Case Files: Neurological Rehabilitation, 1e (AccessPhysiotherapy)
Sleep medicine pearls, 2015 ed. ()
More Books with Clinical Cases...
Springer Journals - Springer Critical Care Books
Top Textbooks
Principles of Critical Care, (Hall) 4e (AccessMedicine)
Harwood-Nuss' clinical practice of emergency medicine, 6e (Ovid)
Rosen's Emergency Medicine: concepts and clinical practice, 9e (ClinicalKey)
Tintinalli's Emergency Medicine: a comprehensive study guide, 8e (AccessMedicine)
Auerbach's Wilderness Medicine, 7e (ClinicalKey)
Other Books
AACN essentials of critical care nursing, 2e (McGraw-Hill)
Auerbach's Wilderness Medicine, 7e (ClinicalKey)
Basic life support instructor manual
Clinical Practice Manual for Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, 7e (ClinicalKey)
Compact Clinical Guide to Critical Care, Trauma and Emergency Pain Management, 2013e (EBSCO-Multiple)
Critical Care Management of the Obese Patient, 2012e (EBSCO-Multiple)
Critical care, 2016e (McGraw-Hill)
Critical care medicine : the essentials, 4e (Ovid)
Critical care medicine : principles of diagnosis and management in the adult, 2014e (ClinicalKey)
Critical Care Nephrology. 2019e (ClinicalKey)
Critical Care Procedure Book, 2015e (EBSCO-Multiple)
Critical care secrets, 6e (ClinicalKey)
Critical care study guide, 2e (Springer)
Critical Care Ultrasound, 2015e (ClinicalKey)
Critical Care Ultrasound Manual, 2012e (ClinicalKey)
Current Therapy of Trauma and Surgical Critical Care, 2e (ClinicalKey)
Decision Making in Emergency Critical Care: An Evidence-Based Handbook, 2015e (Ovid)
Denver Health Medical Center Handbook Of Surgical Critical Care: The Practice And The Evidence, 2015e (EBSCO-Multiple)
Evidence-based practice of critical care, 2016e (ClinicalKey)
Field Guide to Wilderness Medicine, 4e (ClinicalKey)
Handbook of evidence-based critical care, 2e (Springer)
Harwood-Nuss' clinical practice of emergency medicine, 6e (Ovid)
Improvised Medicine: Providing Care in Extreme Environments, 2e (AccessMedicine)
The intensive care unit manual, 2014e (ClinicalKey)
Irwin and Rippe's intensive care medicine, 7ed(Ovid)
Manual of intensive care medicine, 6e (Ovid)
Oh's intensive care manual, 2013e (ClinicalKey)
Oxford Handbook of Critical Care, 2009e (EBSCO-Multiple)
Pediatric Critical Care, 5e (ClinicalKey)
Principles and Practice of Mechanical Ventilation, 3e (AccessMedicine)
Principles of Critical Care, (Hall) 4e (AccessMedicine)
Quick reference to critical care, 2016e (LWW)
Rosen's Emergency Medicine: concepts and clinical practice, 9e (ClinicalKey)
Surgical intensive care medicine, 2e (Springer)
Textbook of Critical Care, 7e (ClinicalKey)
Tintinalli's Emergency Medicine: a comprehensive study guide, 8e (AccessMedicine)
Visual Diagnosis in Emergency and Critical Care Medicine, 2006e (EBSCO-Multiple)
Ward-based Critical Care : A Guide for Health Professionals, 2016e (EBSCO-Multiple)
Washington Manual of Critical Care, 2018e (Ovid)
Also see Intensive Care
More eBooks in Critical Care...
First aid for the NBDE. Part I, 3e (McGrawHill)
Endodontics Review : A Study Guide, 2016e (EBSCO-multiple)
First aid Q&A for the NBDE part I, 2011e (McGrawHill)
First Aid Q&A for the NBDE Part II, 2010e (McGraw-Hill)
First aid for the NBDE. Part I, 2nde (McGrawHill)
First aid for the NBDE. Part II, 2007e (McGrawHill)
Oral implantology review : a study guide, 2016e (EBSCO-multiple)
Periodontal review : q & a, a study guide, 2013e (EBSCO-multiple)
Dentistry Journals
AAFP Conditions A to Z (2018), (Stat!Ref)
Behavioral dentistry, 2014e (Rittenhouse-single user)
Bell's Orofacial Pains - 7e (2014), (EBSCO-Multiple)
Biostatistics for Oral Healthcare, 2008e (EBSCO-Multiple)
Burket's Oral Medicine - 12e (2015), (EBSCO)
Business basics for dentists, 2013e (EBSCO) - single user
CDT 2018 : dental procedure codes (ADA)
Clinical and experimental hypnosis in medicine, dentistry, and psychology, 2007e (Ovid)
Clinical Dentistry [Alessandro], 2010e (EBSCO-Multiple)
A clinical guide to dental traumatology, 2007e (ScienceDirect)
Clinician's guide to the dentist's role in the management of the cancer patient, 2011e (EBSCO) - single user
A consumer's guide to dentistry. 2002e (ScienceDirect)
Critical Thinking: Understanding and Evaluating Dental Research - 2e (2007), (EBSCO)
Dental emergencies, 2012e (EBSCO) - single user
Dental Pathology : A Practical Introduction, 2007e (Springer)
Dentistry, Dental Practice, and the Community, 2005e (EBSCO) - single user
The dentist's drug and prescription guide, 2012e (EBSCO) - single user
Dento/Oro/Craniofacial anomalies and genetics, 2012e (EBSCO) - single user
Diagnosis and treatment planning in dentistry, 2017e (ClinicalKey)
Essential human disease for dentists, 2006e (ScienceDirect)
Handbook of local anesthesia, 2013e (ebrary-single)
Health behavior change in the dental practice, 2010e (EBSCO) - single user
Improving Oral Health for the Elderly : An Interdisciplinary Approach, 2008e (Springer)
Legal aspects of general dental practice, 2006e (ScienceDirect)
Little and Falace's Dental Management of the Medically Compromised Patient, 2013e (ClinicalKey)
Local anesthesia for the dental hygienist, 2017e (Clinical Key)
Local anesthesia for dental professionals, 2015e (Stat!Ref)
Management of temporomandibular disorders and occlusion, 2013e (eBrary-single)
Medical emergencies in the dental office, 2015e (ScienceDirect)
Mineralized Tissues in Oral and Craniofacial Science, 2012e (EBSCO-Multiple)
Mosby's dental dictionary, 2014e (EBSCO) - single user
Mosby's Dental Drug Reference, 12e (ClinicalKey)
Oral and maxillofacial pathology, 4e (ClinicalKey)
Oral and Maxillofacial Trauma, 4e (ClinicalKey)
Oral diagnosis, oral medicine, and treatment planning, 2002e (EBSCO) - single user
Oral Health Care in Systemic Diseases, 2009e (EBSCO-Multiple)
Oral Pathology [Woo], 2012e (ClinicalKey)
Oral medicine and medically complex patients, 2013e (EBSCO) - single user
Oral pathology : clinical pathologic correlations, 2017e (ClinicalKey)
Orofacial pain : a guide to medications and management, 2012e (EBSCO) - single user
Oxford handbook of clinical dentistry, 5e (EBSCO-multiple)
Pharmacology and therapeutics for dentistry, 6e (EBSCO) - single user
Pharmacology In Dental Medicine, 2008e (Rittenhouse-single user)
Pocket Atlas of Oral Disease. 2e (Thieme)
Pocket Atlas of Endodontics, (Thieme)
Pocket Atlas of Dental Radiology, (Thieme)
Pocket Atlas of Tongue Diagnosis, 2e (Thieme)
Prevention in clinical oral health care, 2008e (ScienceDirect)
Sedation : a guide to patient management, 2010e (ScienceDirect)
Sleep medicine and dentistry, 2012e (EBSCO) - single user
Special care in dentistry : handbook of oral health care, 2007e (ScienceDirect)
Statistical and methodological aspects of oral health research, 2009e (Wiley)
Stedman's medical dictionary for the dental professions, 2007e (Stat!Ref)
Temporomandibular disorders a problem-based approach, 2011e (EBSCO) - single user
Toothwear the ABC of the worn dentition, 2011e (EBSCO) - single user
Treating the dental patient with a developmental disorder, 2012e (EBSCO) - single user
Treatment planning in dentistry, 2e (ScienceDirect)
Atlas of Anatomic Pathology with Imaging A Correlative Diagnostic Companion, 2013e (Springer)
Atlas of Functional Anatomy for Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine Human Structure, Ultrastructure and 3D Reconstruction, 2015e (Springer)
The Anatomical Basis of Dentistry, 2011e (EBSCO) - 3 users
Basic guide to anatomy and physiology for dental care professionals, 2012e (EBSCO) - single user
Clinical Oral Anatomy A Comprehensive Review for Dental Practitioners and Researchers, 2017e (Springer)
Dental Anatomy, 2016e (EBSCO-multiple)
Development, function and evolution of teeth, 2000e (EBSCO-multiple)
McMinn's color atlas of head and neck anatomy, 4e (ClinicalKey)
Mineralized tissues in oral and craniofacial science, 2012e (EBSCO) - single user
Netter's head and neck anatomy for dentistry, 2e (ClinicalKey)
Ten Cate's oral histology, 2013e (ebrary-3 users)
Wheeler's dental anatomy, physiology, and occlusion. 2015e (EBSCO) - 3 users
Dentistry Materials Journals
Biocompatibility of dental materials, 2009e (Springer)
Advanced Ceramics for Dentistry, 2014e (EBSCO-multiple)
Bionanomaterials for dental applications, 2012e (EBSCO) - single user
The chemistry of medical and dental materials, 2002e (EBSCO-multiple)
Craig's restorative dental materials, 2012e (ScienceDirect)
Dental composites with nano-scaled fillers, 2010e (EBSCO-Multiple)
Dental hard tissues and bonding interfacial phenomena and related properties, 2005e (Springer)
Dental Materials and Their Selection, 2011e (EBSCO-Multiple)
Dental Materials : properties and manipulation, 2014e (Elsevier-single user)
Dental Materials Research, 2009e (EBSCO-Multiple)
Emerging nanotechnologies in dentistry materials, processes, and applications, 2012e (EBSCO-multiple)
Esthetic dentistry : a clinical approach to techniques & materials, 3e (ClinicalKey)
High-strength Ceramics : Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 2014e (EBSCO-multiple)
Nanobiomaterials in clinical dentistry, 2013e (EBSCO-multiple)
Nanocomposite thin films and coatings : processing, properties and performance, 2007e (EBSCO-multiple)
New materials and technologies for healthcare, 2012e (EBSCO-multiple)
Phillips' science of dental materials, 2013e (ClinicalKey)
Plastics in Dentistry and Estrogenicity : A Guide to Safe Practice, 2014e (Springer)
A Practical Clinical Guide to Resin Cements, 2015e (Springer)
Polymeric materials in dentistry, 2010e (EBSCO-multiple)
Restoring with flowables, 2017e (EBSCO-multiple)
Cone Beam CT and 3D imaging A Practical Guide, 2014e (Springer)
Endodontic radiology , 2e (EBSCO) - single user
Exercises in oral radiology and interpretation, 2017e (Rittenhouse-single)
Grainger & Allison's diagnostic radiology, 5e (ClinicalKey)
Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology : A Diagnostic Approach, 2011e (EBSCO) - single user
Oral radiology : principles and interpretation, 2014e (ebrary-3 users)
Orthopantomography, 2013e (Springer)
Panoramic Radiology Seminars on Maxillofacial Imaging and Interpretation, 2007e (Springer)
Pocket Atlas of Dental Radiology, 2007e (Thieme)
Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy for Oral Implantology, 2013e (EBSCO-multiple)
Endodontics Journals
A clinical guide to dental traumatology, 2007e (ScienceDirect)
Clinical endodontics : a textbook, 2e (EBSCO-multiple)
Cohen's pathways of the pulp, 11e (ClinicalKey)
Complications in Endodontic Surgery : Prevention, Identification and Management, 2015e (Springer)
A Concise Guide to Endodontic Procedures, 2015e (Springer)
Endodontic Diagnosis, Pathology, and Treatment Planning Mastering Clinical Practice, 2015e (Springer)
Endodontic Irrigation Chemical disinfection of the root canal system, 2015e (Springer)
Endodontic Pain Diagnosis, Causes, Prevention and Treatment, 2015e (Springer)
Endodontic radiology, 2e (EBSCO) - single user
Endodontics principles and practice, 2015e (ClinicalKey)
Endodontics Review : A Study Guide, 2016e (EBSCO-multiple)
Endodontology [Baumann], 2e (Thieme)
Ingle's Endodontics - 6e (2008), (EBSCO-multiple)
Manual of minor oral surgery for the general dentist, 2016e (R2-single)
Nanotechnology in Endodontics : Current and Potential Clinical Applications, 2015e (Springer)
Pitt Ford's problem-based learning in endodontology, 2011e (EBSCO) - single user
Pocket atlas of endodontics, 2006e (Thieme)
Practical Lessons in Endodontic Treatment, 2009e (EBSCO-multiple)
Problem solving in endodontics prevention, identification, and management, 5e (ScienceDirect)
Restorative dentistry, 2e (ScienceDirect)
Seltzer and Bender's dental pulp, 2012e (EBSCO-multiple)
Soft-tissue lasers in dental hygiene, 2013e (EBSCO) - single user
Successful local anesthesia for restorative dentistry and endodontics, 2011e (EBSCO-multiple)
Oral Surgery Journals
Advanced operative dentistry, 2011e (ScienceDirect)
Atlas of oral & maxillofacial surgery, 2016e (ClinicalKey)
Clinical review of oral and maxillofacial surgery, 2014e (ClinicalKey)
Contemporary oral and maxillofacial surgery [Hupp], 6e (ClinicalKey)
Craniofacial and Dental Developmental Defects Diagnosis and Management, 2015e (Springer)
Current therapy in oral and maxillofacial surgery, 2012e (ClinicalKey)
Facial Aesthetics : Concepts and Clinical Diagnosis, 2011e (EBSCO) - single user
Management of complications in oral and maxillofacial surgery, 2012e (EBSCO) - single user
Manual of minor oral surgery for the general dentist, 2016e (Rittenhouse-single)
Operative dentistry : a practical guide to recent innovations, 2006e (Springer)
Oral and maxillofacial surgery [Fonesca], 2018e (ClinicalKey)
Oral and maxillofacial surgery : an objective-based textbook [Bagheri], 2e (ScienceDirect)
Oral medicine and medically complex patients, 2013e (EBSCO) - single user
Oral surgery, 2007e (Springer)
Oral surgery for the general dentist, 2012e (EBSCO) - single user
Oral wound healing : cell biology and clinical management, 2012e (EBSCO) - single user
Pickard's manual of operative dentistry, 2011e (EBSCO-multiple)
Peterson's principles of oral and maxillofacial surgery, 3e (EBSCO-multiple)
Principles and practice of laser dentistry, 2015e (ClinicalKey)
Principles of oral and maxillofacial surgery, 6e (EBSCO) - single user
Sturdevant's art and science of operative dentistry. 2013e (ebrary-single)
Summitt's fundamentals of operative dentistry : a contemporary approach, 2013e (EBSCO-multiple)
Orthodontics Journals
Adult orthodontics, 2012 ed. (EBSCO) - single user
Achieving Clinical Success in Lingual Orthodontics, 2015 ed. (Springer)
Alveolar Distraction Osteogenesis ArchWise Appliance and Technique, 2015 ed (Springer)
The biomechanical foundation of clinical orthodontics, 2015 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Biomechanics and esthetic strategies in clinical orthodontics, 2005 ed. (ScienceDirect)
Biomechanics in orthodontics : principles and practice, 2010 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Clinical cases in orthodontics, 2012 ed. (EBSCO) - single user
Current therapy in orthodontics, 2010 ed. (ScienceDirect)
Essential Orthodontics, 2018e (EBSCO) - 3 users
Evidence-based orthodontics, 2011 ed. (EBSCO) - single user
Implants in Contemporary Orthodontics, 2016e (EBSCO-multiple)
Manual of Wire Bending Techniques, 2010 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
The neurobiology of orthodontics treatment of malocclusion through neuroplasticity, 2009 ed. (Springer)
Orthodontic and dentofacial orthopedic treatment, 2010 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Orthodontic Biomechanics : Treatment of Complex Cases Using Clear Aligner, 2016e (EBSCO-multiple)
The orthodontic mini-implant clinical handbook, 2013 ed. (EBSCO) - single user
Orthodontic miniscrew implant clinical applications, 2009 ed. (ScienceDirect)
Orthodontic Retainers and Removable Appliances : Principles of Design and Use, 2013 ed. (EBSCO - multiple)
Orthodontic Treatment of Class III Malocclusion, 2014 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Orthodontic treatment of the class II noncompliant patient current principles and techniques, 3rd ed. (ScienceDirect)
Orthodontic treatment of impacted teeth, 2012 ed. (EBSCO) - single user
Research methods in orthodontics a guide to understanding orthodontic research, 2013 ed. (EBSCO) - single user
Removable orthodontic appliances and retainers : principles of design and use, 2013 ed. (EBSCO) - single user
Self-ligating brackets in orthodontics : current concepts and techniques, 2012 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
State-of-the-art orthodontics self-ligating appliances, miniscrews and second molar extractions, 2011 ed. (ScienceDirect)
Temporary Skeletal Anchorage Devices A Guide to Design and Evidence-Based Solution, 2014 ed. (Springer)
TMD and Orthodontics A clinical guide for the orthodontist, 2015 ed. (Springer)
Tip-edge orthodontics and the plus bracket, 2009 ed. (ScienceDirect)
Pediatric Dentistry Journals
Clinical cases in pediatric dentistry, 2012 ed. (ebrary-3 users)
Current diagnosis & treatment: pediatrics. 24e (AccessMedicine)
The handbook of clinical techniques in pediatric dentistry, 2015 ed. (Rittenhouse-single)
McDonald and Avery's dentistry for the child and adolescent, 10th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Oral Sedation for Dental Procedures in Children, 2015 ed. (Springer)
Pediatric dentistry a clinical approach, 2017e (EBSCO - multiple)
Paediatric dentistry at a glance, 2013 ed. (EBSCO) - single user
Pediatric Dentistry : Infancy Through Adolescence, 2013 ed. (EBSCO) - 3 users
Planning and Care for Children and Adolescents with Dental Enamel Defects, 2015 ed. (Springer)
Prevention in clinical oral health care, 2008 ed. (ScienceDirect)
Textbook of pediatric dentistry, 2014 ed. (EBSCO) - single user
Treating the dental patient with a developmental disorder, 2012 ed. (EBSCO) - single user
Periodontics Journals
Atlas of cosmetic and reconstructive periodontal surgery, 2007 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Carranza's clinical periodontology, 2015 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Clinical cases in periodontics, 2012 ed. (EBSCO) - single user
Esthetic soft tissue management of teeth and implants, 2013 ed. (EBSCO) - single user
Etiology and pathogenesis of periodontal disease, 2010 ed. (Springer)
Evidence-Based Periodontal and Peri-Implant Plastic Surgery, 2015 ed. (Springer)
Hall's Critical Decisions in Periodontology - 5th Ed. (2013), (Gale-3 users)
Oral wound healing : cell biology and clinical management, 2012 ed. (EBSCO) - single user
Periodontal Disease [Yamamoto], 2010 ed. (EBSCO-Multiple)
Periodontal disease, 2012 ed. (Karger)
Periodontal disease : symptoms, treatment, and prevention, 2010 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Periodontal-restorative interrelationships ensuring clinical success, 2011 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Periodontal review : q & a, a study guide, 2013 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Periodontitis, 2010 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Periodontology : the essentials [Muller], 2005 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Practical osseous surgery in periodontics and implant dentistry, 2011 ed. (EBSCO) - single user
Studies on Periodontal Disease, 2014 ed. (Gale)
Understanding periodontal research, 2012 ed. (EBSCO) - single user
Prosthodontics Journals
Bionanomaterials for dental applications, 2012 ed. (EBSCO) - single user
Cementation in Dental Implantology, 2015 ed. (Springer)
Color atlas of dental implant surgery, 4th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Comparative dental morphology, 2009 ed. (Karger)
Computer-guided applications for dental implants, bone grafting, and reconstructive surgery, 2015 ed. (Springer)
Contemporary esthetic dentistry, 2012 ed. (EBSCO) - single user
Contemporary fixed prosthodontics, 2016 ed. (EBSCO) - 3 users
Contemporary implant dentistry, 2008 ed. (EBSCO) - 3 users
Dental implants : the art and science, 2nd ed. (EBSCO) - single user
Esthetic soft tissue management of teeth and implants, 2013 ed. (EBSCO) - single user
Evidence-Based Implant Dentistry, 2016e (Springer)
Fixed prosthodontics principles and clinics, 2011 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Fundamentals of fixed prosthodontics, 2012 ed.(EBSCO-multiple)
Fundamentals of implant dentistry, 2016 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Implant dentistry : a practical approach, 2nd ed. (ClinicalKey)
Implant site development, 2012 ed. (EBSCO) - single user
Implant treatment planning for the edentulous patient a graftless approach to immediate loading, 2011 ed. (EBSCO) - single user
Implant restorations a step by step guide, 2014 ed. (Rittenhouse-single)
McCracken's removable partial prosthodontics, 12th ed. (ScienceDirect)
Mini dental implants principles and practice, 2013 ed. (EBSCO) - single user
Oral and cranial implants recent research revelopments, 2013 ed. (EBSCO) - single user
Oral rehabilitation a case-based approach, 2012 ed. (EBSCO) - single user
Oral implantology review : a study guide, 2016e (Ebsco-multiple)
The orthodontic mini-implant clinical handbook, 2013 ed. (EBSCO) - single user
Orthodontic miniscrew implant clinical applications, 2013 ed. (EBSCO) - single user
Practical osseous surgery in periodontics and implant dentistry, 2011 ed. (EBSCO) - single user
Principles and practice of implant dentistry, 2011 ed. (ScienceDirect)
Principles of BOI clinical, scientific, and practical guidelines to 4-D dental implantology, 2005 ed. (Springer)
Prosthetic treatment of the edentulous patient, 5th ed. (EBSCO) - single user
Prosthodontics at a glance, 2012 ed. (EBSCO) - single user
Surgical essentials of immediate implant dentistry, 2013 ed. (EBSCO) - single user
The teeth and their environment physical, chemical and biochemical influences, 2006 ed. (Karger)
Techniques in Complete Denture Technology, 2012 ed. (EBSCO) - single user
Textbook of Complete Dentures, 2009 ed. (EBSCO-Multiple)
More eBooks in Prosthodontics...
Public Health Journals
Advancing oral health in America, 2011 (EBSCO-Multiple)
Community oral health practice for the dental hygienist, 2012 ed. (eBrary-single)
Dental Pathology : A Practical Introduction, 2013 ed. (Springer)
Dentistry, Dental Practice, and the Community, 2005 ed. (EBSCO-Multiple)
Handbook of Smoking and Health, 2011 ed. (EBSCO-Multiple)
Health Behavior Change in the Dental Practice, 2010 ed. (EBSCO-Multiple)
Improving Oral Health for the Elderly, 2008 ed. (Springer)
Improving access to oral health care for vulnerable and underserved populations, 2011 ed. (EBSCO-Multiple)
Integration of Medical and Dental Care and Patient Data, 2012 ed. (EBSCO-Multiple)
Making the American Mouth : Dentists and Public Health in the Twentieth Century. 2009 ed. (EBSCO-Multiple)
McDonald's and Avery's Dentistry for the Child and Adolescent, 2011 ed. (EBSCO-Multiple)
The New Public Health : An Introduction for the 21st Century, 2000 ed. (EBSCO-Multiple)
Nutrition and Oral Medicine, 2014 ed. (Springer)
Oral History, Health and Welfare, 2000 ed. (EBSCO-Multiple)
Oral Infections and General Health From Molecule to Chairside, 2016e (Springer)
Preparing for dental practice, 2004e (Ebsco-multiple)
The Prevention of Oral Disease, 2003 ed. (EBSCO-Multiple)
Primary preventive dentistry, 2014 ED. (Stat!Ref)
Statistical and methodological aspects of oral health research, 2009e (Wiley)
Teledentistry, 2015 (Springer)
The U.S. Oral Health Workforce in the Coming Decade, 2009 ed. (EBSCO-Multiple)
Dermatology Journals - Springer Dermatology Collection
Top Textbooks
Andrews' Diseases of the skin : clinical dermatology, 13e (ClinicalKey)
Clinical dermatology : a color guide to diagnosis and therapy, 6e (ClinicalKey)
Ferri's fast facts in dermatology, 2019e. (ClinicalKey)
Fitzpatrick Color Atlas and Synopsis of Clinical Dermatology, 8e (AccessMedicine)
Fitzpatrick's Dermatology in General Medicine, 8e (AccessMedicine)
Hurwitz clinical pediatric dermatology : a textbook of skin disorders of childhood and adolescence, 2016e (ClinicalKey)
Lookingbill and Marks' Principles of Dermatology, 6e (ClinicalKey)
Sauer's manual of skin diseases, 11e (Ovid)
Other titles
Andrews' Diseases of the skin : clinical dermatology, 13 ed. (ClinicalKey)
ABC of dermatology, 2014 ed. (Rittenhouse-Single User)
Atlas and synopsis of Lever's histopathology of the skin, 2013 ed. (Ovid)
Cancer of the Skin, 2e (ClinicalKey)
Clinical Dermatology, 2009 ed. (Wiley)
Clinical dermatology : a color guide to diagnosis and therapy, 6th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Color atlas of dermatology, 2012 ed. (Thieme)
Comprehensive Dermatologic Drug Therapy, 3rd ed. (ClinicalKey)
Contemporary Diagnosis and Management of Skin and Soft-tissue Infections, 2009 ed. (EBSCO-Multiple)
Dermatological Signs of Systemic Disease (ClinicalKey)
Dermatology [Bolognia], 4e (ClinicalKey)
Dermatology, a Thieme clinical campanion, 2006 ed. (Thieme)
Dermatology : an illustrated colour text, 2017 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Dermatology Essentials, 2014 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Dermatology: Illustrated Study Guide and Comprehensive Board Review, 2012 ed. (Rittenhouse-Single User)
Dermatology in clinical practice, 2010 ed. (Springer)
Dermatology Secrets Plus, 2016 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Dermatopathology, 4e (ClinicalKey)
Dermoscopy: An Illustrated Self-Assessment Guide, 2010 ed. (McGraw-Hill)
Encyclopedia of Dermatology, 2016 ed. (EBSCO-Multiple)
Evidence-based Dermatology, 2011 ed. (EBSCO-Multiple)
Evidence-based procedural dermatology, 2012 ed. (Springer)
Ferri's fast facts in dermatology, 2019e. (ClinicalKey)
Fitzpatrick Color Atlas and Synopsis of Clinical Dermatology, 8e (AccessMedicine)
Fitzpatrick's Dermatology in General Medicine, 8th ed. (AccessMedicine)
General Dermatology : An Atlas of Diagnosis and Management, 2007 ed. (EBSCO-Multiple)
Genetic skin disorders, 2010 ed. (EBSCO-Multiple)
Genital dermatology in the era of heightened anxiety with sexually transmitted infections, 2012 ed. (EBSCO-Multiple)
Goodheart's Photoguide to Common Skin Disorders: Diagnosis and Management (Ovid)
Handbook of Dermatology: A Practical Manual, 2009 ed. (Wiley)
Hurwitz clinical pediatric dermatology : a textbook of skin disorders of childhood and adolescence, 2016 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Inflammatory Skin Disorders, 2012 ed. (EBSCO-Multiple)
Life-threatening dermatoses and emergencies in dermatology, 2009 ed. (Springer)
Lookingbill and Marks' Principles of Dermatology, 6e (ClinicalKey)
Manual of dermatologic therapeutics, 8th ed. (Ovid)
McKee's Pathology of the Skin (ClinicalKey)
Neonatal and Infant Dermatology, 3rd ed. (ClinicalKey)
Obstetric and Gynecologic Dermatology, 3e (ClinicalKey)
Pathology of skin infections (EBSCO-Multiple)
Pediatric Dermatology, 4th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Practical dermatopathology, 2012 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Practical skin pathology, 2013 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Rook's textbook of dermatology, 9th ed. (StatRef)
Self-assessment colour review: dermatology, 1st ed. (Rittenhouse-Single User)
Skin disease : diagnosis and treatment, 4e (ClinicalKey)
Sauer's manual of skin diseases, 11th ed. (Ovid)
Surgery of the Skin (ClinicalKey)
Thieme Clinical Companions Dermatology, 2006 ed. (Thieme)
Treatment of skin disease : comprehensive therapeutic strategies, 5th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Treatments for Skin of Color (ClinicalKey)
Urgent Care Dermatology: Symptom-Based Diagnosis, 2018e (ClinicalKey)
VisualDx: Essential Dermatology in Pigmented Skin, 2012 ed. (Ovid)
Washington Manual of Dermatology Diagnostics, 2016 ed. (Ovid)
Weedon's skin pathology, 2015 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Weedon's skin pathology essentials, 2017 ed. (ClinicalKey)
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Developmental Biology Journals
Before we are born : essentials of embryology and birth defects, 9th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Cell Division : Theory, Variants, and Degradation, 2010 ed. (EBSCO-Multiple)
Cells to civilizations : principles of change that shape life, 2012 ed. (EBSCO-Multiple)
Creasy and Resnik's maternal-fetal medicine, 2014 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Fetal and neonatal physiology, 5th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Human embryology and developmental biology, 5th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Larsen's human embryology (LWW Health)
Langman's medical embryology (LWW Health)
Medical genetics, 5th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Textbook of clinical embryology, 2013 ed. (Cambridge)
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Medical Diagnosis Journals
Advanced assessment : interpreting findings and formulating differential diagnoses, 3rd ed. (Stat!Ref)
Bennett and Brachman's Hospital Infections (6th Edition)
Churchill's Pocketbook of Differential Diagnosis, 2014 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Clinical diagnostic tests : how to avoid errors in ordering tests and interpreting results, 2016 ed. (EBSCO-Multiple)
Current Diagnosis & Treatment in Infectious Diseases (McGraw-Hill)
Current Medical Diagnosis and Treatment, 2018 ed. (56th) (AccessMedicine)
Davis's comprehensive handbook of laboratory and diagnostic tests, 7e (Stat!Ref)
DeGowin's Diagnostic Examination, 10th ed. (AccessMedicine)
Delmar's guide to laboratory and diagnostic tests, 2nd ed. (Stat!Ref)
Detection Challenges in Clinical Diagnostics ()
Differential diagnosis in internal medicine from symptom to diagnosis, 2007 ed. (Thieme)
Differential diagnosis in primary care, 2011 ed. (Ovid)
The Evidence Base of Clinical Diagnosis, 2009 ed. (Wiley)
Evidence-Based Physical Diagnosis (ClinicalKey)
Ferri's Differential Diagnosis, 2nd ed. (ClinicalKey)
Guide to Diagnostic Tests 7th ed. (AccessMedicine)
Guide to Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests, 3rd Ed. (Stat!Ref)
Henry's Clinical Diagnosis and Management by Laboratory Methods, 23rd ed. (ClinicalKey)
Interpretation of diagnostic tests, 8th ed. (Ovid)
Laboratory medicine the diagnosis of disease in the clinical laboratory, 2014 ed. (AccessMedicine)
Laboratory Tests and Diagnostic Procedures, 2013 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Manual of Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests, (Fischbach) 8th ed. (OVID)
McGraw-Hill Manual of Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests (McGraw-Hill)
The Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy, 19th ed. (Stat!Ref)
An Osteopathic Approach to Diagnosis and Treatment, 3e (LWW HealthLibrary)
The patient history an evidence-based approach to differential diagnosis, 2013 ed. (AccessMedicine)
The Pediatric Diagnostic Examination (McGraw-Hill)
Quick Medical Diagnosis & Treatment 2018 (AccessMedicine)
Symptom to Diagnosis: An Evidence-Based Guide, 3rd ed. (McGraw-Hill)
Taylor's differential diagnosis manual, 2014 ed. (Ovid)
Textbook of physical diagnosis : history and examination, 2014 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Wallach's interpretation of diagnostic tests, 10th ed. (Ovid)
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Emergency and Disaster Medicine Journals - First Aid - Disaster Medicine- Wilderness Medicine
Top Textbooks
Auerbach's Wilderness Medicine, 2017 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Harwood-Nuss' clinical practice of emergency medicine, 5th ed. (Ovid)
Principles of Critical Care, (Hall) 4th ed. (AccessMedicine)
Rosen's Emergency Medicine: concepts and clinical practice, 9th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Tintinalli's Emergency Medicine: a comprehensive study guide, 8th ed. (AccessMedicine)
Other Books
Atlas of Emergency Medicine, (Knoop) 4e (AccessMedicine)
Atlas of trauma emergency surgical techniques, 2014 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Current Diagnosis & Treatment: Emergency Medicine, 7th ed. (AccessMedicine)
Diagnostic Imaging for the Emergency Physician, 2011 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Emergency Medicine, 2013 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Emergency medicine secrets, 6e (ScienceDirect)
Emergency Radiology: The Requisites, 2017 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Emergent management of trauma, 3rd ed. (McGraw-Hill)
Evidence-Based Emergency Care: Diagnostic Testing and Clinical Decision Rules, 2013 ed. (Stat!Ref)
Evidence-based Emergency Medicine, 2009 ed. (EBSCO-Multiple)
First aid for the emergency medicine boards, 2016e (McGraw-Hill)
Fleisher & Ludwig's textbook of pediatric emergency medicine, 2015e (EBSCO-Multiple)
Greenberg's text-atlas of emergency medicine, 2005 ed. (Ovid)
Handbook of fractures, 3rd ed. (Ovid)
Harwood-Nuss' clinical practice of emergency medicine, 5th ed. (Ovid)
An Introduction to Clinical Emergency Medicine, 2012 ed. (EBSCO-Multiple)
Management of Acute Obstetric Emergencies, 2011 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Manual of emergency medicine, 6th ed. (Ovid)
Minor Emergencies, 2012 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Musculoskeletal Emergencies, 2012 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Patient safety in emergency medicine, 2009 ed. (Ovid)
Pediatric emergency medicine secrets, 2015 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Poisoning & Drug Overdose, (Olson) 6th ed. (AccessMedicine)
Principles and Practice of Emergency Medicine, (Schwartz) 4th ed. (OVID)
Principles of Critical Care, (Hall) 4th ed. (AccessMedicine)
Roberts and Hedges’ Clinical Procedures in Emergency Medicine, 7e (ClinicalKey)
Rockwood and Wilkins' fractures in children, 7th ed. (Ovid)
Rosen & Barkin's 5-minute emergency medicine consult, 5th ed. (Ovid)
Rosen's Emergency Medicine: concepts and clinical practice, 9th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Skeletal Trauma, 2015 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Step-up to emergency medicine, 2015e (Clerkship)
Textbook of adult emergency medicine, 2015 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Tintinalli's Emergency Medicine: a comprehensive study guide, 8th ed. (AccessMedicine)
Wounds and Lacerations, 2012 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Disaster Medicine
Bioterrorism Sourcebook. (AccessMedicine)
Ciottone's Disaster Medicine, 2016 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Conflict and catastrophe medicine : a practical guide, 2nd ed. (Springer)
Disasters and public health planning and response, 2016e (ScienceDirect)
Response to Nuclear and Radiological Terrorism, 2011 ed. (EBSCO-Multiple)
Wilderness Medicine
Auerbach's Wilderness Medicine, 2017 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Field Guide to Wilderness Medicine, 2013 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Improvised medicine : providing care in extreme environments, 2016 ed. (AccessMedicine)
Medicine for the outdoors : the essential guide to first aid and medical emergencies, 2016 ed. (ClinicalKey)
NOLS wilderness medicine, 2012 ed. (EBSCO-Multiple)
The Wilderness First Aid Handbook, 2013 ed. (EBSCO-Multiple)
First Aid
First aid for the emergency medicine boards, 2016 ed. (McGraw-Hill)
Field guide to wilderness medicine, 2013e (ClinicalKey)
First-Aid Guide. (Mayo Clinic)
An illustrated guide to taping techniques, 2nd ed. (ScienceDirect)
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Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders Journals - Springer Endocrinology Collection
Top Textbooks
Endocrine & Reproductive Physiology, 2013 ed. (ClincialKey)
Endocrine Physiology, (Molina) 4th ed. (AccessMedicine)
Evidence-based endocrinology, 2nd ed. (Ovid)
Greenspan's Basic and Clinical Endocrinology, 9th ed. (AccessMedicine)
Werner and Ingbar's The Thyroid, 2013 ed. (Ovid)
Williams Textbook of Endocrinology, 13th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Other Books
Atlas of Endocrine Surgical Techniques, 2010 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Autoimmune Diseases in Endocrinology. 2007 ed. (Springer)
A Case-Based guide to clinical endocrinology, 2008 ed. (Springer)
Clinical Management of Thyroid Disease, 2009 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Contemporary Diagnosis and Management of Obesity and the Metabolic Syndrome, 2011 ed. (EBSCO-Multiple)
Diabetes Management in Primary Care, 2nd ed. (Ovid)
Endocrine & Reproductive Physiology, 2013 ed. (ClincialKey)
Endocrine hypertension : underlying mechanisms and therapy, 2013 ed. (Springer)
Endocrine Physiology, (Molina) 4th ed. (AccessMedicine)
Endocrine Secrets, 2013 ed.(ClinicalKey)
Endocrine Surgery, 2014 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Endocrinology : adult and pediatric, 7th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Endocrinology : basic and clinical principles, 2nd ed. (Springer)
Evidence-based endocrinology, 2nd ed. (Ovid)
Genetic Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders (ClinicalKey)
Greenspan’s Basic & Clinical Endocrinology, 9e (AccessMedicine)
Handbook of Clinical Pediatric Endocrinology, 2008 ed. (EBSCO-Multiple)
Harrison's Endocrinology, 4e
Jameson Harrison's Endocrinology, 4e
Joslin's Diabetes Mellitus, 2005 ed. (Ovid)
Lysosomal Storage Disorders : Principles and Practice, 2010 ed. (EBSCO-Multiple)
Manual of endocrinology and metabolism, 4th ed. (Ovid)
Meyler’s Side Effects of Endocrine and Metabolic Drugs (ClinicalKey)
Netter Collection of Medical Illustrations - Endocrine System (ClinicalKey)
Obesity : An Atlas of Investigation and Management, 2011 ed. (EBSCO-Multiple)
Oxford American Handbook of Endocrinology and Diabetes, 2011 ed. (EBSCO-Multiple)
Oxford Handbook of Endocrinology and Diabetes, 2009 ed. (EBSCO-Multiple)
Pediatric Endocrinology, 4th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Pediatric endocrinology and inborn errors of metabolism, 2011 ed. (McGraw-Hill)
Pituitary, The (ClinicalKey)
Reproductive endocrinology : a molecular approach, 2009 ed. (Springer)
Textbook of Nephro-Endocrinology (ClinicalKey)
Werner and Ingbar's The Thyroid, 2013 ed. (Ovid)
Washington Manual : The Endocrinology - Subspecialty Consult, 3rd ed. (Ovid)
Williams Textbook of Endocrinology, 13th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Yen & Jaffe's Reproductive Endocrinology, 2014 ed. (ClinicalKey)
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Epidemiology Journals - Springer Epidemiology Collection
Top Textbooks
Clinical Epidemiology: The Essentials, 5e (LWW HealthLibrary)
Designing Clinical Research, 2013 ed. (Ovid)
Greenspan's Basic and Clinical Endocrinology, 9th ed. (AccessMedicine)
Jekel's Epidemiology, Biostatistics, Preventive Medicine, and Public Health, 2014 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Medical Epidemiology, (Greenberg) 4th ed. (AccessMedicine)
Williams Textbook of Endocrinology, 13th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Other Books
Clinical Epidemiology: The Essentials, 5e (LWW HealthLibrary)
Basic & Clinical Biostatistics, 4th ed. (AccessMedicine)
Designing Clinical Research, 2013 ed. (Ovid)
Epidemiology, 5th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Epidemiology a very short introduction, 2010 ed. (EBSCO - Multiple)
Epidemiology and biostatistics an introduction to clinical research, 2009 ed. (Springer)
Greenberg Medical Epidemiology: Population Health and Effective Health Care, 5e (AccessBiomedical Science)
Handbook of disease burdens and quality of life measures, 2010 ed. (Springer)
Handbook of Disease Outbreaks : Prevention, Detection and Control, 2010 ed. (EBSCO-Multiple)
Hospital epidemiology and infection control, 4th ed. (Ovid)
Infectious diseases : a geographic guide, 2011 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Introduction to epidemiologic research methods in public health practice, 2013 ed. (Rittenhouse - single user)
The intelligent clinician's guide to the DSM-5, 2nd ed. (Stat!Ref)
Introduction to Epidemiology, 2011 ed. (EBSCO-Multiple)
An introduction to epidemiology for health professionals, 2010 ed. (Springer)
Jekel's Epidemiology, Biostatistics, Preventive Medicine, and Public Health, 2014 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Medical Epidemiology, (Greenberg) 4th ed. (AccessMedicine)
Modern epidemiology, 3rd ed. (Ovid)
PDQ Epidemiology, 2009 ed. (EBSCO-Multiple)
Statistical tools for epidemiologic research, 2011 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Studying A Study & Testing A Test, 6e (LWW HealthLibrary)
Teaching epidemiology, 2010 ed. (EBSCO-Multiple)
Understanding Pharmacoepidemiology, 2011e (AccessBiomedical Science)
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Medical Ethics Journals - Springer Medical Ethics Collection
Top Textbooks
Clinical Ethics: a practical approach to ethical decisions in clinical medicine, (Jonsen) 7th ed. (AccessMedicine)
Resolving Ethical Dilemmas: A Guide for Clinicians, 5e (LWW HealthLibrary)
Smith's Patient-Centered Interviewing: An Evidence-Based Method, 3rd ed. (AccessMedicine)
Other Books
Application of Systems Thinking to Health Policy & Public Health Ethics, 2015 ed. (Springer)
Case Files Medical Ethics and Professionalism, 2015 ed. (CaseFiles)
Code of Medical Ethics of the American Medical Association, 2012 ed. (EBSCO-Multiple)
The color atlas of family medicine, 2013 ed. (AccessMedicine)
Clinical Ethics: a practical approach to ethical decisions in clinical medicine, (Jonsen) 7th ed. (AccessMedicine)
Dignity and health, 2012 ed. (EBSCO - multiple)
Ethics and Professionalism, 2008 ed. (Rittenhouse - single)
Ethics in health administration : a practical approach for decision makers, 2011 ed. (Rittenhouse - single)
Ethics in Medicine, 2014 ed. (Springer)
Ethics for international medicine : a practical guide for aid workers in developing countries, 2012 ed. (EBSCO-Multiple)
Ethics Guide to Culturally Competent Health Care, 2014 ed. (Stat!Ref)
Evidence-based medical ethics, 2008 ed. (Springer)
Hippocratic, religious, and secular medical ethics, 2012 ed. (EBSCO-Multiple)
An Introduction to Medical Ethics : Patient's Interest First, 2008 ed. (EBSCO-Multiple)
Learning Clinical Reasoning, 2e (LWW HealthLibrary)
Medical Ethics and Humanities, 2010 ed. (Rittenhouse - single)
Medical Ethics for the Boards, 2016 ed. (McGraw-Hill)
Medical law and ethics, 2012 ed. (Rittenhouse - single)
Medical Law, Ethics, & Bioethics for the Health Professions, 2012 ed. (EBSCO-Multiple)
Moral acquaintances and moral decisions, 2009 ed. (Springer)
The Oxford Textbook of Clinical Research Ethics, 2008 ed. (EBSCO-Multiple)
Physical therapy ethics, 2nd ed. (Rittenhouse-single user)
Practical Decision Making in Health Care Ethics, 2010 ed. (EBSCO-Multiple)
Practical Ethics for General Practice, 2009 ed. (EBSCO-Multiple)
Principles and Practice of Hospital Medicine, 2012 ed. (AccessMedicine)
Professionalism and Ethics in Medicine, 2015 ed. (Springer)
Professionalism in medicine : a case-based guide for medical students, 2010 ed. (EBSCO-Multiple)
Public health ethics, 2015 ed. (EBSCO-Multiple)
Reconceiving Medical Ethics, 2012 ed. (EBSCO-Multiple)
Resolving Ethical Dilemmas: A Guide for Clinicians, 5e (LWW HealthLibrary)
Smith's Patient-Centered Interviewing: An Evidence-Based Method, 3rd ed. (AccessMedicine)
Understanding Medical Professionalism, 2014 ed. (AccessMedicine)
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Family Practice Journals - Springer Family Medicine Collection
AAFP Conditions A to Z. (Stat!Ref)
Blueprints family medicine, 2011 ed. (Blueprints)
Color Atlas of Family Medicine (AccessMedicine)
Current Diagnosis & Treatment in Family Medicine, 4th ed. (AccessMedicine)
Current Diagnosis & Treatment of Sexually Transmitted Diseases (AccessMedicine)
Encyclopedia of Family Health, 2011 ed. (EBSCO-Multiple)
Essentials of family medicine, 2012 ed. (LWW Clerkship)
Family medicine obstetrics, (ClinicalKey)
Family Practice Examination & Board Review, 3e (AccessMedicine)
Family practice guidelines, 4th ed. (Stat!Ref)
Ferri's clinical advisor 2019 (ClinicalKey)
First aid for the family medicine boards, 2013 (FirstAid)
Guide to the Canadian family medicine examinationm, 2013 ed. (McGraw-Hill)
Guide to the Culturally Competent Health Care, 2014 ed. (Stat!Ref)
Obesity Management in Family Practice, (Springer)
Obesity: Science to Practice, 2009 ed. (Wiley)
Signs and Symptoms in Family Medicine, 2012 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Swanson's Family Medicine Review, 2013 ed. (Rittenhouse - single)
Taylor's manual of family medicine. 4th ed. (Ovid)
Textbook of Family Medicine, 2016 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Textbook of Family Medicine, Oxford 3rd ed. (EBSCO-Multiple)
Textbook of family medicine [Paulman], 3rd ed. (Ovid)
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Medical Biochemistry Journals
Clinical physiology of acid-base and electrolyte disorders, 2011 ed.(McGraw-Hill)
Fluid Balance and Volume Resuscitation for Beginners, 2000 ed. (EBSCO-Multiple)
Fluids & electrolytes an incredibly easy! pocket guide, 6th ed. (Ovid)
Fluid and electrolytes in pediatrics a comprehensive handbook, 2010 ed. (Springer)
Fluid, electrolyte, and acid-base physiology a problem-based approach, 4th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Handbook of fluid, electrolyte & acid-base imbalances, 3rd ed. (Stat!Ref)
Just the Facts: Fluids and Electrolytes 1st Ed. Straight A's in fluids & electrolytes, 2007 ed. (Ovid)
Nephrology and Fluid/Electrolyte Physiology: Neonatology Questions and Controversies, 2nd ed. (ClinicalKey)
Portable fluids & electrolytes, 2008 ed. (Ovid)
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Forensic Medicine and Forensic Sciences Journals
Broken Bones : Anthropological Analysis of Blunt Force Trauma, 2013 ed. (EBSCO-Multiple)
Corpse : Nature, Forensics, And The Struggle To Pinpoint Time Of Death, 2013 ed. (EBSCO-Multiple)
Essential forensic neuropathology, 2010 ed. (Ovid)
Forensic and Legal Dentistry, 2014 ed. (Springer)
Forensic anthropology and medicine complementary sciences from recovery to cause of death, 2006 ed. (Springer)
Forensic aspects of pediatric fractures differentiating accidental trauma from child abuse, 2010 ed. (Springer)
Forensic Emergency Medicine 2nd ed. (Ovid)
Forensic histopathology fundamentals and perspectives, 2011 ed. (Springer)
Forensic Medicine Fundamentals and Perspectives, 2014 ed. (Springer)
Forensic pathology for forensic scientists, police, and death investigators, 2010 ed. (Springer)
Forensic Pathology of Trauma : Common Problems for the Pathologist, 2007 ed. (Springer)
Forensic pathology reviews, Vol 6. (Springer)
Forensic science, 2009 ed. (EBSCO - multiple)
Forensic science : a very short introduction, 2010 ed.(EBSCO - multiple)
Forensic Science Evidence : Can the Law Keep up with Science?, 2012 ed. (EBSCO-Multiple)
Fraudulent Forensic Evidence : Malpractice in Crime Laboratories, 2012 ed. (EBSCO-Multiple)
Handbook of Forensic Services. (FBI)
The Human Skeleton in Forensic Medicine, 2013 ed. (EBSCO-Multiple)
Rubin’s Pathology: Clinicopathologic Foundations of Medicine, 7e (LWW Health)
Stocker and Dehner's pediatric pathology, 3rd ed. (Ovid)
Strengthening Forensic Science in the United States, 2009 ed. (EBSCO-Multiple)
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Gastroenterology Journals - Springer Gastroenterology Collection
Top Textbooks
Current Diagnosis & Treatment: Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Endoscopy, 3rd ed. (AccessMedicine)
Pediatric gastroenterology [Elsevier], 2008 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Schiff's diseases of the liver, 2007 (Ovid)
Shackelford's Surgery of the Alimentary Tract, 2013 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Sleisenger and Fordtran's Gastrointestinal and Liver Disease, 2015 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Yamada's Textbook of Gastroenterology, [Yamada] 5th ed. (Stat!Ref)
Zakim & Boyer's Hepatology: A Textbook of Liver Disease, 2018 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Other Books
Atlas of Abdominal Wall Reconstruction, 2017 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Atlas of Gastroenterology, 2009 ed. (Wiley)
Atlas of Surgical Techniques for the Upper GI Tract and Small Bowel, 2010 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Clinical update on inflammatory disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, 2010 ed. (Karger)
Current Diagnosis & Treatment: Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Endoscopy, 3rd ed. (AccessMedicine)
Diagnostic Atlas of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease, 2007 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Endosonography, 2015 ed. (ClinicalKey)
ERCP, 2013 ed. (ClinicalKey)
From Inflammation to Cancer : Advances in Diagnosis and Therapy for Gastrointestinal and Hepatological Diseases, 2012 ed. (EBSCO-Multiple)
Gastrointestinal Physiology, (Barrett). (AccessMedicine)
Gastroenterology and Hepatology Board Review: Pearls of Wisdom, 3rd ed. (McGraw-Hill)
Gastroenterology and nutrition : neonatology questions and controversies, 2nd ed. (ClinicalKey)
Gastrointestinal bleeding a practical approach to diagnosis and management, 2010 ed. (Springer)
Inflammatory Bowel Disease : An Atlas of Investigation and Management, 2011 ed. (EBSCO-Multiple)
Manual of gastroenterology diagnosis and therapy, 4th ed. (Ovid)
Netter's gastroenterology, 2nd ed. (ClinicalKey)
Pediatric gastroenterology [Oxford], 2009 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Pediatric gastroenterology [Elsevier], 2008 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Physiology of the Gastrointestinal Tract, 2012 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Scientific American Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Endoscopy, 2015 ed. (Stat!Ref)
Shackelford's Surgery of the Alimentary Tract, 2013 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Teaching Files: Gastrointestinal, The, 2010 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Textbook of Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 2012 ed. (EBSCO-Multiple)
Textbook of Gastroenterology, [Yamada] 5th ed. (Stat!Ref)
Textbook of Gastrointestinal Radiology, 2015 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Uncommon Gastrointestinal Disorders : Diagnosis and Management, 2015 ed. (EBSCO-Multiple)
Walker's Pediatric Gastrointestinal Disease, 2008 ed. (EBSCO-Multiple)
The Washington Manual: Gastroenterology - Subspecialty Consult, 3rd ed. (Ovid)
Yamada's textbook of gastroenterology. 2016 ed. (Stat!Ref)
Springer Endoscopy Collection
Atlas of clinical gastrointestinal endoscopy, 3rd ed. (ClinicalKey)
Capsule Endoscopy, 2008 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Clinical Gastrointestinal Endoscopy : A Comprehensive Atlas, 2014 ed. (Springer)
Clinical gastrointestinal endoscopy, 2nd ed. (ClinicalKey)
Endoscopy in Inflammatory Bowel Disease, 2015 ed. (Springer)
Gastrointestinal Endoscopy New Technologies and Changing Paradigms, 2015 ed. (Springer)
Gastroenterological Endoscopy, 2010 ed. (EBSCO-Multiple)
Gastrointestinal endoscopy in practice, 2011 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Gastrointestinal Imaging: The Requisites, 2014 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Gastrointestinal Imaging, 2011 ed. (EBSCO-Multiple)
Gastrointestinal Imaging Cases, 2013 ed. (McGraw-Hill)
Handbook of Capsule Endoscopy, 2014 ed. (Springer)
High-Yield Imaging: Gastrointestinal, 2010 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Video Capsule Endoscopy, 2014 ed. (Springer)
Hepatology Journals - Springer Heptaology Collection
Atlas of Liver Pathology, 2011 ed. (Clinical Key)
Biopsy Interpretation of the Liver, 3rd ed. (Ovid)
Blumgart's Surgery of the Liver, Biliary Tract and Pancreas, 2017 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Gastrointestinal and liver pathology, 2nd ed. (ClinicalKey)
GI/Liver Secrets Plus, 2015 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Handbook of liver disease, 3rd ed. (ClinicalKey)
Pediatric Gastrointestinal and Liver Disease, 2016 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Scheuer's Liver Biopsy Interpretation, 2012 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Sleisenger and Fordtran's Gastrointestinal and Liver Disease, 2015 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Sleisenger and Fordtran's Gastrointestinal and Liver Disease, 2015 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Transplantation of the liver, 2015 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Video Atlas: Liver, Biliary & Pancreatic Surgery, 2011 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Yamada's Textbook of Gastroenterology, [Yamada] 5th ed. (Stat!Ref)
Zakim & Boyer's Hepatology: A Textbook of Liver Disease, 2018 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Atlas of Surgical Techniques for Colon, Rectum and Anus, 2013 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Colorectal Surgery, 2014 ed. (ClinicalKey)
CT Colonography: Principles and Practice of Virtual Colonoscopy, 2010 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Early Diagnosis and Treatment of Cancer: Colorectal Cancer, 2011 ed.(ClinicalKey)
Surgery of the Anus, Rectum and Colon, 2008 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Virtual colonoscopy a practical guide, 2nd ed. (Springer)
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Genetics Journals
Top Textbooks
Color atlas of genetics, 4th ed. (Thieme)
Emery's Elements of Medical Genetics, 2012 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Gene Reviews (NCBI)
Human Genetics: From Molecules to Medicine (LWW HealthLibrary)
Other Books
Advances in Genetics Research, 2011 ed. (EBSCO-Multiple)
Adipose Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine, 2011 ed. (Springer)
Color atlas of genetics, 4th ed. (Thieme)
Congenital diseases and syndromes an illustrated radiological guide, 2009 ed. (Springer)
DNA repair in cancer therapy, 2012 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Emery and Rimoin's Principles and Practice of Medical Genetics, 2013 ed.(ClinicalKey)
Emery's Elements of Medical Genetics, 2012 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Gene Reviews (NCBI)
Genetics : a guide for students and practitioners of nursing and health care, 2013 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Human Genetics: From Molecules to Medicine (LWW HealthLibrary)
Inherited metabolic diseases : a clinical approach, 2009 ed. (Springer)
Laboratory Guide to the Methods in Biochemical Genetics, 2008 ed. (Springer)
The Language of Genetics : An Introduction, 2011 ed. (EBSCO-Multiple)
Medical genetics, 5th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Molecular genetic pathology, 2008 ed. (Springer)
Molecular medicine genomics to personalized healthcare, 2012 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Practical Guide to Neurogenetics, 2009 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Principles of clinical genetics : the MA General Hospital a guide to clinical cancer genetics, 2010 ed. (Springer)
Thompson & Thompson Genetics in Medicine, 2016 ed. (ClinicalKey)
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Geriatrics and Geretology Journals - Springer Geriatrics Collection
Top Textbooks
Brocklehurst's textbook of geriatric medicine and gerontology, 2017 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Clinical Manual of Geriatric Psychiatry, (PsychiatryOnline Premium)
Current Diagnosis & Treatment: Geriatrics, 2014 ed. (AccessMedicine)
Essentials of clinical geriatrics, 7th ed. (McGraw-Hill)
Ham's Primary Care Geriatrics, 2014 ed. (Clinical Key)
Hazzard's Geriatric Medicine and Gerontology, 7th ed. (AccessMedicine)
Oxford Handbook of Geriatric Medicine, 2012 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Other Books
Acute geriatric care, 2012 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Aging and the Heart A Post-Genomic View, 2008 ed.(Springer)
Aging hair, 2010 ed. (Springer)
The Aging Kidney in Health and Disease, 2008 ed.(Springer)
Aging, the paradox of life why we age, 2007 ed.(Springer)
Body composition and aging, 2010 ed. (Karger)
Brocklehurst's textbook of geriatric medicine and gerontology, 2017 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Case Files: Geriatrics, 2014 ed. (CaseFiles)
Clinical Manual of Geriatric Psychiatry, (PsychiatryOnline Premium)
Compact Clinical Guide to Geriatric Pain Management, 2012 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
The comprehensive treatment of the aging spine minimally invasive and advanced techniques, (Science Direct)
Current Diagnosis & Treatment: Geriatrics, 2014 ed. (AccessMedicine)
Diagnosis of Aging Skin Diseases, 2008 ed. (Springer)
ElderCare Strategies, Expert Care Plans for the Older Adult, 2003 ed. (Ovid)
Encyclopedia of Aging and Public Health, 2008 ed.(Springer)
Essentials of clinical geriatrics, 6th ed. (McGraw-Hill)
Fundamentals of geriatric medicine a case-based approach, (Springer)
Geriatric Anesthesiology, 2008 ed. (Springer)
Geriatric audiology 2013 ed. (Thieme)
Geriatric Medicine : An Introduction, 2014 (EBSCO-multiple)
Geriatric Physical Therapy, 2016 ed. (ScienceDirect)
Geriatric Psychiatry, 2011 ed. (Ovid)
Geriatric Rheumatology, 2011 ed. (Springer)
Geriatrics, 2013 ed. (EBSCO-Multiple)
Ham's Primary Care Geriatrics, 2014 ed. (Clinical Key)
Handbook of Assessment in Clinical Gerontology, 2nd ed. (Clinical Key)
Handbook of clinical nutrition and aging, 2nd ed. (Springer)
Handbook of Geriatric Nursing Care, 2003 ed. (Ovid)
Handbook of theories of aging, 2016 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Hazzard's Geriatric Medicine and Gerontology, 7th ed. (AccessMedicine)
Improving Oral Health for the Elderly, 2008 ed. (Springer)
Infectious disease in the aging a clinical handbook, 2nd ed. (Springer)
Interdisciplinary Topics in Gerontology, eBook series (Karger)
Long-Term Care Medicine, 2011 ed. (Springer)
Managing Geriatric Health Services, 2013 ed. (Rittenhouse - single user)
Merck Manual of Geriatrics, 3rd ed. (Merck & Co.)
Merck Manual of Health and Aging. (Merck & Co.)
Oxford American Handbook of Geriatric Medicine, 2010 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Oxford Handbook of Geriatric Medicine, 2012 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Oxford Textbook of Palliative Medicine, 2015 ed. (Stat!Ref)
Practical Guide to the Care of the Geriatric Patient, 2007 ed. (Clinical Key)
Principles and Practice of ClinicalKey)
Psychology and Geriatrics, (ClinicalKey)
Resilience in Aging, 2011 ed. (Springer)
Textbook of aging skin, 2010 ed. (Springer)
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Achieving Global Health, 2010 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Case studies in Canadian health policy and management, 2014 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Comrades in Health : U.S. Health Internationalists, Abroad and at Home (EBSCO-multiple)
Essential clinical global health, 2015 ed. (Rittenhouse-single)
Essentials of global mental health. 2014 ed. (Cambridge)
Evidence for health from patient choice to global policy, 2013 ed. (Cambridge Press)
Global health and global health ethics, 2011 ed. (Cambridge Press)
Global health care : issues and policies, 2017 ed. (Rittenhouse-single)
Global Health Governance : International Law and Public Health in a Divided World, 2005 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Global Health Informatics Education, 2004 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Global health law, 2013 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Global Health 101, 2016 ed. ((EBSCO-single)
Global Health 101, 2012 ed. (Rittenhouse - single)
Global Health Watch 4 (EBSCO-multiple)
Global Public Health Policy, 2013 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Health care systems around the world : a comparative guide , 2013 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Investing in Global Health Systems : Sustaining Gains, Transforming Lives, 2014 (EBSCO-multiple)
The MassGeneral Hospital for Children Handbook of Pediatric Global Health, 2014 (Springer)
Negotiating Public Health in a Globalized World, 2012 (Springer)
Oxford Textbook of Global Public Health, 2015 ed. (Stat!Ref - 1 user)
Promoting Cardiovascular Health in the Developing World, 2010 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Reimagining Global Health : An Introduction, 2013 (EBSCO-multiple)
The rise of global health : the evolution of effective collective action, 2015 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Scientific Networking and the Global Health Network Supercourse, 2006 ed.(EBSCO-multiple)
Strategies for developing global health programs, 2013 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Textbook of global child health, 2016 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Textbook of International Health : Global Health in a Dynamic World, 2009 (EBSCO-multiple)
21st Century Global Health Diplomacy, 2013 (EBSCO-multiple)
Understanding global health, 2014 ed. (AccessMedicine)
The U.S. Commitment to Global Health, 2009 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
When People Come First : Critical Studies in Global Health, 2013 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
World Health Systems : Challenges and Perspectives
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Health Care Administration
Top Textbooks
Understanding Health Policy: A Clinical Approach, 7th ed. (Access Medicine)
Other Books
Analysis of Waiting-Time Data in Health Services Research, 2008 ed. (Springer)
Business administration for clinical trials : managing research, strategy, finance, regulation, and quality, 2015 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Care-Related Quality of Life in Old Age : Concepts, Models and Empirical Findings, 2008 ed. (Springer)
Co-active coaching : changing business, transforming lives, 3rd ed. (EBSCO) - single user
Creating Person-Centred Organisations Strategies and Tools for Managing Change in Health, Social Care and the Voluntary Sector, 2012
Community Health Care's O-Process for Evaluation : A Participatory Approach for Increasing Sustainability, 2008 ed. (Springer)
The complete guide to fundraising management, 3rd ed. (EBSCO) - single user
Decentralization in Health Care : Strategies and Outcomes, 2007 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Dimensions of long-term care management : an introduction, 2012 ed. (EBSCO) - single user
Dunn & Haimann's healthcare management, 9th ed. (EBSCO) - single user
Encyclopedia of Health Care Management, 2004 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Essential techniques for healthcare managers, 2011 ed. (EBSCO) - single user
Essentials of Strategic Planning in Healthcare, 2010 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Evaluating the organizational impact of healthcare information systems, 2nd ed. (Springer)
Evaluation Methods in Biomedical Informatics, 2006 ed. (Springer)
Fixing Health Systems, 2008 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
For the Public's Health : The Role of Measurement in Action and Accountability, 2011 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Guidance for healthcare ethics committees, 2012 ed. (EBSCO) - single user
Health information management : concepts, principles, and practice, 2013 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Health insurance, 2008 ed. (EBSCO) - single user
Health Services Marketing : A Practitioner's Guide, 2008 ed. (Springer)
Healthcare finance : an introduction to accounting and financial management, 5th ed. (EBSCO) - single user
Healthcare Management and Economics, 2013 ed. (Gale)
Healthcare strategic planning, 3rd ed. (EBSCO) - single user
Introduction to the financial management of healthcare organizations, 2011 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
The law of healthcare administration, 6th ed. (EBSCO) - single user
Leadership in healthcare, 2009 ed. (Springer)
Leading a hospital turnaround : a practical guide, 2013 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Leading valiantly in healthcare : four steps to sustainable success / 2013 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Lean Thinking for Healthcare, 2014 ed. (Springer)
Manual of healthcare leadership : essential strategies for physician and administrative leaders, 2013 ed. (McGraw-Hill)
Medical Law, Ethics, & Bioethics for the Health Professions, 7th ed. (EBSCO) - single user
Health insurance, 2008 ed. (EBSCO) - single user
The Naked Employee : How Technology Is Compromising Workplace Privacy. 2003 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Optimizing health : improving the value of healthcare delivery, 2006 ed. (Springer)
OSHA Facilities Marking Manual, 2010 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Patient flow : reducing delay in healthcare delivery, 2006 ed. (Springer)
Policy innovation for health, 1st ed. (Springer)
Primary Healthcare Spending : Striving for Equity Under Fiscal Federalism, 2010 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Principles and practice of hospital medicine, 2012 ed. (AccessMedicine)
Principles of health care management, 2011 ed. (EBSCO) - single user
Public Health Leadership & Management : Cases and Context, 2002 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Transforming health care through information : case studies, 3rd ed. (Springer)
Understanding healthcare financial management / 2011 ed.(EBSCO-multiple)
Visionary leadership in health delivering superior value, 2015 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
AMA manual of style : a guide for authors and editors, 10th ed. (AMA)
Citing Medicine: the NLM style guide for authors, editors, and publishers, 2nd ed. (NCBI Bookshelf)
CPT® Data Files, OPTUM- 2014 (Stat!Ref)
Dictionary of Medical Acroynms & Abbreviations, (Jablonski) 6th ed. (Stat!Ref)
Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2010 ed. (U.S. Department of Agriculture)
Encyclopedia of behavioral medicine, 2013 ed. (Springer)
Encyclopedia of Aging and Public Health, 2008 ed. (Springer)
How to Read a Paper : The Basics of Evidence-Based Medicine, 2014 ed. (Stat!Ref)
ICD-10-CM: Clinical Modification (2014) (Stat!Ref)
ICD-10-PCS: Procedure Coding System (2014) (Stat!Ref)
ICD 10 Classification of Mental and Behavioural Disorders: Clinical Descriptions and Diagnostic Guidelines.
ICD 10 Classification of Mental and Behavioural Disorders: Diagnostic Criteria for Research.
ICD 10 (International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems 10th Revision) (World Health Organization)
Dorland's Dictionary of Medical Acronyms & Abbreviations, 7th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Manual of Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests, (Fischbach) 7th ed. (OVID)
Davis’s comprehensive handbook of laboratory and diagnostic tests with nursing implications, 6th ed. (Stat!Ref)
National Vital Statistics Reports. (CDC)
Stedman's Medical Dictionary, 29th ed. (Stat!Ref)
Stedman's Medical Dictionary for Dental Professions, 2007 ed. (Stat!Ref)
Taber's Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary, 21st ed. (Stat!Ref)
Hematology Journals - Springer Hematology Collection
Top Textbooks
Hematology: basic principles and practice, (Hoffman) 6th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Lichtman's Atlas of Hematology 2016 (AccessMedicine)
Pathophysiology of Blood Disorders, 2011 ed. (McGraw-Hill)
Williams Hematology, 9th ed. (McGraw-Hill)
Wintrobe's clinical hematology, 13th ed. (Stat!Ref)
Other Books
Bethesda handbook of clinical hematology, 3rd ed. (Ovid)
Blood and bone marrow pathology, 2nd ed. (ClinicalKey)
Clinical Hematology Atlas, 2017 (Rittenhouse - single user)
Clinical laboratory hematology, 2015 ed. (Stat!Ref)
Color atlas of hematology, 2nd ed. (Thieme)
Color atlas of clinical hematology, 4th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Consultative Hemostasis and Thrombosis, 3rd ed. (ClinicalKey)
Dacie and Lewis practical haematology, 11th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Diagnostic hematology, 2009 ed. (Springer)
Hematology: a pathophysiologic approach, 2012 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Hematology and Coagulation : A Comprehensive Review for Board Preparation, Certification and Clinical Practice, 2015 (Ebsco-multiple)
Hematology and Immunology : Diagnostic Standards of Care
Hematology and Immunology : Quality in Laboratory Diagnosis, 2014 ed. (Ebsco-multiple)
Hematology: basic principles and practice, (Hoffman) 6th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Hematology in Clinical Practice, 5e [Lange](AccessBiomedical Science)
Hematopathology, 2nd ed. (ClinicalKey)
Infections in Hematology, 2015 ed. (Springer)
Lichtman's Atlas of Hematology 2016 (AccessMedicine)
Longo Harrison's Hematology and Oncology, 3e (AccessBiomedical Science)
Manual of pediatric hematology and oncology. 5th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Nathan and Oski's hematology of infancy and childhood, 2015 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Oxford Handbook of Clinical Haematology, 2009 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Pathophysiology of Blood Disorders, 2011 ed. (McGraw-Hill)
Problem solving in haematology, 2010 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Washington Manual Hematology and Oncology, 2012 ed. (Rittenhouse - single user)
Williams Hematology, 9th ed. (McGraw-Hill)
Wintrobe's clinical hematology, 13th ed. (Stat!Ref)
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Histology journals - Springer Histology Collection
Top Textbooks
Histology: A Text and Atlas, 7e (LWW HealthLibrary)
Junqueira’s Basic Histology, 13e (AccessMedicine)
Wheater's functional histology a text and colour atlas, 2014 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Other Books
Bancroft's Theory and Practice of Histological Techniques, 2013 ed. (ClinicalKey)
The big picture : histology, 2013 ed. (McGraw-Hill)
Color Atlas and Text of Histology, 6e (LWW HealthLibrary)
Color atlas of fetal and neonatal histology, 2011 ed. (Springer)
Concise histology, 2011 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Extracellular Matrix : Pathobiology and Signaling, 2012 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Fibrocytes in Health and Disease, 2012 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Forensic histopathology : fundamentals and perspectives, 2011 ed. (Springer)
Histology: A Text and Atlas, 7e (LWW HealthLibrary)
Histology and Cell Biology : Examination & Board Review, 5e (AccessMedicine)
Histology and cell biology : an introduction to pathology, 4th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Histology : an identification manual, 2009 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Histology for pathologists, 2012 ed. (Ovid)
Histology Image Review, 2005 ed. (McGraw-Hill)
Histology: The Big Picture, 2012 ed. (McGraw-Hill)
Junqueira’s Basic Histology, 14e (AccessMedicine)
Netter's essential histology, 2013 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Stevens & Lowe's Human Histology, 4th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Textbook of histology, 2017 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Theory and Practice of Histological Techniques [Bancroft], 2013 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Wheater's functional histology a text and colour atlas, 2014 ed. (ClinicalKey)
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Following Charcot : a forgotten history of neurology and psychiatry, 2011 ed. (Karger)
The deadly truth : a history of disease in America / 2002 ()
Disease and medical care in the mountain West : essays on region, history, and practice / 1998 ()
American medical schools and the practice of medicine, 1987 ed.(EBSCO-multiple)
Hamilton's History of Medicine and Surgery, 2014 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
A history of limb amputation, 2007 ed. (Springer)
History of Medicine : A Very Short Introduction, 2008 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
A History of Plastic Surgery, 2007 ed. (Springer)
Naked to the bone : medical imaging in the twentieth century, 1997 (EBSCO-multiple)
A personal history of nuclear medicine, 2006 ed. (Springer)
Science and technology in medicine. (Springer)
Western Medicine : An Illustrated History, 1997 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
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Infectious and Tropical Diseases Journals - Springer Infectious Disease Collection
Top Textbooks
Mandell, Douglas, and Bennett's Principles and Practice of Infectious Diseases, 8th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Netter's infectious diseases, 2012 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Pediatric Infectious Diseases (ClinicalKey)
Other Books
Clinical infectious disease, 2015 ed. (Stat!Ref)
Best practices in infection prevention and control, 2012 ed. (Stat!Ref)
Clinical cases in tropical medicine, 2014 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Clinical infectious disease, 2015 ed. (Stat!Ref)
Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases [Spicer] 2008 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Current diagnosis & treatment in infectious diseases, 2011 ed. (McGraw-Hill)
Current Diagnosis & Treatment of Sexually Transmitted Diseases. (AccessMedicine)
Diagnostic pathology of infectious disease, 2010 ed. (ScienceDirect)
Disease Eradication in the 21st Century : Implications for Global Health, 2011 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Diseases of poverty : epidemiology, infectious diseases, and modern plagues, 2015 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Drug interactions in infectious diseases, 3rd ed. (Springer)
Epidemiology : the fight against Ebola & other diseases, 2015 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Essentials of Clinical Infectious Diseases, 2013 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Feigin and Cherry's textbook of pediatric infectious diseases, 7th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Gantz's manual of clinical problems in infectious disease, 2013 ed. (Ovid)
Gorbach's 5-minute infectious diseases consult, 2nd ed. (Ovid)
Harrison's Infectious Diseases, 3e (AccessBiomedical Science)
Hunter's tropical medicine and emerging infectious diseases, 2013 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Infectious disease in the aging : a clinical handbook, 2nd ed. (Springer)
Infectious diseases, 3rd ed. (ClinicalKey)
Infectious diseases : a clinical approach, 2014e (EBSCO-multiple)
Infectious Diseases of the World, 2011 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Infectious Deseases: The Clinician's Guide to Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention , 2014 ed. (StatRef)
Mandell, Douglas, and Bennett's Principles and Practice of Infectious Diseases, 8th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Manson's tropical diseases, 23rd ed. (ClinicalKey)
Manual of diagnostic ultrasound in infectious tropical diseases, 2006 ed. (Springer)
Medico-legal issues in infectious diseases : guide for physicians, 2011 ed. (Springer)
Netter's infectious diseases, 2012 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Pathology of infectious diseases, 2014e (ClinicalKey)
Pediatric Infectious Diseases (ClinicalKey)
Principles and practice of pediatric infectious disease, 2012 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Red book 2015 report of the Committee on Infectious Diseases, 2015 ed. (Stat!Ref)
Remington and Klein's infectious diseases of the fetus and newborn infant. 2016e (ClinicalKey)
Toolkit for preventing health care-associated infections, 2010 ed. (Stat!Ref)
The travel and tropical medicine manual, 4th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Tropical infectious diseases : principles, pathogens and practice, 3rd ed. (ClinicalKey)
Tropical Medicine : An Illustrated History of the Pioneers, 2007 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
The Washington manual infectious diseases subspecialty consult, 2013 ed (Ovid)
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Medical Informatics Journals
Analysis of Waiting-Time Data in Health Services Research, 2008 ed. (Springer)
Anesthesia informatics, 3rd ed. (Springer)
Applied Spatial Data Analysis with R, 2008 ed. (Springer)
Biomedical informatics computer applications in health care and biomedicine, 2006 ed. (Springer)
Biomedical informatics for cancer research, 2010 ed. (Springer)
Cancer informatics in the post genomic era toward information-based medicine, 2007 ed. (Springer)
Designing user studies in informatics, 2011 ed. (Springer)
Digital Advances in Medicine, E-Health, and Communication Technologies, 2013 ed. (Gale)
Enabling health and healthcare through ICT available, tailored and closer, 2013 ed. (EBSCO - multiple)
Evaluation Methods in Biomedical Informatics, 2006 ed. (Springer)
Global Health Informatics Education, 2004 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Healthcare informatics demystified, 2015 ed. (McGraw-Hill)
Health information management : concepts, principles, and practice, 2013 ed. (EBSCO - multiple)
Health information management technology : an applied approach, 2013 ed. (EBSCO - multiple)
Innovation with information technologies in healthcare, 2013 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Mastering informatics : a healthcare handbook for success, 2015 ed. (EBSCO - multiple)
Medical Informatics, e-Health Fundamentals and Applications, 2014 ed. (Springer)
Methods in Biomedical Informatics, 2014 ed. (Gale)
NCBI Handbook (NCBI Bookshelf)
NCBI Style Guide (Internet) (NCBI Bookshelf)
Pediatric informatics computer applications in child health, 2008 ed. (Springer)
Practical imaging informatics foundations and applications for PACS professionals, 2009 ed. (Springer)
Principles of biomedical informatics, 2014 ed. (Rittenhouse-single user)
Principles of health interoperability HL7 and SNOMED, 2010 ed. (Springer)
Project Management for Healthcare Informatics, 2007 ed. (Springer)
Searching Skills Toolkit: Finding the Evidence, 2009 ed. (Wiley)
Transforming health care through information case studies, 2010 ed. (Springer)
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Intensive Care Journals - Springer Intensive Care [or ICU] Collection
Top Textbooks
Irwin & Rippe's Intensive Care Medicine, 7th ed. (Ovid)
Marino's the ICU book, 2014 ed. (Ovid)
Oh's intensive care manual, 2014 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Other Books
Anaesthesia and Intensive Care A-Z, 2013 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Appendicitis : risk factors, management strategies and clinical implications, 2014 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Applied physiology in intensive care medicine, 2006 ed. (Springer)
Avoiding common ICU errors, 2007 ed. (Ovid)
Applied physiology in intensive care medicine, 2009 ed. (Springer)
Bedside Procedures in the ICU, 2012 (Springer)
Cardiac intensive care, 2010 ed. (ScienceDirect)
Clinical Intensive Care Medicine, 2014 (EBSCO-multiple)
Compact clinical guide to critical care, trauma and emergency pain management, 2013 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Critical care MCQs : a companion for intensive care exams, 2015 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Denver Health Medical Center Handbook of Surgical Critical Care : The Practice and the Evidence, 2015 (EBSCO-multiple)
End of life care in the ICU from advanced disease to bereavement, 2010 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Essentials of Neuroanesthesia and Neurointensive Care, 2008 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Handbook of critical and intensive care medicine, 2nd ed. (Springer)
The ICU book, 3rd ed. (Ovid)
ICU Protocols, 2012 (Springer)
ICU resource allocation in the new millennium : will we say "No"?, 2013 ed. (Springer)
Infection control in the intensive care unit, 2nd ed. (Springer)
Intensive and critical care medicine, 2005 ed. (Springer)
Intensive Care: A Concise Textbook, 2008 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Intensive care medicine MCQs : multiple choice questions with explanatory answers, 2015 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Intensive Care Unit Manual, 2014 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Intensive Care Units : Stress, Procedures and Mortality Rates, 2010 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Irwin & Rippe's Intensive Care Medicine, 7th ed. (Ovid)
Manual of intensive care medicine, 6th ed. (Ovid)
Marino's the ICU book, 2014 ed. (Ovid)
The newborn in the intensive care unit : a neuropsychoanalytic prevention model, 2014 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Oh's intensive care manual, 2014 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Procedures, techniques, and minimally invasive monitoring in intensive care medicine, 2008 ed. (Ovid)
Principles and Practice of Hospital Medicine, 2012 ed. (AccessMedicine)
Principles of Critical Care, 4e (AccessMedicine)
Surgical intensive care medicine, 2nd ed. (Springer)
Tropical and parasitic infections in the intensive care unit, 2005 ed. (Springer)
Ultrasonography in the ICU, 2015 (Springer)
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care, 2002 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
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See Critical Care...
Internal Medicine Journals - Springer Internal Medicine Collection
Top Textbooks
Conn's Current Therapy 2017 (ClinicalKey)
Current Medical Diagnosis and Treatment (CMDT), 2017 ed. (Access Medicine)
Goldman's Cecil Medicine, 25th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Harrison's principles of internal medicine, 19th ed. (AccessMedicine)
Hospital medicine, 2005 (Ovid)
Oxford Textbook of Medicine, 5th ed. (Stat!Ref)
Washington's Manual of Medical Therapeutics, 2016 ed. (Stat!Ref)
Other Books
ACP Scientific Medicine. (Stat!Ref)
ACP journal club (Stat!Ref)
5 Minute Clinical Consult 2017 (Ovid)
Advanced Assessment: Interpreting Findings and Formulating Differential Diagnoses, 2011 ed (Stat!Ref)
Andreoli and Carpenter's Cecil essentials of medicine, 2016 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Atlas of Adult Physical Diagnosis, 2016 ed. (Ovid)
Blueprints medicine, 2015 ed. (Clerkship)
Case Files. Internal Medicine 5th ed. (AccessMedicine)
The Cleveland Clinic Foundation intensive review of internal medicine, 6th ed. (Ovid)
Clinical Methods: the history, physical, and laboratory examinations, 3rd ed. (NCBI Bookshelf)
Clinician's Pocket Reference: The Scut Monkey (Gomella) 11th ed. (AccessMedicine)
Comprehensive Hospital Medicine: An Evidence-Based Approach, 2007 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Conn's Current Therapy 2017 (ClinicalKey)
Current Consult: Medicine -- Quick Medical Diagnosis & Treatment. (AccessMedicine)
Current Medical Diagnosis and Treatment (CMDT), 2017 ed. (Access Medicine)
Current Diagnosis & Treatment of Sexually Transmitted Diseases (AccessMedicine)
Current essentials of medicine, 4th ed. (McGraw-Hill)
Current Medical Diagnosis and Treatment 2017. (AccessMedicine)
Davidson's principles and practice of medicine, 2014 ed. (ClinicalKey)
DeGowin's Diagnostic Examination, 10th ed. (AccessMedicine)
Differential diagnosis in internal medicine from symptom to diagnosis, 2007 ed. (Thieme)
Differential Diagnosis of Common Complaints, 6th ed (ClinicalKey)
Ferri's clinical advisor 2019, (ClinicalKey)
Ferri'sPractical Guide, 2009 ed. (ClinicalKey)
First aid for the internal medicine boards, 2011 ed. (McGrawHill)
The 5-Minute Clinical Consult 2017 (Stat!Ref)
Goldman's Cecil Medicine, 25th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Guyton and Hall textbook of medical physiology, 13th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Harrison's manual of medicine, 19ed. (McGraw-Hill)
IM essentials text, 2015 ed. (Rittenhouse-single)
Instant Work-ups: A Clinical Guide to Medicine, 2nd ed. (ClinicalKey)
Internal medicine an illustrated radiological guide, 2010 ed. (Springer)
Internal medicine on call, 4th ed. (McGraw-Hill)
Kumar and Clark's Clinical Medicine, 9th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Kumar & Clark's Cases in Clinical Medicine, 3rd ed. (ClinicalKey)
Master the wards internal medicine handbook, 2016 ed. (McGrawHill)
Medical Interview, 3rd ed. (ClinicalKey)
The Merck Manual Of Diagnosis and Therapy, 2011 ed. (Stat!Ref)
Netter's internal medicine, 2nd ed. (ClinicalKey)
Oxford Textbook of Medicine, 5th ed. (Stat!Ref)
Pocket companion to Guyton and Hall textbook of medical physiology, 2016 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Pocket Guide to Diagnostic Tests 6th ed. (AccessMedicine)
Primary Care Medicine: Office Evaluation and Management of the Adult Patient, 7e (Clerkship)
Principles and Practice of Hospital Medicine, 2nd ed. (AccessMedicine)
Washington's Manual of Medical Therapeutics, 2016 ed. (Stat!Ref)
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Kinesiology Journals
ACSM's exercise is medicine : a clinician's guide to exercise prescription, 2009 ed. (Rittenhouse-single user)
Anatomy and human movement : structure and
function, 6th ed. (Rittenhouse-single user)
Basic biomechanics / 2007 ed. (AccessPhysiotherapy)
Basic orthopaedic biomechanics & mechano-biology / 2005 ed. (Ovid)
Biomechanics for life : introduction to sanomechanics / 2011 ed. (Springer)
Biomechanics : principles, trends and applications / 2010 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Brunnstrom's clinical kinesiology, 2012 ed. (Rittenhouse-single user)
Clinical kinesiology and anatomy, 2011 ed. (Rittenhouse-single user)
The complete guide to exercise referral : working with clients referred to exercise, 2013 ed. (EBSCO)
Evidence-Based Practice in Sport & Exercise : a Guide to Using Research (Rittenhouse-single user)
Evidence into Practice : Integrating Judgment, Values, & Research 2013 ed. (F.A. Davis)
Exercise Physiology 2015 ed. (Rittenhouse-single user)
Exercise Physiology : from a Cellular to an Integrative Approach, 2010 ed. (EBSCO)
Exercise Physiology in Special Populations 2008 ed. (SciencDirect)
Functional movement development across the life span, 2012 ed. (ScienceDirect)
The Hidden Mechanics of Exercise : Molecules That Move Us, (EBSCO)
Human movement : an introductory text, 2010 ed. (Rittenhouse-single user)
Joint Structure and Function: A Comprehensive Analysis 2011 ed. (F.A. Davis)
Kinesiology the mechanics and pathomechanics of human movement, 2016 ed. (LWW)
Kinesiology scientific basis of human motion, 12th ed. (AccessPhysiotherapy)
Laboratory manual for clinical kinesiology and anatomy, 2011 ed. (Rittenhouse-single user)
Making connections : total body integration through Bartenieff fundamentals, 2002 ed. (EBSCO)
Measurement for evaluation in Kinesiology, 2016 (EBSCO-multiple)
Muscle strength development, assessment and role in disease, 2012 ed. ()
Principles of Exercise Testing & Interpretation 2011 ed. (Ovid)
Principles of Kinesiology : What Is Is, How It Works, and What It Can Do for You. (EBSCO)
Projectile dynamics in sport : principles and applications / 2011 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Sports biomechanics : the basics : optimising human performance / 2010 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Therapeutic exercise from theory to practice, 2011ed. (Rittenhouse-single user)
Typical & Atypical Motor Development 2013 ed. (EBSCO)
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Leadership and Organizational Behavior Journals
Advances in Global Leadership, 2006 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
The AMA Handbook of Project Management, 2014 ed (EBSCO-multiple) 686835
Armstrong's Essential Human Resource Management Practice : A Guide to People Management, 2010 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
The Art of Followership : How Great Followers Create Great Leaders and Organizations, 2008 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
The Courageous Follower : Standing up to & for Our Leaders, 2009 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Culturally Intelligent Leadership : Leading Through Intercultural Interactions, 2010 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Culture and Organizational Behaviour, 2008 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
The Improvisation Edge : Secrets to Building Trust and Radical Collaboration at Work, 2011 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Lead with a Story : A Guide to Crafting Business Narratives That Captivate, Convince, and Inspire, 2012 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Lead with Purpose : Giving Your Organization a Reason to Believe in Itself, 2012 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Leadership for health professionals theory, skills, and applications, 2014 ed. (Rittenhouse - single user)
Leading valiantly in healthcare : four steps to sustainable success, 2013 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Leading with Cultural Intelligence : The New Secret to Success, 2010 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
A Manager's Guide to Human Behavior, 2010 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Managerial Dilemmas : Exploiting Paradox for Strategic Leadership, 2009 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Managing Organizational Behavior, 2002 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Manual of healthcare leadership : essential strategies for physician and administrative leaders, 2014 ed. (McGraw-Hill)
Now, Build a Great Business! : 7 Ways to Maximize Your Profits in Any Market, 2011 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Organization Development in Healthcare : Conversations on Research and Strategies, 2011 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Organizational Behavior 6, 2011 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Organizational Cooperation in Crises, 2009 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Organizing Around Intelligence : The New Paradigm, 2009 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Operational Leadership, 2010 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Principles and practice of hospital medicine, 2012 ed. (McGraw-Hill)
Results That Last : Hardwiring Behaviors That Will Take Your Company to the Top, 2008 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Team Building : Turn Personal Strengths Into Group Success, 2009 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Understanding and Managing Public Organizations, 2009 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
What Is Culture? : Generating and Applying Cultural Knowledge, 2010 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Men's Health Journals
Andrology male reproductive health and dysfunction, 2009 ed. (Springer)
Andrological Evaluation of Male Infertility A Laboratory Guide, 2016 ed. (Springer)
Clinical men's health evidence in practice, 2007 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Drugs Compromising Male Sexual Health , 2008 ed. (Springer)
The male patient in aesthetic medicine, 2009 ed. (Springer)
Male Sexual Dysfunctions in Neurological Diseases, 2011 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Men's Health, 2013 ed. (Springer)
Osteoporosis in men : the effects of gender on skeletal health, 2nd ed. (ClinicalKey)
Principles of gender-specific medicine, 2010 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Prostate cancer : science and clinical practice, 2016 ed. (ClinicalKey)
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Medical Education and Training Journals
Creating Community-responsive Physicians : Concepts and Models for Service-learning in Medical Education, 2013 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Curriculum development for medical education : a six-step approach, 2016 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
The AHA Guidelines and Scientific Statements Handbook, 2009 ed. (Wiley)
English in medical education an intercultural approach to teaching language and values, 2012 ed. ()
Gender, careers and inequalities in medicine and medical education : international perspectives, 2015 ed. ()
Handbook of academic medicine [electronic resource] : how medical schools and teaching hospitals work, 2013 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Handbook of teaching and learning for physical therapists, 2013 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Health professional as educator : principles of teaching and learning, 2011 ed. (Rittenhouse-single user)
Health Professions Education : A Bridge to Quality, 2003 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Interpreting statistical findings : a guide for health professionals and students, 2010 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Medical education and training from theory to delivery, 2009 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Remediation in Medical Education A Mid-Course Correction, 2014 ed. (Springer)
Statistics Workbook for Evidence-Based Health Care. 2009 ed. (Wiley)
Studying a study and testing a test : how to
read the medical evidence, (Reigelman) 5th ed. (Ovid)
Teaching and Learning Methods in Medicine, 2015 ed. (Springer)
Teaching health professionals online : frameworks and strategies, 2013 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Users' guides to the medical literature : essentials of evidence-based clinical practice, 2015 ed. (McGraw-Hill)
Zeiger Essentials of Writing Biomedical Research Papers, 2e (AccessBiomedical Science)
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2000 frases. Nivel 1 = 2000 phrases. Level 1, 1995 (EBSCO-multiple)
Edexcel Spanish for A level, 2008 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
El espanol y su estructura, 2012 (EBSCO-multiple)
English-Spanish, Spanish-English medical dictionary, 2014 ed. (McGraw-Hill)
English & Spanish medical words & phrases, 2008 ed. (Ovid)
The everything Spanish grammar book (EBSCO-multiple)
The everything Spanish phrase book for health care professionals, 2009 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Introduction to healthcare for Spanish-speaking interpreters and translators, 2015 ed.(EBSCO- multiple)
Jump Into Spanish (EBSCO-multiple)
Learn Spanish in a hurry grasp the basics of español pronto! (EBSCO-multiple)
Medical Spanish [Bongiovanni] (McGraw-Hill)
Medical Spanish made incredibly easy! (Ovid)
Medical Spanish made incredibly quick! (Ovid)
Spanish for A level [electronic resource] : student's book, 2008 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Spanish slanguage : a fun visual guide to Spanish terms and phrases, 2010 ed. ()
Using Spanish vocabulary, 2003 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
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Immunology Journals
Basic and clinical immunology, 2nd ed. (ClinicalKey)
Basic Immunology: Functions and Disorders of the Immune System, 5th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Cellular and molecular immunology, 8th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Clinical immunology : principles and practice, 3rd ed. (ScienceDirect)
Clinical Immunology, 4th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Color Atlas of Immunology, 2003 ed. (Thieme)
Crash Course: Immunology, 2006 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Elsevier's integrated review. Immunology and microbiology, 2nd ed. (ClinicalKey)
Encyclopedia of Immunology Research, 2012 ed. (EBSCO-multi)
Essential Immunology for Surgeons, 2011 ed. (EBSCO-multi)
Fundamental immunology (Paul), 6th ed. (Ovid)
Immunology, 8th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Immunology, 2010 ed. [Yates] (EBSCO-multi)
Immunology: a short course, 2015 ed. (Rittenhouse-single user)
Immunology for Medical Students, 2nd ed. (ClinicalKey)
Immunology in Clinic Practice, 2010 ed. (EBSCO-multi)
Immunology of Aging, 2014 ed. (Springer)
Immunotherapy : Activation, Suppression, and Treatments, 2010 ed. (EBSCO-multi)
Infectious Diseases :
The Clinician's Guide to Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention, 2015 ed. (StatRef)
Lippincott's Illustrated Q&A Review of Microbiology and Immunology, 2010 ed. (Rittenhouse-single user)
Lippincott's Illustrated Reviews: Immunology, 3e (LWW HealthLibrary)
Manual of Clinical Microbiology, 2015 ed. (Ebsco-multiple)
Middleton's allergy : principles & practice, 8th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Pediatric Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, 2008 ed. (Springer)
Primer to The Immune Response, 2014 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Rapid Review Microbiology and Immunology, 2011 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Review of Medical Microbiology and Immunology, 13th ed. (AccessMedicine)
Roitt's Essential Immunology, 2017 ed. (eBrary)
Schaechter's Mechanisms of Microbial Disease, 5e (LWW HealthLibrary)
Trends in innate immunity / 2008, (Karger)
Medical Microbiology Journals
The big picture medical microbiology, 2009 ed.(McGraw-Hill)
Cases in Medical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, 2014 ed. (Rittenhouse-single user)
Clinical Microbiology : Quality in Laboratory Diagnosis, 2012 ed. (EBSCO-multi)
Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, 2nd ed. (ClinicalKey)
Clinical Microbiology Procedures Handbook 3rd Ed (StatRef)
Elsevier's integrated review. Immunology and microbiology, 2nd ed. (ClinicalKey)
Harriet Lane Handbook of Pediatric Antimicrobial Therapy, 2nd ed. (ClinicalKey)
Human virology, 4th ed. (Stat!Ref)
Jawetz, Melnick & Adelberg's Medical Microbiology, 27th ed. (AccessMedicine)
Lippincott's illustrated reviews: cell and molecular biology, 2010 ed. (LWW)
Manual of clinical microbiology, 10th ed. (Stat!Ref)
Medical Microbiology, [Kayser, 2005], (Thieme)
Medical Microbiology, 2012 ed. [Greenwood] (ClinicalKey)
Medical Microbiology, 2016 ed. [Murray] (ClinicalKey)
Medical microbiology : a guide to microbial infections : pathogenesis, immunity, laboratory diagnosis (ClinicalKey)
Medical Microbiology: The Big Picture, 2008 ed. (McGraw-Hill)
Microbiology Cases (AccessMedicine)
Lippincott's Illustrated Q&A Review of Microbiology and Immunology, 2010 ed. (Rittenhouse-single user)
Lippincott's Illustrated Reviews: Microbiology, 2013 ed. (LWW)
Mims' Medical Microbiology, 2013 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Rapid Review Microbiology and Immunology, 2011 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Review of Medical Microbiology and Immunology, 13th ed. (AccessMedicine)
Schaechter's Mechanisms of Microbial Disease, 5 ed. (LWW Health Library)
Sherris Medical Microbiology, 6th ed. (AccessMedicine)
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Molecular Biology Journals
Cell and tissue based molecular pathology, 2009 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Color Atlas of Cytology, Histology, and Microscopic Anatomy, 4th ed. rev. (Thieme)
Histology and cell biology : an introduction to pathology, 3rd ed. (ClinicalKey)
Lippincott's illustrated reviews: cell and molecular biology, 2010 ed. (LWW)
Molecular biology, 2nd ed. (ClinicalKey)
Molecular biology and biotechnology : basic experimental protocols, 2013 ed. (EBSCO-multi)
Molecular biology techniques : a classroom laboratory manual, 3rd ed. (ClinicalKey)
Molecular medicine : genomics to personalized healthcare, 4th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Nephrology Journals - Springer Nephrology Collection
Top Textbooks
Brenner & Rector's The Kidney, 10th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Comprehensive clinical nephrology, 5th ed. (ClinicalKey)
CURRENT Essentials of Nephrology & Hypertension, 2012 ed. (McGraw-Hill)
Diseases of the kidney & urinary tract, 2007 ed. (Ovid)
Seldin and Giebisch's The Kidney, 2013 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Vander's renal physiology, 2013 ed. (AccessMedicine)
Other Books
Acute Kidney Injury : Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatments, 2011
The Aging Kidney in Health and Disease, 2008 ed. (Springer)
Biomarkers of Kidney Disease, 2nd edition (ClinicalKey)
Brenner & Rector's The Kidney, 10th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Chronic kidney disease, dialysis, and transplantation, 3rd ed. (ScienceDirect)
Clinician's Manual of Pediatric Nephrology, 2011 ed. (EBSCO-multi)
Comprehensive clinical nephrology, 4th ed. (ScienceDirect)
Comprehensive clinical nephrology, 5th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Comprehensive pediatric nephrology, 2008 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Critical care nephrology, 2nd ed. (ClinicalKey)
Current Diagnosis & Treatment: Nephrology & Hypertension (AccessMedicine)
CURRENT Essentials of Nephrology & Hypertension, 2012 ed. (McGraw-Hill)
Diagnostic atlas of renal pathology : a companion to Brenner & Rector's the Kidney, 2nd ed. (ClinicalKey)
Dialysis : History, Development, and Promise, 2012 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Diseases of the kidney & urinary tract, 2007 ed. (Ovid)
Essentials of chronic kidney disease, 2015 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Handbook of Dialysis, 5th Ed (Ovid)
Handbook of Kidney Transplantation, 5th Ed. (Ovid)
Handbook of Renal Biopsy Pathology, 2nd ed. (Springer)
Henrich's Principles and Practice of Dialysis, 2017 ed. (Ovid)
Heptinstall's pathology of the kidney, 2015 ed. (Ovid)
Hinman's atlas of urosurgical anatomy, 2nd ed. (ClinicalKey)
Informing Clinical Practice in Nephrology, 2015 ed. (Springer)
Interventional Nephrology ,2012 ed. (McGraw-Hill)
Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice, 2014 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Manual of nephrology, 8th ed. (Ovid)
National Kidney Foundation Primer on Kidney Diseases, 2014 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Nephrology and Clinical Chemistry : The Essential Link, 2012 ed. (EBSCO-multi)
Nephrology and fluid/electrolyte physiology : neonatology questions and controversies, 2nd ed. (ClinicalKey)
Nephrology secrets, 3rd ed. (ClinicalKey)
Nephrology in 30 days, 2011 ed. (McGraw-Hill)
Nutrition in Kidney Disease, 2008 ed. (Springer)
Oxford Desk Reference : Nephrology, 2012 ed. (EBSCO-multi)
Pediatric nephrology, 2009 ed. (Springer)
Pediatric Nephrology : A Handbook for Training Health Care Providers, 2012 ed. (EBSCO-multi)
Pediatric nephrology in the ICU, 2008 ed. (Springer)
Pocket Companion to Brenner and Rector's The Kidney, 2010 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Practical Nephrology, 2014 ed. (Springer)
Practical renal pathology : a diagnostic approach, 2013 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Principles and Practice of Dialysis, 4th Ed. (Ovid)
Regenerative nephrology, 2010 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Renal physiology, 2013 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Seldin and Giebisch's The Kidney, 2013 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Textbook of nephro-endocrinology, 2009 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Textbook of Uroradiology, 5th Ed. (Ovid)
Therapy in nephrology & hypertension, 3rd ed. (ClinicalKey)
Vander's renal physiology, 2013 ed. (AccessMedicine)
Washington Manual™, The: Nephrology - Subspecialty Consult, 3rd ed) (Ovid)
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Neurology Journals - Springer Neurology Collection
Top Textbooks
Adams and Victor's Principles of Neurology, 10th ed. (AccessMedicine)
Aminoff's Neurology and General Medicine, 5th ed (ClinicalKey)
Bradley's neurology in clinical practice, 7th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Child Neurology, 2006 ed. (Ovid)
Clinical Neurology, (Greenberg) 9th ed. (AccessMedicine)
Clinical Neurology, (Waxman) 28th ed. (AccessMedicine)
Essential Neuroscience, 3e (LWW HealthLibrary)
Fundamental Neuroscience for Basic and Clinical Applications, 4th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Merritt's Neurology, 13th ed. (Ovid)
Neuroanatomy in Clinical Context: An Atlas of Structures, Sections, Systems, and Syndromes, 9e (LWW HealthLibrary)
Walsh & Hoyt's Clinical Neuro-ophthalmology, 2005 ed. (Ovid)
Other Books
Adams and Victor's Principles of Neurology, 10th ed. (AccessMedicine)
Alzheimer’s Disease
Aminoff's Electrodiagnosis in clinical neurology, 6th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Aminoff's Neurology and General Medicine, 5th ed (ClinicalKey)
Anatomic Basis of Neurologic Diagnosis (Thieme)
Atlas of clinical neurology, 3rd ed. (ClinicalKey)
Atlas of clinical sleep medicine, 2013 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Atlas of image-guided spinal procedures, 2013 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Blueprints Neurology, 4th ed. (Clerkship)
Bradley's neurology in clinical practice, 7th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Basic Neurochemistry: molecular, cellular, and medical aspects, 6th ed. (NCBI Bookshelf)
Case-based neurology, 2012 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Cellular Physiology and Neurophysiology (Blaustein)
Child Neurology, 2006 ed. (Ovid)
A clinical guide to epileptic syndromes and their treatment, 2nd ed. (Springer)
Clinical Neuroanatomy, (Waxman) 26th ed. (AccessMedicine)
Clinical neuroimmunology : multiple sclerosis and related disorders, 2011 ed. (Springer)
Clinical Neurology, (Greenberg) 9th ed. (AccessMedicine)
Clinical Neurology, (Waxman) 28th ed. (AccessMedicine)
Color Atlas of Neurology, 2e (Thieme)
Color Atlas of Neuroscience (Thieme)
Comprehensive Board Review in Neurology, 2nd Ed (Thieme)
The comprehensive treatment of the aging spine, 1st ed. (ScienceDirect)
DeJong's the neurologic examination, 2013 ed. (LWW)
Differential Diagnosis in Neurology and Neurosurgery (Thieme)
Duus' Topical Diagnosis in Neurology (Thieme)
Encyclopedia of neurologic disorders, 2012 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Essential Neuroscience, 3e (LWW HealthLibrary)
The essential neurosurgery companion, 2013 ed. (EBSCO - multiple)
Essentials of the human brain, 2010 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Evoked spinal cord potentials : an illustrated guide to physiology, pharmacology, and recording techniques, 2006 ed. (Springer)
Fenichel's Clinical pediatric neurology : a signs and symptoms approach (ClinicalKey)
Fitzgerald's Clinical neuroanatomy and neuroscience, 7th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Fundamentals of Neurology, 4th Ed (Thieme)
Fundamental Neuroscience for Basic and Clinical Applications, 4th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Fundamentals of sleep medicine, 2012 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Gray's Clinical Neuroanatomy: The Anatomic Basis for Clinical Neuroscience, 7th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Guide to the Primary Care of Neurological Disorders, A, 2nd Ed (Thieme)
The human nervous system, 2012 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Imaging of traumatic brain injury, 2015 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Kaufman's Clinical Neurology for Psychiatrists, 7th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Lippincott's illustrated review of neuroscience, 2012e (LWW)
Localization in clinical neurology, 6th ed. (Ovid)
Manual of pediatric neurology, 2012 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Memory Loss, Alzheimer's Disease, and Dementia, 2016 ed (ClinicalKey)
Merritt's Neurology, 13th ed. (Ovid)
Movement disorders, 2012 ed. (AccessPhysiotherapy)
Netter’s Correlative Imaging: Neuroanatomy, 2015 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Netter's Neurology, 2nd ed. (ClinicalKey)
Neuroanatomy: An Atlas of Structures, Sections, and Systems, 8e (LWW HealthLibrary)
Neuroanatomy: An Illustrated Colour Text, 2015 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Neuroanatomy in Clinical Context: An Atlas of Structures, Sections, Systems, and Syndromes, 9e (LWW HealthLibrary)
Neuro-logic a primer of localization in clinical neurology, 2014 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Neurological Disorders and Pregnancy , 2011 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Neurology emergencies, 2011 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Neurology for the non-neurologist, 6th ed. (Ovid)
Neurology: Neonatology Questions and Controversies, 2nd ed. (ClinicalKey)
Neurology of the Newborn, 5th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Neurology secrets, 6th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Nolte's The Human Brain (Vanderah), 2016 (ClinicalKey)
Parkinson's disease and movement disorders, 5th ed. (Ovid)
Pediatric Neurology (Swaiman)
Practical neurology visual review, 2013 ed. (Ovid)
Pocket guide and toolkit to Dejong's neurologic examination, 2008 ed. (Ovid)
Practical Guide to Neurogenetics (Warner & Hammans), 2009
Practical neurology, 4th ed. (Ovid)
Principles and practice of hospital medicine, 2017 ed. (AccessMedicine)
Principles and Practice of Movement Disorders, 2011 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Principles of Neural Science, 5e (AccessBiomedical Science)
Principles of Neurological Surgery, 3rd ed. (ClinicalKey)
Psychiatry of Parkinson's disease, 2012 ed. (Karger)
Sleep disorders medicine : basic science, technical considerations, and clinical aspects, 3rd ed. (ScienceDirect)
Swaiman's Pediatric Neurology: Principles and Practice, 6th ed. (ClinicalKey)
7.0 Tesla MRI brain atlas, 2010 ed. (Springer)
Textbook of Clinical Neurology, 3rd ed. (ClinicalKey)
Ultimate review for the neurology boards, 2017 ed. (Ebsco-unlimited)
Umphred's Neurological Rehabilitation, 6th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Walsh & Hoyt's Clinical Neuro-ophthalmology, 2005 ed. (Ovid)
Wyllie's treatment of epilepsy : principles and practice, 5th ed. (Ovid)
Youmans Neurological Surgery, 7th ed. (ClinicalKey)
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Nursing Journals
Top Textbooks
Handbook Medical-Surgical Nursing, 2006 ed. (Ovid)
Lippincott manual of nursing practice, 9th ed. (Ovid)
Nursing care plans & documentation, 2008 ed. (Ovid)
Other Books
AORN Perioperative standards and operative practices, 2016 ed. (Stat!Ref)
Cardiac nursing, 6th ed. (Ovid)
Davis's drug guide for nurses, 2015 ed. (Stat!Ref)
Delmar's guide to laboratory and diagnostic tests, 3rd ed. (Stat!Ref)
Diseases and disorders : a nursing therapeutics manual, 5th ed. (Stat!Ref)
Foundations of nursing research, 6th ed. (Stat!Ref)
Handbook Medical-Surgical Nursing, 2006 ed. (Ovid)
Kozier & Erb’s fundamentals of nursing concepts, process, and practice, 10th ed. (Stat!Ref)
Lippincott manual of nursing practice, 9th ed. (Ovid)
2012 Lippincott's nursing drug guide, 12th ed. (Ovid)
Lippincott manual of nursing practice, 10th ed. (Stat!Ref)
Lippincott's nursing procedures, 7th ed. (Stat!Ref)
Lippincott's Video Series Nursing Procedures, 2009 (Stat!Ref)
Medical-surgical nursing care, 4th ed. (Stat!Ref)
NANDA International Nursing Diagnoses Definitions & Classification 2015-2017, (Stat!Ref)
Nurses' guide to clinical procedures, 6th ed. (Ovid)
Nurse's personal preceptor, 2010 ed. (Ovid)
Nursing care plans & documentation, 2008 ed. (Ovid)
Nursing diagnosis : application to clinical practice.13th ed. (Ovid)
Olds’ maternal-newborn nursing & women’s health across the lifespan, 10th ed. (Stat!Ref)
An osteopathic approach to children, 2nd ed. (ScienceDirect)
Oxford textbook of palliative nursing, 4th ed. (Stat!Ref)
Portable RN : the all-in-one nursing reference, 4th ed. (Ovid)
Nursing Diagnosis Reference Manual, 2008 ed. (Ovid)
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Nutrition Journals - Springer Nutrition Collection
Top Textbooks
Modern Nutrition in Health & Disease, 2014 ed. (Ovid)
Nutrition in the Prevention and Treatment of Disease, 2001 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Other Books
The clinical dietitian's essential pocket guide, 2009 ed. (Ovid)
An Evidence-Based Approach to Vitamins and Minerals, 2005 ed. (Thieme)
Clinical nutrition, 2013 ed. (EBSCO) - single user
The Complete Guide to Nutrition in Primary Care, 2007 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Diet Therapy in Advanced Practice Nursing, 2013 ed. (McGraw-Hill)
Essentials of Sports Nutrition Study Guide, 2008 ed. (Rittenhouse-single user)
Food, Nutrition and Eating Behavior, 2014 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Handbook of clinical nutrition and aging, 2009 ed. (Springer)
Manual of nutritional therapeutics, 2008 ed. (Ovid)
Manual of Pediatric Nutrition, 2013 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Modern nutrition in health and disease, 2014 ed. (Ovid)
Nutrition : From Birth to Old Age, 2013 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Nutrition & diet therapy, 2015 ed. (Stat!Ref)
Nutrition and metabolism, 2008 ed. (Springer)
Nutrition and skin lessons for anti-aging, beauty and healthy skin, 2011 ed. (Springer)
Nutrition essentials for nursing practice, 2010 ed. (Ovid)
Nutrition guide for physicians, 2010 ed. (Springer)
Nutritional guidelines for athletic performance : the training table, 2012 ed. (EBSCO) - single user
Nutrition in clinical practice a comprehensive, evidence-based manual for the practitioner, 2015 ed. (Ovid)
Nutrition in the Prevention and Treatment of Disease, 2001 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Nutritional Supplements in Sports and Exercise, 2008 ed. (Rittenhouse-single user)
Oxford Handbook of Nutrition and Dietetics, 2006 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Pocket Atlas of Nutrition. 2005 ed. (Thieme)
Preventive nutrition : the comprehensive guide for health professionals, 2010 ed. (Springer)
Sport and exercise nutrition, 2011 ed. (EBSCO) - single user
Sports Nutrition : A Practice Manual for Professionals, 2012 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Sport and Exercise Nutrition, 2011 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Sports nutrition more than just calories -- triggers for adaptation, 2011 ed. (Karger)
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Obstetric and Gynecology Journals
Springer Gynecology Collection / Springer Obstetrics Collection
Top Textbooks
Berek & Novak's gynecology, 15 ed. (Ovid)
Clinical gynecologic endocrinology and infertility, 2011 ed. (Ovid)
Comprehensive Gynecology, (Katz) 7th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Creasy and Resnik's Maternal-Fetal Medicine: Principles and Practice, 7th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Current Diagnosis & Treatment Obstetrics & Gynecology, 11th ed. (AccessMedicine)
Danforth's Obstetrics and Gynecology, 10th ed. (OVID)
Obstetrics - Normal and Problem Pregnancies, (Gabbe) 7th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Williams Gynecology, 3rd ed. (AccessMedicine)
Williams Obstetrics, 24th ed. (AccessMedicine)
Yen & Jaffe's Reproductive Endocrinology, 2014 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Other Books
5-Minute Consult Clinical Companion to Women's Health, The 2013 ed. (Ovid)
Atlas of Pelvic Anatomy and Gynecologic Surgery, 4th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Atlas of ultrasound in obstetrics and gynecology a multimedia reference, 2nd ed, (OVID)
Berek & Hacker's Gynecologic Oncology, 2015 ed. (Ovid)
Berek & Novak's gynecology, 15 ed. (Ovid)
Blueprints obstetrics & gynecology, 2013 ed. (Clerkship)
Chesley's hypertensive disorders in pregnancy, 2015e (ClinicalKey)
Clinical gynecologic endocrinology and infertility, 2011 ed. (Ovid)
Clinical Gynecologic Oncology, 9th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Comprehensive Gynecology, (Lentz) 7th ed. (ClinicalKey)
CURRENT Diagnosis & Treatment Obstetrics & Gynecology, 11th ed. (AccessMedicine)
CURRENT Diagnosis & Treatment of Sexually Transmitted Diseases (AccessMedicine)
Danforth's Obstetrics and Gynecology, 10th ed. (OVID)
Diagnostic Gynecologic and Obstetric Pathology, 2011 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Drugs during pregnancy and lactation : treatment optionsand risk assessment, 2015 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Drugs in Pregnancy and Lactation: A Reference Guide to Fetal and Neonatal Risk, 2014 ed. (Ovid)
Emans, Laufer, Goldstein's pediatric & adolescent gynecology, 6th ed. (OVID)
Essential Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 2013 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Family Medicine Obstetrics, 2008 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Fanaroff and Martin's Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine, 10th ed. (ClinicalKey)
First aid for the obstetrics & gynecology clerkship, 2011 ed. (McGraw-Hill)
Glass' Office Gynecology, 2014 ed. (Ovid)
Gynaecology (Shaw), 4th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Gynecologic and Obstetric Pathology, 2016 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Gynecologic Imaging: Expert Radiology Series, 2011 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Gynecologic Ultrasound: A Problem-Based Approach, 2014 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Hacker and Moore's essentials of obstetrics and gynecology, 6th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Infectious Pregnancy Complications, 2009 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Instant Work-ups: A Clinical Guide to Obstetric and Gynecologic Care, ed. (ClinicalKey)
The Johns Hopkins manual of gynecology and obstetrics, 5th ed. (OVID)
Lange Case Files: Obstetrics and Gynecology (Toy), (CaseFiles)
Langman's Medical Embryology, 13e (LWW HealthLibrary)
Management of Acute Obstetric Emergencies, 2011 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Manual of Obstetrics 8th ed. (Ovid)
Munro Kerr's Operative Obstetrics, 2014 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Neonatal Resuscitation (NRP) Textbook [Kattwinkel], 2011 ed. (Rittenhouse-single user)
Netter's Obstetrics and Gynecology, 3rd ed. (ClinicalKey)
Ob/gyn secrets, 2017 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Obstetric Anesthesia [Chestnut], 5e (Clinical Key)
Obstetrics and gynecology : a competency-based companion, 2010 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Obstetrics and Gynecology, ACOG [Beckmann] (Clerkship)
Obstetrics and Gynecology : The Essentials of Clinical Care, 2010 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Obstetrics & Gynecology Correlations and Clinical Scenarios, 2014 ed. (McGrawHill)
Obstetric and Gynecologic Dermatology, 2008 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Obstetric Imaging, 2012 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Obstetrics - Normal and Problem Pregnancies, (Gabbe) 7th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Oxorn Foote Human Labor and Birth, 2013 ed. (Mcgraw-Hill)
Pathology of the Female Reproductive Tract, 3rd ed. (ClinicalKey)
Practical Guide to the Care of the Gynecologic/Obstetric Patient, 2007 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Practical gynecologic oncology, 2005 ed. (Ovid)
Principles and Practice of Gynecologic Oncology, 6th ed. (Ovid)
Rosen's Breast Pathology, 3rd ed. (Ovid)
Shelf-Life Obstetrics and Gynecology, 1st ed. (Clerkship)
Step-up to obstetrics and gynecology, 2015 ed. (Clerkship)
Te Linde's Operative Gynecology, 2105 ed. (Ovid)
Ultrasonography in Obstetrics and Gynecology [Callen], 6th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Wilkinson and Stone Atlas of Vulvar Disease, 3rd ed. (Ovid)
Williams Gynecology, 3rd ed. (AccessMedicine)
Williams Obstetrics, 24th ed. (AccessMedicine)
Yen & Jaffe's Reproductive Endocrinology, 2014 ed. (ClinicalKey)
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OT Journals
Disabilities and Occupational Therapy
Mosby's field guide to occupational therapy for physical dysfunction, 2013 ed. (EBSCO) - single user
Occupational therapy and physical dysfunction enabling occupation, 2010 ed. (Rittenhouse-single user)
Occupational therapy for people with learning disabilities a practical guide, 2009 ed. (ScienceDirect)
Occupational therapy for physical dysfunction, 2014 ed. (LWW-OT collection)
Occupational Therapy in Epidermolysis Bullosa, 2013 ed. (Springer)
Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy for People with Cerebral Palsy, 2010 ed. - (EBSCO - multiple user)
The Pool Activity Level (PAL) instrument for occupational profiling : a practical resource for carers of people with cognitive impairment, 2012 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
PNF in Practice : An Illustrated Guide, 2014 ed. (Springer)
Rheumatology evidence-based practice for physiotherapists and occupational therapists, 2010 ed. (ScienceDirect)
Exam Preparation
Preparing for the occupational therapy national board exam 45 days and counting, 2011 ed. (Rittenhouse-single user)
General Texts
Conditions in occupational therapy : effect on occupational performance, 2012 ed. (LWW-OT collection)
The core concepts of occupational therapy, 2010 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Foundations for practice in occupational therapy, 2011 ed. (Rittenhouse-single user)
Human development and performance throughout the life span, 2016 ed (Rittenhouse-single user)
The intentional relationship occupational therapy and use of self, 2008 ed. (Rittenhouse-single user)
Kinesiology: The Mechanics and Pathomechanics of Human Movement, 2e [Oatis] (LWW-OT collection)
Model of Human Occupation: Theory and Application, 4e (LWW-OT collection)
Neuroscience for Rehabilitation, 2e (LWW-OT collection)
Occupational Therapy: Principles and Practice, 3e [Punwar] (LWW-OT collection)
Occupational therapy in mental health : a vision for participation, 2011 ed. (Rittenhouse-single user)
Occupational therapy in the promotion of health and wellness, 2010 ed. (Rittenhouse-single user)
Occupational therapy with elders : strategies for the COTA, 3rd ed. (EBSCO single user)
Occupational therapy evaluation for adults, 2014 ed. (LWW-OT collection)
The Occupational Therapy Handbook: Practice Education, 2012 ed. (EBSCO) - single user
The reference manual of the official documents of the American Occupational Therapy Association, 16th ed. (EBSCO) - single user
Role emerging occupational therapy : maximising occupation focussed practice, 2011 ed. (EBSCO) - single user
Service-learning in occupational therapy education philosophy and practice, 2011 ed. (Rittenhouse-single user)
Willard & Spackman's occupational therapy, 2014 ed. (LWW-OT collection)
Methods in Occupational Therapy
Activity analysis, creativity, and playfulness in pediatric occupational therapy, 2010 ed. (Rittenhouse-single user)
Assessments in occupational therapy mental health an integrative approach, 2008 ed. (Rittenhouse-single user)
Best Practice Occupational Therapy for Children and Families in Community Settings, 2011 ed. (Rittenhouse-single user)
Brain injury and returning to employment a guide for practitioners, 2005 ed. (EBSCO - multiple user)
Clinical and professional reasoning in occupational therapy, 2008 ed. (LWW-OT collection)
Cognitive and perceptual rehabilitation optimizing function, 2009 ed.(Rittenhouse-single user)
Cognitive behavioural interventions in physiotherapy and occupational therapy, 2008 ed. (ScienceDirect)
Current occupational & environmental medicine, 2011 ed. (McGraw-Hill)
International handbook of occupational therapy interventions, 2015 ed. (Springer)
International handbook of occupational therapy interventions , 2009 ed. (Springer)
Patient education in rehabilitation, 2010 (Rittenhouse-single user)
Program development and grant writing in occupational therapy making the connection, 2010 ed. (Rittenhouse-single user)
Pediatric Occupational Therapy
Frames of reference for pediatric occupational therapy, 2010 ed. (LWW-OT collection)
Activities for adults with learning disabilities [electronic resource] : having fun, meeting needs, 2009 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Occupational therapy evaluation for children, 2014 ed. (LWW-OT collection)
Occupational therapy models for Intervention with Children and Families, 2007 ed. (Rittenhouse-single user)
Play in occupational therapy for children, 2008 ed. (ScienceDirect)
Specialzed Practices
Community practice in occupational therapy, 2010 ed. (Rittenhouse-single user)
Hand and Wrist Rehabilitation Theoretical Aspects and Practical Consequences, 2015 ed. (Springer)
Invitation to community music therapy, 2012 ed. (EBSCO) - single user
Music therapy in action, 2012 ed. (EBSCO) - single user
Occupational Therapy and Vocational Rehabilitation, 2009 ed. (Wiley)
Occupational Therapy and Vocational Rehabilitation, 2007 ed. (EBSCO - multiple user)
Occupational therapy in community-based practice settings, 2014 ed. (Rittenhouse-single user)
Orthotic Intervention for the Hand and Upper Extremity: Splinting Principles and Process, 2e (LWW-OT collection)
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Oncology Journals / Springer Oncology Collection
Top Textbooks
Abeloff's Clinical Oncology, 5th ed, (ClinicalKey)
The chemotherapy source book, 2008 ed. (Ovid)
Clinical gynecologic oncology, 2018 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Clinical Radiation Oncology , 2016 ed. (ClinicalKey)
DeVita, Hellman, and Rosenberg's Cancer: Principles and Practice of Oncology, 2015 ed (Ovid)
M.D. Anderson Manual of Medical Oncology, 3rd ed. (AccessMedicine)
Molecular Basis of Cancer, 2015 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Principles and Practice of Gynecologic Oncology, 2013 ed. (Ovid)
Principles and Practice of Pediatric Oncology, 2016 ed. (Ovid)
Other Books
Abeloff's Clinical Oncology, 5th ed, (ClinicalKey)
Atlas of Diagnostic Oncology, ed. (ClinicalKey)
Basic Science of Oncology, 5th ed. (McGrawHill)
Benzel's Spine Surgery, (ClinicalKey)
Berek & Hacker's Gynecologic Oncology, 6th ed. (Ovid)
Bethesda handbook of clinical oncology, 4th ed. (Ovid)
BMJ Clinical Review: Clinical Oncology, 2016 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Bone Cancer, (ClinicalKey)
Brain Metastases from Primary Tumors, Volume 1 (ClinicalKey)
Brain Metastases from Primary Tumors, Volume 2 (ClinicalKey)
Brain Metastases from Primary Tumors, Volume 3 (ClinicalKey)
Brain Tumors: An Encyclopedic Approach, ed. (ClinicalKey)
Breast Cancer Imaging, (ClinicalKey)
Cancer of the Skin, ed. (ClinicalKey)
Cancer Treatment and the Ovary, 2015 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Chemotherapy and biotherapy guidelines and recommendations for practice, 2014 ed. (Stat!Ref)
The chemotherapy source book, 2008 ed. (Ovid)
Clinical gynecologic oncology, 2018 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Clinical interventional oncology, 2013 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Clinical Radiation Oncology , 2016 ed. (ClinicalKey)
DeVita, Hellman, and Rosenberg's Cancer: Principles and Practice of Oncology, 2015 ed (Ovid)
DNA Repair in Cancer Therapy: Molecular Targets and Clinical Applications, ed. (ClinicalKey)
Dorfman and Czerniak's Bone Tumors, ed. (ClinicalKey)
Early Diagnosis and Treatment of Cancer: Breast Cancer, ed. (ClinicalKey)
Early Diagnosis and Treatment of Cancer: Colorectal Cancer, ed. (ClinicalKey)
Early Diagnosis and Treatment of Cancer: Head and Neck Cancer, ed. (ClinicalKey)
Early Diagnosis and Treatment of Cancer: Ovarian Cancer, ed. (ClinicalKey)
Early Diagnosis and Treatment of Cancer: Prostate Cancer, ed. (ClinicalKey)
Encyclopedia of Radiation Oncology, 2013 ed. (Springer)
Enzinger and Weiss's Soft Tissue Tumors, ed. (ClinicalKey)
Extranodal Lymphomas, ed. (ClinicalKey)
Gene Therapy of Cancer, ed. (ClinicalKey)
Gynecologic Oncology Handbook : An Evidence-based Clinical Guide, 2013 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
IASLC Thoracic Oncology, ed. (ClinicalKey)
Hughes, Mansel & Webster's Benign Disorders and Diseases of the Breast, ed. (ClinicalKey)
Interventional Oncology, 2016 ed. (Thieme)
Jatin Shah's Head and Neck Surgery and Oncology, 4th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Khan's Treatment Planning in Radiation Oncology, 4th ed. (Ovid)
Lanzkowsky's Manual of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology, 6th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Leibel and Phillips Textbook of Radiation Oncology, 3rd ed. (ClinicalKey)
M.D. Anderson Manual of Medical Oncology, 2 ed. (AccessMedicine)
Management of Cancer in the Older Patient, ed. (ClinicalKey)
Manual of Clinical Oncology, 2012 ed. (Ovid)
Meyler’s Side Effects of Drugs in Cancer and Immunology, 16th ed(ClinicalKey)
Molecular Basis of Cancer, 2015 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Molecular Imaging in Oncology, 2013 ed. (Springer)
Nathan and Oski's Hematology and Oncology of Infancy and Childhood, 8th ed, (ClinicalKey)
Neuro-Oncology, 2015 ed. (Thieme)
Neuro-oncology : The Essentials (EBSCO-multiple)
Nuclear Oncology Pathophysiology and Clinical Applications, 2013 ed. (Springer)
Oncologic Imaging (ClinicalKey)
Oncology of Infancy and Childhood (ClinicalKey)
Palliative care to the cancer patient, 2014 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Pediatric Radiation Oncology, 6th ed. (Ovid)
Perez and Brady's Principles and Practice of Radiation Oncology, 2013 ed. (Ovid)
Perry's The Chemotherapy Source Book, 2012 ed. (Ovid)
Practical Radiation Oncology Physics, ed. (ClinicalKey)
Principles and Practice of Gynecologic Oncology (ClinicalKey)
Principles and Practice of Pediatric Oncology, 2016 ed. (Ovid)
Prostate Cancer, 2nd ed. (ClinicalKey)
Radiation Oncology: Rationale • Technique • Results, 9th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Rosen's Breast Pathology, 4th ed. [2009] (Ovid)
Skeel's Handbook of Cancer Therapy, 9th ed. (Ovid)
Sports Injuries: Mechanisms, Prevention, Treatment, (ClinicalKey)
Supportive Oncology, ed. (ClinicalKey)
Surgery of the Knee [Insall & Scott], (ClinicalKey)
Tachdjian's Pediatric Orthopaedics, (ClinicalKey)
Te Linde's Operative Gynecology, 11th ed. (Ovid)
Tumors and Tumor-like Conditions of the Lung and Pleura, ed. (ClinicalKey)
Tumors of the Spine, ed. (ClinicalKey)
Tumors and Tumor-like Conditions of the Lung and Pleura , ed. (ClinicalKey)
Visual Guide to Musculoskeletal Tumors: A Clinical - Radiologic - Histologic Approach, ed. (ClinicalKey)
The Washington Manual : Oncology subspecialty consult, 2012 ed. (Rittenhouse-Single user)
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Ophthalmology Journals / Springer Ophthalmology Collection
Top Textbooks
Kanski's Clinical Ophthalmology, 8th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Manual of Ocular Diagnosis and Therapy, 2008 ed. (Ovid)
Ophthalmic Surgery: Principles and Practice, 2012 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Ophthalmology, [Yanoff] 4th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Pediatric ophthalmology and strabismus, 5th ed. (ClinicalKey
Vaughan & Asbury's general ophthalmology, 18th ed. (AccessMedicine)
Walsh & Hoyt's Clinical Neuro-ophthalmology, 2005 ed. (Ovid)
The Wills eye manual, 6th ed. (Stat!Ref)
Other Books
Albert & Jakobiec's principles and practice of ophthalmology, 3rd ed. (ClinicalKey)
Adler's Physiology of the Eye, 2011 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Age-Related Macular Degeneration, 2nd Ed. (Ovid)
Clinical Diagnosis in Ophthalmology, 2006 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Clinical Manual of Contact Lenses, 4th ed. (Ovid)
Color Atlas of Ophthalmology, 2nd ed. (Thieme)
Curbside consultation in pediatric ophthalmology : 49 clinical questions, 2014 ed. (Rittenhouse-single user)
Diseases of the eye and skin : a color atlas (Ovid)
Duane's ophthalmology, 2013 ed. (Ovid)
Emergency ophthalmology : a rapid treatment guide, 2011 ed. (McGraw-Hill)
Evidence-based eye care, 2nd ed. (Ovid)
Harley's pediatric ophthalmology, 6th ed. (Ovid)
The Hospital for Sick Children's atlas of pediatric ophthalmology and strabismus, 2007 ed. (Ovid)
Kanski's Clinical Ophthalmology, 8th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Manual of Ocular Diagnosis and Therapy, 2008 ed. (Ovid)
The Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary review manual for ophthalmology 4th ed. (Rittenhouse-single)
Neuro-Ophthalmology: Diagnosis and Management, 2nd Ed. (ClinicalKey)
Neuro-Ophthalmology Illustrated, 2nd ed. (Thieme)
Ocular disease : mechanisms and management, 2010 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Ocular pathology, 2015 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Ocular therapeutics : handbook a clinical manual, 3rd ed. (Ovid)
The Ophthalmic Clinical Procedures, 2007 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Ophthalmic Surgery: Principles and Practice, 2012 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Ophthalmic Ultrasonography, 2012 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Ophthalmologic drug guide, 2007 ed. (Springer)
Ophthalmic surgery principles and practice, 2012 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Ophthalmology, [Lang], 3rd ed. (Thieme)
Ophthalmology, [Yanoff] 4th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Ophthalmology Secrets in Color, 4th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Ophtho Notes, (Thieme)
Pediatric Cataract Surgery: Techniques, Complications, and Management, 2nd ed. (Ovid)
Pediatric ophthalmology and strabismus, 5th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Pediatric retina, 2013 ed. (Ovid)
Pocket Atlas of Ophthalmology, (Thieme)
Rapid Ophthalmology, 2013 ed. (Rittenhouse-single user)
Retina in Systemic Disease, The, 2009 ed. (Thieme)
Review Questions in Ophthalmology, 3rd ed. (Ovid)
Roy and Fraunfelder's current ocular therapy, 6th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Signs in ophthalmology causes and differential diagnosis, 2010 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Synopsis of Clinical Ophthalmology, 3rd ed. (ClinicalKey)
Vaughan & Asbury's general ophthalmology, 19th ed. (AccessMedicine)
Visual Perception: A Clinical Orientation, 4th ed. (McGraw-Hill)
Walsh & Hoyt's Clinical Neuro-ophthalmology, 2005 ed. (Ovid)
The Wills eye manual, 7th ed. (Ovid)
The Wills Eye strabismus surgery handbook, 2015 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
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Orthopedic Journals / Springer Orthopedic Collection
Top Textbooks
Campbell's Operative Orthopaedics, 13th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Chapman's orthopaedic surgery, 3rd ed. (Ovid)
Current Diagnosis & Treatment in Orthopedics, 5e (AccessMedicine)
DeLee and Drez's Orthopaedic Sports Medicine, 4th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Rockwood & Wilkins' fractures in children, 2015 ed. (Ovid)
Skeletal Trauma: basic science, management, and reconstruction, (Browner) 5th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Other Books
AAOS Comprehensive Orthopaedic Review, 2009 ed. (Stat!Ref)
Adult Hip, The: Hip Arthroplasty Surger, 3rd ed. (Ovid)
Adult Reconstruction and Arthroplasty: Core Knowledge in Orthopedics, 2007 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Atlas of Orthopedic Pathology, (ClinicalKey)
Braddom's Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (Cifu)
Campbell's Core Orthopaedic Procedures, 2016 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Campbell's Operative Orthopaedics, 13th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Chapman's orthopaedic surgery, 3rd ed. (Ovid)
Clinical Epidemiology of Orthopaedic Trauma, 2016 ed. (Thieme)
Clinical Orthopaedic Rehabilitation: A Team Approach, (ClinicalKey)
Current Diagnosis & Treatment in Orthopedics, 5e (AccessMedicine)
CURRENT Essentials Orthopedics, 2008 ed. (McGraw-Hill)
DeLee and Drez's Orthopaedic Sports Medicine, 4th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Essentials of musculoskeletal care, 4th ed. (Stat!Ref)
Essential orthopaedics, 2010 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Essential orthopaedics and trauma, 2009 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Essentials of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 2014 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Evidence-Based Orthopaedics: The Best Answers to Clinical Questions (ClinicalKey)
Experimental Research Methods in Orthopedics and Trauma, 2014 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
First Aid for the Orthopaedic Boards, 2nd ed. (McGraw-Hill)
FRCS Trauma and Orthopaedics Exam : A Guide to Clinicals and Vivas, 2014 ed. (EBSCO-mutiple)
Fundamentals of Pediatric Orthopedics, 2016 ed. (Ovid)
Green's Operative Hand Surgery, 2017 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Green's Skeletal Trauma in Children, 5th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Handbook of fractures, 3rd ed. (McGraw-Hill)
Handbook of Pediatric Orthopedics, 2011 ed. (Thieme)
High-Yield Orthopaedics, 2010 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Hospital for Special Surgery Orthopaedics Manual
Illustrated Orthopedic Physical Assessment, 3rd ed. (ClinicalKey)
Insall & Scott surgery of the knee, 6th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Lippincott's Primary Care Orthopaedics, 2nd ed. (Ovid)
Lovell and Winter's Pediatric Orthopaedics, 7th ed. (Ovid)
Mann's Surgery of the Foot and Ankle, 9th ed. (ClinicalKey)
A Manual of Orthopaedic Terminology, 2015 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Manual of Orthopaedics, 7th ed. (Ovid)
Master Techniques in Orthopaedic Surgery: Pediatrics, 2008 ed. (Ovid)
Master Techniques in Orthopaedic Surgery: The Elbow, 3rd ed. (Ovid)
Master Techniques in Orthopaedic Surgery: The Foot and Ankle, 3rd ed. (Ovid)
Master Techniques in Orthopaedic Surgery: The Spine, 3rd ed. (Ovid)
Medico-Legal Reporting in Orthopaedic Trauma, (ClinicalKey)
Miller's Review of Orthopaedics, 2016 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Minimally invasive surgery in orthopedics, 2010 ed. (Springer)
Morrey’s The Elbow and Its Disorders, (ClinicalKey)
Musculoskeletal emergencies, 2013 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Netter’s Concise Orthopaedic Anatomy, 2010 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Netter's Orthopaedic Clinical Examination, 2016 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Operative Approaches in Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology, 2015 (EBSCO-multiple)
Operative Orthopedics of the Upper Extremity, 2014 ed. (McGraw-Hill)
Orthopaedic Emergencies
Orthopaedic Emergency and Office Procedures
Orthopedic Imaging: A Practical Approach, 6th ed. (Ovid)
Orthopaedic Knowledge Update, 12th ed. (Stat!Ref)
Orthopaedic surgery : principles of diagnosis and treatment, 2010 ed. (Rittenhouse-single user)
Orthopaedic Surgery Essentials: Spine, 2nd ed. (Rittenhouse-single user)
Operative Microsurgery, 2015 ed. (McGraw-Hill)
Orthopaedic Rehabilitation of the Athlete, (clinicalKey)
Operative Techniques: Orthopaedic Trauma Surgery, (ClinicalKey)
Operative Techniques: Pediatric Orthopaedic Surgery, (ClinicalKey)
Operative techniques sports medicine surgery, 2010 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Orthopaedic Pathology, (ClinicalKey)
Orthopedic Imaging: A Practical Approach, 6th ed.) (Ovid)
Orthopedic manual therapy : an evidence-based approach, 2nd ed. (Rittenhouse-single user)
Orthopedic Physical Assessment, 2011 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Orthopedic Secrets, 2015 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Orthopaedic surgery : principles of diagnosis and treatment, 2010 ed. (Rittenhouse-single user)
Orthopaedic Surgical Approaches, 2015 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Orthopaedic trauma surgery, 2010 ed. (Springer)
Photographic Manual of Regional Orthopedic Tests, 2010 ed. (Rittenhouse-single user)
Practice of Paediatric Orthopaedics, 3rd ed. (Ovid)
Practical Orthopedic Pathology: A Diagnostic Approach, 2016 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Practical Orthopedics, 2008 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Rockwood And Green's Fractures In Adults, 8th ed.) (Ovid)
Rockwood & Wilkins' fractures in children, 2015 ed. (Ovid)
The Shoulder, 3rd ed. (Ovid)
Shoulder Arthroscopy 3rd ed. (Ovid)
Skeletal Trauma in Children, 5th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Skeletal Trauma: basic science, management, and reconstruction, (Browner) 5th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Benzel's Spine Surgery, 4th. ed. (ClinicalKey)
Surgical Exposures in Orthopaedics: The Anatomic Approach 5th ed. (Ovid)
Tachdjian's Pediatric Orthopaedics
Tachdjian's Procedures in Pediatric Orthopaedics, 2017 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Tarascon pocket orthopaedica, 3rd ed. (Stat!Ref)
Textbook of Orthopaedics, Trauma and Rheumatology, 2013 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Trauma and orthopedic surgery in clinical practice, 2009 ed. (Springer)
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Osteopathic Journals / Springer OMM Collection
Top Textbooks
The 5-Minute Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine Consult (LWW HealthLibrary)
Atlas of Osteopathic Techniques, 3e (LWW HealthLibrary)
Foundations of Osteopathic Medicine, 3e (LWW HealthLibrary)
Greenman's Principles of Manual Medicine, 4e (LWW HealthLibrary)
The Pocket Manual of OMT, 2e (LWW HealthLibrary)
Somatic Dysfunction in Osteopathic Family Medicine, 2015 ed. (LWW HealthLibrary)
Other Books
The 5-Minute Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine Consult (LWW HealthLibrary)
At the still point of the turning world the art and philosophy of osteopathy, 2013 ed. (Rittenhouse-single)
Atlas of Osteopathic Techniques, 3e (LWW HealthLibrary)
COMLEX level 2-PE review guide. 2011 ed. (Rittenhouse-single user)
The feminine touch : women in osteopathic medicine, 2011 ed. (EBSCO)
First aid for the COMLEX an osteopathic manipulative medicine review, 2011 ed. (McGraw-Hill)
Foundations of Osteopathic Medicine, 3e (LWW HealthLibrary)
Greenman's Principles of Manual Medicine, 4e (LWW HealthLibrary)
Manipulative therapy : musculoskeletal medicine, 2010 ed. (ScienceDirect)
Manual physical therapy of the spine, 2009 ed. (ScienceDirect)
An osteopathic approach to children, 2nd ed. (ScienceDirect)
Orthopaedic manual therapy diagnosis : spine and temporomandibular joints, 2010 ed. (Rittenhouse-single user)
An Osteopathic Approach to Diagnosis and Treatment, 3e (LWW HealthLibrary)
Osteopathic techniques : the learner's guide, 2017 (Thieme)
Osteopathy : models for diagnosis, treatment and practice, 2006 ed. (ScienceDirect)
Pediatric manual medicine : an osteopathic approach, 2009 ed. (ScienceDirect)
The Pocket Manual of OMT, 2e (LWW HealthLibrary)
Principles of manual sports medicine, 2006 ed. (Ovid)
Somatic Dysfunction in Osteopathic Family Medicine, 2015 ed. (LWW HealthLibrary)
Trigger points and muscle chains in osteopathy, 2009 ed. (Thieme)
Visceral manipulation in osteopathy, 2011 ed. (Thieme)
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Otolaryngology Journals / Springer Otolaryngology Collection
Top Textbooks
Bailey's head and neck surgery--otolaryngology, 5th ed. (Ovid)
Cummings otolaryngology : head & neck surgery, 6th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Cummings Pediatric Otolaryngology, 2015 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Current diagnosis & treatment in otolaryngology, 3rd ed. (AccessMedicine)
Jatin Shah's Head and Neck Surgery and Oncology, 4th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Operative otolaryngology head and neck surgery, 2008 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Other Books
Atlas of head & neck surgery, 2011 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Atlas of head and neck robotic surgery, 2017 ed. (Springer)
Bailey's head and neck surgery--otolaryngology, 5th ed. (Ovid)
Basic Otorhinolaryngology, 2006 ed. (Thieme)
Bluestone and Stool's Pediatric Otolaryngology, 2014 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
BMJ Clinical Review: General Surgery, 2015 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
BMJ Clinical Review:Orthopaedics, Vascular Surgery and ENT, 2015 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Color atlas of ENT diagnosis, 5th ed. (Thieme)
Complications in head and neck surgery, 2nd ed. (ScienceDirect)
Comprehensive otolaryngology review : a case-based approach, 2014 ed. (EBSCO - multiple)
Cummings otolaryngology head & neck surgery, 6th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Cummings Pediatric Otolaryngology, 2015 ed. (ClinicalKey)
CURRENT diagnosis & treatment in otolaryngology, 3rd ed. (AccessMedicine)
Diagnosis in otorhinolaryngology : an illustrated guide, 2009 ed. (Springer)
Diagnostic surgical pathology of the head and neck, 2009 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Differential diagnosis in otolaryngology -- head and neck surgery, 2011 ed. (EBSCO - multiple)
Ear, Nose and Throat and Head and Neck Surgery, 2013 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Endoscopic Atlas of Pediatric Otolaryngology, 2016 ed. (Springer)
ENT in Primary Care A Concise Guide, 2017 ed. (Springer)
ENT infections an atlas of investigation and management, 2010 ed. (EBSCO - multiple)
ENT Secrets, 2016 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Essential otolaryngology head & neck surgery, 10th ed. (McGraw-Hill)
Geriatric Otolaryngology, 2015 ed. (EBSCO - multiple)
Handbook of otolaryngology : head and neck surgery, 2011 ed. (EBSCO - multiple)
Handbook of pediatric otolaryngology, 2012 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Head and Neck Cancer: A Multidisciplinary Approach, 4th ed. (Ovid)
Imaging for otolaryngologists, 2011 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Jatin Shah's Head and Neck Surgery and Oncology, 4th ed. (ClinicalKey)
K.J. Lee's Essential Otolaryngology, 11th ed. (McGraw-Hill)
Medical genetics in the clinical practice of ORL, 2011 ed. (Karger)
Nurses' quick reference guide for otolaryngology, 2014 ed. (Springer)
Operative otolaryngology head and neck surgery, 2008 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Otolaryngology : Basic Science and Clinical Review, 2006 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Otolaryngology : Board Review: Pearls of Wisdom, 3rd ed. (McGraw-Hill)
Otolaryngology Cases : The University of Cincinnati Clinical Portfolio, 2010 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Otolaryngology : head & neck surgery : clinical reference guide, 2014 ed. (Rittenhouse-single)
Otolaryngology--head and Neck Surgery : Rapid Clinical and Board Review, 2015 ed. (EBSCO-mutiple)
Otolaryngology prep and practice, 2013 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Otorhinolaryngology, head and neck surgery, 2010 ed. (Springer)
Otolaryngology board review, 3rd ed. (McGraw-Hill)
Pediatric otolaryngology [AAP], 2012 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Pediatric otolaryngology -- head & neck surgery : clinical reference guide, 2014 ed.(EBSCO-mutiple)
Pediatric otolaryngology : practical clinical management, 2017 ed. (Thieme)
Pediatric otolaryngology : principles and practice pathways, 2012 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Pediatric otolaryngology for the clinician, 2009 ed. (Springer)
Practical otology for the otolaryngologist, 2013 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Robotics and Digital Guidance in ENT–H&N Surgery, 2017 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Surgical pediatric otolaryngology, 2016 ed. (Thieme)
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Pathology Journals / Springer Pathology Collection
Top Textbooks
Henry's Clinical Diagnosis and Management by Laboratory Methods, 23rd ed. (ClinicalKey)
Pathophysiology of Disease, 7e (AccessMedicine)
Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease, 9th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Wallach’s Interpretation of Diagnostic Tests: Pathways to Arriving at a Clinical Diagnosis, 11th ed. (Ovid)
Other Books
Atlas of liver pathology, 2011 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Atlas of Gynecologic Surgical Pathology, (ClinicalKey)
Atlas of pathophysiology, 4e (Ovid)
Blood and bone marrow pathology, 2011 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Bone and soft tissue pathology, 2012 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Breast pathology, 2017 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Cases and Concepts Step 1: Pathophysiology Review (LWW HealthLibrary)
Color Atlas of Pathology, (Thieme)
Color Atlas of Pathophysiology, 3e (Thieme)
Concise Pathology, 3rd ed. (McGraw-Hill)
Diagnostic atlas of renal pathology, 2nd ed. (ClinicalKey)
Diagnostic Pathology of Infectious Disease. (ClinicalKey)
Diagnostic gynecologic and obstetric pathology, 2011 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Diagnostic molecular pathology in practice a case-based approach, 2011 ed. (Springer)
Differential diagnosis in surgical pathology, 2015 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Ferri's Best Test: A Practical Guide to Laboratory Medicine and Diagnostic Imaging, 3rd ed. (ClinicalKey)
Gastrointestinal and liver pathology, 2012 ed. (ClinicalKey)
General Pathology and Internal Medicine for Physical Therapists (Thieme)
Gynecologic and Obstetric Pathology. (ClinicalKey)
Henry's Clinical Diagnosis and Management by Laboratory Methods, 23rd ed. (ClinicalKey)
Histology and cell biology : an introduction to pathology, 3rd ed. (ClinicalKey)
Histology for Pathologists, 4th ed. (Ovid)
MacSween's pathology of the liver, 2012 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Medical Imaging of Normal and Pathologic Anatomy. (ClinicalKey)
Modern Surgical Pathology. (ClinicalKey)
Netter's Illustrated Human Pathology. (ClinicalKey)
Oral pathology a comprehensive atlas and text, 2012 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Pathology: A Modern Case Study, 2015 ed. (AccessMedicine)
Pathology of the lungs expert consult, 2011 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Pathology Q&A, (Thieme)
Pathology: The Big Picture, 2008 ed. (AccessMedicine)
Pathophysiology of Blood Disorders, 2e (AccessMedicine)
Pathophysiology of Disease, 7th ed. (AccessMedicine)
Pathophysiology of Heart Disease, 6e (LWW HealthLibrary)
Practical hepatic pathology, 2018 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Practical pulmonary pathology, 2018 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Pulmonary Pathology, 1st ed, 2014 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Robbins and Cotran Atlas of Pathology, 3rd ed. (ClinicalKey)
Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease, 9th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Robbins Basic Pathology, 10th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Rosai and Ackerman's surgical pathology, 2011 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Rubin's pathology : clinicopathologic foundations of medicine, 2015 ed. (LWW)
Sternberg's Diagnostic Surgical Pathology, 4th ed. (Ovid)
Stocker and Dehner's pediatric pathology, 2016 ed. (Ovid)
Thoracic pathology, 2012 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Underwood's Pathology: A Clinical Approach. (ClinicalKey)
USMLE Road Map Pathology, 2009 ed. (McGraw-Hill)
Wallach’s Interpretation of Diagnostic Tests: Pathways to Arriving at a Clinical Diagnosis, 11th ed. (Ovid)
West's Pulmonary Pathophysiology: The Essentials, 9e ( LWW Health)
Wheater's basic pathology, 2011 ed. (ClinicalKey)
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Clinical Pathology Journals
Clinical pathology for athletic trainers recognizing systemic disease, 2nd ed. (Rittenhouse-single user)
Davis's comprehensive handbook of laboratory and diagnostic tests, 4th ed. (Stat!Ref)
Delmar's guide to laboratory and diagnostic tests, 2nd ed. (Stat!Ref)
Diagnostic pathology of infectious disease, 2010 ed. (ScienceDirect)
Henry's Clinical Diagnosis and Management by Laboratory Methods, 23rd ed. (ClinicalKey)
Hutchison's clinical methods : an integrated approach to clinical practice, 23rd ed. (ClinicalKey)
Interpretation of diagnostic tests, 8th ed. (Ovid)
Intraoperative Consultation: Foundations in Diagnostic Pathology, 1st ed. (ClinicalKey)
Laboratory Tests and Diagnostic Procedures, 2013 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Practical hepatic pathology : a diagnostic approach, 2018 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Wallach's interpretation of diagnostic tests, 9th ed. (Ovid)
Pediatrics Journals / Springer Pediatrics Collection
Top Textbooks
Child Neurology, 7th ed. (Ovid)
CURRENT Diagnosis & Treatment: Pediatrics, 23rd ed. (AccessMedicine)
Harriet Lane Handbook, 21st ed. (ClinicalKey)
Nelson essentials of pediatrics, 2014 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Nelson textbook of pediatrics, 20th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Oski's Pediatrics: principles and practice, 2006 ed. (Ovid)
Pediatric surgery, 2012 (7th) ed. (ClinicalKey)
Principles and Practice of Pediatric Infectious Diseases, (Long) 5th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Rockwood and Wilkins' fractures in children, 7th ed. (Ovid)
Other Books
Adolescent Health Care: A Practical Guide, 5th ed. (Ovid)
Advanced Pediatric Assessment, 2015 ed. (Ebsco-multiple)
Anesthesia for Genetic, Metabolic, & Dysmorphic Syndromes of Childhood (3rd Edition) (Ovid)
Atlas of Pediatric Laparoscopy and Thoracoscopy, 2008 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Atlas of Pediatric Physical Diagnosis, 6th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Avery's Diseases of the Newborn, 2012 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Berkowitz's pediatrics a primary care approach, 2012e (EBSCO)
Caffey's Pediatric Diagnostic Imaging, 12th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Child Neurology, 7th ed. (Ovid)
Current essentials pediatrics, 2011 ed. (McGraw-Hill)
Child Language Development: Learning to Talk, 2009 ed. (Wiley)
Comprehensive Pediatric Hospital Medicine, 2007 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Comprehensive Pediatric Nephrology, 2008 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Cummings Pediatric Otolaryngology, 2015 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Curbside Consultation in Pediatric Obesity : 49 Clinical Questions, 2014 ed. (Ebsco-multiple)
CURRENT Diagnosis & Treatment: Pediatrics, 23rd ed. (AccessMedicine)
Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics, 4th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Diagnostic Pediatric Surgical Pathology, 1st ed. (ClinicalKey)
Dulcan's Textbook of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 2nd ed (PsychiatryOnline)
Feigin and Cherry's Textbook of Pediatric Infectious Diseases, 7th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Fenichel's Clinical Pediatric Neurology, 7th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Green's Child and Adolescent Clinical Psychopharmacology (5th Edition) (Ovid)
Green's Skeletal Trauma in Children, 2016 ed. (ClinicalKey)
The handbook of evidence-based interventions for children and adolescents, 2017 ed. (Ebsco-multiple)
Harley's Pediatric Ophthalmology (6th Edition) (Ovid)
Harriet Lane Handbook of Pediatric Antimicrobial Therapy, 2nd ed. (ClinicalKey)
Handbook of pediatric surgery, 2010 ed. (Springer)
Harriet Lane Handbook, 20th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Hinman's Atlas Of Pediatric Urologic Surgery, 2nd ed. (ClinicalKey)
Hurwitz clinical pediatric dermatology a textbook of skin disorders, 5th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Illustrated Textbook of Paediatrics, 2018 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Instant Work-ups: A Clinical Guide to Pediatrics, 1st ed. (ClinicalKey)
Kendig and Chernick’s Disorders of the Respiratory Tract in Children, 8th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Klaus and Fanaroff's Care of the High-Risk Neonate, 2013 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Lovell and Winter's Pediatric Orthopaedics (7th Edition) (Ovid)
Manual of Pediatric Anesthesia, 6th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Manual of pediatric hematology and oncology, 5th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Moss and Adams' Heart Disease in Infants, Children, and Adolescents (8th Edition) (Ovid)
Nelson essentials of pediatrics, 2014 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Nelson's Pediatric Antimicrobial Therapy (EBSCO-multiple)
Nelson Pediatric Symptom-Based Diagnosis, 2018 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Nelson textbook of pediatrics, 20th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Netter's pediatrics, 2016 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Operative Techniques: Pediatric Orthopaedic Surgery, 2011 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Oski's Pediatrics: principles and practice, 4th ed. (Ovid)
Pediatric allergy principles and practice, 2nd ed. (ScienceDirect)
Pediatric Bone, 2nd ed. (ClinicalKey)
Pediatric Cardiology for Practitioners, (Park) 6th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Pediatric Clinical Practice Guidelines & Policies: A Compendium of Evidence-based Research for Pediatric Practice- 2014 ed. (Stat!Ref)
Pediatric Clinical Skills, 4th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Pediatric critical care, 4th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Pediatric Decision Making strategies, 2016 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Pediatric Emergency Assessment, Recognition, and Stabilization Provider Manual (AHA)
Pediatric Emergency Medicine, 2008 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Pediatric Emergency Medicine Secrets, 3rd ed. (ClinicalKey)
Pediatric Endocrinology, 4th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Pediatric Gastroenterology, 1st ed. (ClinicalKey)
Pediatric gastrointestinal and liver disease, 4th ed. (ScienceDirect)
Pediatric Imaging: The Fundamentals, 1st ed. (ClinicalKey)
Pediatric Infectious Diseases: The Requisites in Pediatrics, ed. (ClinicalKey)
Pediatric neurology, 2012 ed. (Rittenhouse-single user)
Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus, 4th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Pediatric orthopaedic surgery, 2011 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Pediatric Radiology: The Requisites, 3rd ed. (ClinicalKey)
Pediatric Respiratory Medicine, 2nd ed. (ClinicalKey)
Pediatric Secrets, 6th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Pediatric Sports Medicine, 2014 ed. (Rittenhouse-single user)
Pediatric surgery, 2012 (7th) ed. (ClinicalKey)
Pediatric traumatic brain injury, 2010 ed. (Rittenhouse-single user)
Pediatric Urology, 2nd ed. (ClinicalKey)
Pediatrics : A Competency-Based Companion, ed. (ClinicalKey)
Practical Management of Pediatric and Adult Brachial Plexus Palsies, 2012 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Practice of Anesthesia for Infants and Children, 5th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Principles and Practice of Pediatric Infectious Diseases, (Long) 5th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Principles and practice of pediatric oncology, 6th ed. (Ovid)
Principles and Practice of Pediatric Sleep Medicine, 2012 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Pulmonary Manifestations of Pediatric Diseases, ed. (ClinicalKey)
Remington and Klein's infectious diseases of the fetus and newborn infant, 2016 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Rennie and Roberton's Textbook of Neonatology, 2012 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Rockwood and Wilkins' fractures in children, 7th ed. (Ovid)
Schwartz's clinical handbook of pediatrics, 2013 ed. (Ovid)
Smith's Anesthesia for Infants and Children, 8th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Stroke in Children and Young Adults, 2nd ed. (ClinicalKey)
Succinct Pediatrics : Evaluation and Management for Common and Critical Care, 2015 ed. (Ebsco-multiple)
Swaiman's pediatric neurology principles and practice, 5th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Tachdjian's Pediatric Orthopaedics, 5th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Tachdjian's Procedures in Pediatric Orthopaedics, 2017 ed. (ClinicalKey)
The teaching files : pediatrics (ClinicalKey)
Textbook of Interdisciplinary Pediatric Palliative Care, 2011 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Textbook of neonatal resuscitation, 2011 ed. (Rittenhouse, single user)
Textbook of Pediatric Rheumatology, 7th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Visual diagnosis in pediatrics, 2015 ed. (Ovid)
Walker's Pediatric Gastrointestinal Disease- 2008 ed. (Ebsco-multiple)
The Washington manual of pediatrics, 2010 ed. (Ovid)
Zitelli and Davis' atlas of pediatric physical diagnosis, 2012 ed. (ClinicalKey)
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Pharmacology Journals / Springer Pharmacology Collection / Pharmacology Resources Guide
Top Textbooks
Basic & Clinical Pharmacology, 13th ed. (AccessMedicine)
Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics, 12th ed. (AccessMedicine)
Poisoning & Drug Overdose, 6th ed. (AccessMedicine)
Principles of Pharmacology: The Pathophysiologic Basis of Drug Therapy, 3e (LWW HealthLibrary)
Other Books
2012 Lippincott's nursing drug guide, 12th ed. (Ovid)
AHFS Drug Information. 2010 ed. (Stat!Ref)
Atlas of pain management injection techniques, 3rd ed. (ClinicalKey)
Basic & Clinical Pharmacology, 13th ed. (AccessMedicine)
Brody's human pharmacology : molecular to clinical, 5th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Casarett and Doull's toxicology : the basic science of poisons, 7th ed. (McGraw-Hill)
Clinical Pharmacology, 11th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Clinical trials study design, endpoints and biomarkers, drug safety, and FDA and ICH guidelines, 2012 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Clinician's pocket drug reference 2015 (McGraw-Hill)
Davis's drug guide for nurses, 14th ed. (Stat!Ref)
Detailed Drug Information for the Consumer, 27th ed. (Stat!Ref)
Drug-Induced Diseases: Prevention, Detection, and Management- 2010 ed. (EBSCO-Multiple)
DrugPoints System, 2016 ed. (Stat!Ref)
Drugs for the Heart, 8th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Drugs in pregnancy and lactation, 2014 ed. (LWW)
Elsevier's Integrated Review Pharmacology, 2nd ed. (ClinicalKey)
Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics, 13th ed. (AccessMedicine)
Goodman and Gilman's Manual of Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 2e
Green's Child and Adolescent Clinical Psychopharmacology, 5th ed. (Ovid)
Guide to drug development a comprehensive review & assessment, 2009 ed. (Ovid)
Handbook on injectable drugs, 18th ed. (Stat!Ref)
Illustrated handbook of toxicology, 2011 ed. (Thieme)
Lippincott Illustrated Reviews: Pharmacology, 6 ed. (LWW HealthLibrary)
Marijuana, 2013 ed. (Gale)
Manual of Clinical Psychopharmacology, 8th ed. (PsychiatryOnline)
Medical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 4th ed. (ClinicalKey)
The merck manual of diagnosis and therapy, 19th ed. (Stat!Ref)
Meyler's side effects of herbal medicines, 2009 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Meyler’s Side Effects of Analgesics and Anti-inflammatory Drugs, ed. (ClinicalKey)
Meyler’s Side Effects of Antimicrobial
Drugs, ed. (ClinicalKey)
Meyler’s Side Effects of Cardiovascular Drugs, ed. (ClinicalKey)
Meyler’s Side Effects of Drugs in Cancer and Immunology, ed. (ClinicalKey)
Meyler’s Side Effects of Drugs Used in Anesthesia, ed. (ClinicalKey)
Meyler’s Side Effects of Endocrine and Metabolic Drugs, ed. (ClinicalKey)
Meyler’s Side Effects of Psychiatric Drugs, ed. (ClinicalKey)
Mosby's drug reference for health professions, 2014 ed. (Rittenhouse-single user)
Neonatal and Pediatric Pharmacology: Therapeutic Principles in Practice, 4th ed. (Ovid)
Nestler Molecular Neuropharmacology: A Foundation for Clinical Neuroscience (AccessBiomedical Science)
Netter's Illustrated Pharmacology, 2nd ed. (ClinicalKey)
The Organic Chemistry of Medicinal Agents (AccessBiomedical Science)
Oxford American Handbook of Clinical Pharmacy, 2009 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Pharmacology, 4th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Pharmacology--An Illustrated Review, 2011. ed (Thieme)
Pharmacology & pharmacokinetics a basic reader, 2010 ed. (Springer)
Pharmacology clear & simple : a guide to drug classification and dosage calculations, 2013 ed. (Rittenhouse-single user)
Pharmacology Condensed, 2nd ed. (ClinicalKey)
Pocket atlas of pharmacology, 4th ed. (Thieme)
Poisoning & Drug Overdose, 6th ed. (AccessMedicine)
Principles of Pharmacology: The Pathophysiologic Basis of Drug Therapy, 3e (LWW HealthLibrary)
Rang and Dale's pharmacology, 2016 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Rapid Review Pharmacology, 3rd ed. (ClinicalKey)
The Sanford guide to antimicrobial therapy, 2016 ed. (Rittenhouse-single user)
Stahl's essential psychopharmacology, 2013 ed. (Stat!Ref)
Textbook of Psychotherapeutic Treatments (PsychiatryOnline)
Understanding Pharmacoepidemiology (AccessBiomedical Science)
Vaccines, 6th ed., (ClinicalKey)
Winston & Kuhn's herbal therapy & supplements : a scientific & traditional approach, 2nd ed. (Ovid)
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Top Textbooks
Bates' Guide to Physical Examination and History Taking, 11e (LWW HealthLibrary)
Other Books
Atlas of adult physical diagnosis, 2006 ed. (Ovid)
Atlas of Pediatric Physical Diagnosis, 7th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Bates' Guide to Physical Examination and History Taking, 11e (LWW HealthLibrary)
The Evidence Base of Clinical Diagnosis, 2009 ed. (Wiley)
Clinical examination, 4th ed. (ClinicalKey)
DeGowin's diagnostic examination, 2015 ed. (AccessMedicine)
Dutton's orthopaedic examination, evaluation, and intervention, 3rd ed. (AccessPhysiotherapy)
Essentials of clinical examination handbook, 7th ed. (Thieme)
Evidence-based physical diagnosis, 4th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Field guide to the difficult patient interview, 2004 ed. (Ovid)
Macleod's clinical examination, 2013 ed. (ClinicalKey)
The medical interview : the three function approach, 2014 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Mosby's guide to physical examination, 7th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Musculoskeletal physical examination an evidence-based approach, 2017 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Netter's orthopaedic clinical examination : an evidence-based approach, 2016 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Oxford American Handbook of Clinical Examination and Practical Skills, 2011 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
The patient history an evidence-based approach to differential diagnosis, 2013 ed. (AccessMedicine)
The pediatric diagnostic examination, 2011 ed. (McGraw-Hill)
Physical Diagnosis of Pain, 3rd ed. (ClinicalKey)
Physical Diagnosis Secrets, 2nd ed. (ClinicalKey)
Primary care for the physical therapist : examination and triage, 2012 ed. (Rittenhouse-single user)
Sapira's Art & Science of Bedside Diagnosis, 4e (LWW HealthLibrary)
Seidel's guide to physical examination, 2015 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Smith's patient-centered interviewing, 2012 ed. (AccessMedicine)
Systematic Musculoskeletal Examinations2012 ed. (AccessMedicine)
Textbook of physical diagnosis : history and examination, 2014 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Zitelli and Davis' atlas of pediatric physical diagnosis, 6th ed. (ClinicalKey)
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Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Journals
Top Textbooks
Braddom's Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 2016 ed. (ClinicalKey)
CURRENT Diagnosis & Treatment: Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, 1st ed. (AccessMedicine)
Delisa's Physical medicine and rehabilitation : principles and practice, 5th ed. (Ovid)
Essentials of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 3rd ed. (ClinicalKey)
Other Books
Braddom's Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 2016 ed. (ClinicalKey)
CURRENT Diagnosis & Treatment: Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, 1st ed. (AccessMedicine)
Delisa's Physical medicine and rehabilitation : principles and practice, 5th ed. (Ovid)
Essential physical medicine and rehabilitation, 2006 ed. (Springer)
Essentials of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 3rd ed. (ClinicalKey)
Physical medicine and rehabilitation pocket companion, 2011 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Physical medicine & rehabilitation pocketpedia, 2013 ed. (Ovid)
Physical medicine and rehabilitation Q&A review, 2013 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Secrets, 3rd ed. (ClinicalKey)
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Physical Therapy Journals / Springer Physical Therapy Collection / Physical Therapy Video Collection
Anatomy for Exercise (AnatomyTV)
The Big Picture: Gross Anatomy (AccessPhysiotherapy)
The Big Picture: Histology (AccessPhysiotherapy)
Clinical Anatomy: A Case Study Approach, 2013e (AccessPhysiotherapy)
Clinical Neuroanatomy, 27e (AccessPhysiotherapy)
Functional Anatomy (AnatomyTV)
Sports Injuries of the Foot (AnatomyTV)
Sports Injuries of the Knee (AnatomyTV)
Sports Injuries of the Shoulder (AnatomyTV)
Basic Biomechanics, 5e (AccessPhysiotherapy)
Brunnstrom's Clinical Kinesiology, 6e (FA Davis)
Functional movement development across the life span, 3rd ed. (Rittenhouse-single user)
Joint Structure and Function: A Comprehensive Analysis, 5e (FA Davis)
Kinesiology: Scientific Basis of Human Motion, 11e (AccessPhysiotherapy)
Measurement of Joint Motion: A Guide to Goniometry, 5e (FA Davis)
Management in physical therapy practices, 2015 ed. (FA Davis)
Physical therapy management, 2008e (ScienceDirect)
Current diagnosis & treatment physical medicine & rehabilitation 2015 e (AccessMedicine)
Diagnosis for physical therapists, 2013 ed. (EBSCO-Multiple)
Diagnosis for Physical Therapists: A Symptom-Based Approach (FA Davis)
Differential Diagnosis for Physical Therapists, 2013e (EBSCO-multi)
General PT
Acute care handbook for physical therapists, 2014 ed. (Rittenhouse-single user)
Clinical case studies in physiotherapy, 2009 ed. (ScienceDirect)
Clinical decision making for the physical therapist assistant, 2013 ed. (Rittenhouse-single user)
Clinical prediction rules a physical therapy reference manual, 2011 ed. (Rittenhouse-single user)
Complementary therapies for physical therapy, 2008 ed. (ScienceDirect)
CURRENT Diagnosis & Treatment: Pediatrics, 23e (AccessPhysiotherapy)
Evidence based physical therapy, 2012 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Exercise Physiology (FA Davis)
Handbook of teaching and learning for physical therapists, 3rd ed. (EBSCO-Multiple)
Introduction to physical therapy for physical therapist assistants, 2nd ed. (Rittenhouse-single user)
Is This Change Real?: Interpreting Outcomes in Physical Therapy, 2013 ed. (Rittenhouse-single user)
Lippincott's illustrated reviews: physiology, 2013 ed. (LWW)
Manual for physical agents , 6th ed. (Rittenhouse-single user)
Physical medicine and rehabilitation, 5e (ClinicalKey)
Physical medicine and rehabilitation Q&A review, 2013 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Physical Therapy Ethics (FA Davis)
Physical Therapy Case Files: Acute Care, 1e (AccessPhysiotherapy)
Physical Therapy Case Files: Orthopedics,1e (AccessPhysiotherapy)
Physical Therapy Case Files: Neurological Rehabilitation, 1e (AccessPhysiotherapy)
A physiotherapist's guide to clinical measurement, 2009 ed. (Rittenhouse-single user)
The physiotherapist's pocket book : essential facts at your fingertips. 2009 ed. (Rittenhouse-single user)
Primary care for the physical therapist : examination and triage, 2012 ed. (Rittenhouse-single user)
Prosthetics & Orthotics in Clinical Practice (FA Davis)
Quick Answers: Physiotherapy, 1e (AccessPhysiotherapy)
The rehabilitation specialist's handbook, 4th ed. (Rittenhouse-single user)
Therapeutic exercise from theory to practice, 2011 ed. (Rittenhouse-single user)
Understanding Health Policy: A Clinical Approach, 6e (AccessPhysiotherapy)
Vestibular Rehabilitation (FA Davis)
Wellness and physical therapy, 2011 ed. (Rittenhouse-single user)
Geriatric physical therapy, 3rd ed. (Rittenhouse-single user)
Geriatric Physical Therapy: A Case Study Approach, 2016e. (AccessPhysiotherapy)
Diagnostic imaging for physical therapists, 2009 ed. (Rittenhouse-single user)
Fundamentals of Musculoskeletal Imaging (FA Davis)
Imaging in Rehabilitation, 1e (AccessPhysiotherapy)
Musculoskeletal Imaging Handbook (FA Davis)
Neuro/Physical Rehabilitation
Neurologic Rehabilitation: Neuroscience and Neuroplasticity in Physical Therapy Practice (AccessPhysiotherapy)
Neuromuscular rehabilitation in manual and physical therapies, 2010 ed. (ScienceDirect)
Neuroscience for Reghabilitation, 2e (OT LWW)
Peripheral Nerve Injury (FA Davis)
Physical therapy for the stroke patient, 2012 ed. (Thieme)
Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation
NPTE Review
McGraw-Hill's NPTE (National Physical Therapy Examination), 2e (AccessPhysiotherapy)
Dutton's Orthopaedic Examination, Evaluation, and Intervention, 4e (AccessPhysiotherapy)
Dutton's Orthopedic Survival Guide: Managing Common Conditions, 1e (AccessPhysiotherapy)
Emergency Orthopedics, 6e (AccessPhysiotherapy)
Knee disorders surgery, rehabilitation, clinical outcomes, 2017 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Orthopedic Case Studies, 1e (AccessPhysiotherapy)
Orthopaedic Manual Physical Therapy: From Art to Evidence (FA Davis)
Orthopaedic physical therapy, 4th ed. (Rittenhouse-single user)
Orthopedic Taping, Wrapping, Bracing, & Padding, 3e (FA Davis)
Physical rehabilitation of the injured athlete, 4th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Simon’s Emergency Orthopedics, 7e (AccessPhysiotherapy)
Concise Pathology, 3e (AccessPhysiotherapy)
General pathology and internal medicine for physical therapists, 2012 ed. (Thieme)
Pathology: The Big Picture (AccessPhysiotherapy)
Pathophysiology of Disease, 7e (AccessPhysiotherapy)
Patient Care/Interviewing/Documentation
Communication from the Inside Out (FA Davis)
Effective Documentation for Physical Therapy Professionals, 2e (AccessPhysiotherapy)
Mobility in Context (FA Davis)
Patient education in rehabilitation, 2010 ed. (Rittenhouse-single user)
Pediatric PT
CURRENT Diagnosis & Treatment Pediatrics, 23e (AccessPhysiotherapy)
Meeting the physical therapy needs of children, 2nd ed. (FA Davis)
Pediatric Practice: Sports Medicine, 1e (AccessPhysiotherapy)
Pharmacology/Exercise RX
Davis's Drug Guide for Rehabilitation Professionals (FA Davis)
Exercise Prescription for Medical Conditions: Handbook for Physical Therapists (FA Davis)
Pharmacology for the Physical Therapist, 1e (AccessPhysiotherapy)
Pharmacology in Rehabilitation (FA Davis)
Pocket Drugs and Classifications, 2012 ed. (Rittenhouse-single user)
Therapeutic Modalities
Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Physical Therapy: An Evidence-Based Approach, 2e (AccessPhysiotherapy)
Downer's physical therapy procedures [electronic resource] : therapeutic modalities, 2004 ed. ()
Integumentary Physical Therapy, 2016 ed. (Springer)
Mobility in Context
Modalities for Therapeutic Intervention, 6e (FA Davis)
Movement Disorders, 3e (AccessPhysiotherapy)
Musculoskeletal Interventions: Techniques for Therapeutic Exercise, 3e (AccessPhysiotherapy)
Physical therapy of the shoulder, 5th ed. (Rittenhouse-single user)
Physical therapy of cerebral palsy, 2007 ed. (Springer)
Therapeutic Exercise: Foundations and Techniques, 6e (FA Davis)
Therapeutic Modalities in Rehabilitation, 4e (AccessPhysiotherapy
Wound Care
Wound Healing Evidence-Based Management, 4e (FA Davis)
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Davis's PA exam review : focused review for the PANCE and PANRE, 2013 ed. (Rittenhouse-Single User)
EKGs for the Nurse Practitioner and Physician Assistant, 2013 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Ethics and professionalism : a guide for the physician assistant, 2008 ed. (Rittenhouse-single user)
Lange Q & A : Physician assistant examination, 2016 ed. (McGraw-Hill)
Orthopaedics for physician assistants, 2013 ed. (ClinicalKey)
PANCE : power practice, 2012 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Physician assistant: a guide to clinical practice, 5th ed. (ScienceDirect)
Physician assistant board review : certification and recertification, 2010 ed. (Rittenhouse-single user)
Physician Assistant Exam Review, Pearls of Wisdom, 2014 ed. (McGraw-Hill)
Physician assistants : policy and practice, 2017 ed. (EBSCO-3 users)
Physician assistant review guide, 2010 ed. (Rittenhouse-single user)
Primary care for physician assistants : clinical practice guidelines, 2nd ed. (McGraw-Hill)
Ultimate Guide to the Physician Assistant Profession, 2013 (McGraw-Hill)
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Physiology Journals - Springer Physiology Collection
Top Textbooks
Ganong's review of medical physiology, 2018e (AccessMedicine)
Gastrointestinal physiology, 8e (ClinicalKey)
Guyton and Hall textbook of medical physiology, 13e (ClinicalKey)
Medical physiology : a cellular and molecular approach, 3e (ClinicalKey)
Medical Physiology: Principles for Clinical Medicine, 5e (LWW HealthLibrary)
Physiology [Costanzo], 6e (ClinicalKey)
Other Books
Adler's Physiology of the Eye, 11e (ClinicalKey)
Anatomy & physiology made incredibly visual, 2009e (Ovid)
Berne & Levy physiology, 7e (ClinicalKey)
Cardiac Electrophysiology: From Cell to Bedside, 7e (ClinicalKey)
Cardiovascular Physiology, 8e (AccessMedicine)
Cardiovascular physiology in exercise and sport, 2008e (Rittenhouse-single user)
Case Files: Physiology [Toy] (Case Files)
Cellular Physiology and Neurophysiology, 2e (ClinicalKey)
Color Atlas of Physiology, 7e (Thieme)
Endocrine and Reproductive Physiology, 4e (ClinicalKey)
Endocrine Physiology, 4e (AccessMedicine)
Essentials of anatomy and physiology, 7e (Stat!Ref)
Exercise Physiology, 2015e (Rittenhouse-single)
Fetal and neonatal physiology, 5e (ClinicalKey)
Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid Based Physiology, ed. (ClinicalKey)
Fundamentals of anatomy and physiology, 2016e (Rittenhouse-single)
Fundamentals of Medical Physiology, 2011e Thieme)
Ganong's Medical Physiology Examination & Board Review, 2018e (AccessMedicine)
Ganong's review of medical physiology, 2018e (AccessMedicine)
Gastrointestinal physiology [Barrett], 2e (AccessMedicine)
Gastrointestinal physiology, 8e (ClinicalKey)
Guyton and Hall textbook of medical physiology, 13e (ClinicalKey)
Lippincott's Illustrated Reviews: Physiology, 1e (LWW Health)
Medical physiology : a cellular and molecular approach, 3e (ClinicalKey)
Medical Physiology: Principles for Clinical Medicine, 5e (LWW HealthLibrary)
Medical Physiology: The Big Picture, 2009e (AccessMedicine)
Nephrology and Fluid/Electrolyte Physiology: Neonatology Questions and Controversies, 2e (ClinicalKey)
Netter's Essential Physiology, 2e (ClinicalKey)
Nunn's applied respiratory physiology, 8e (ClinicalKey)
Physiology, 6e (ClinicalKey)
Physiology--An Illustrated Review, (Thieme)
Physiology: Cases and Problems, 4e (LWW HealthLibrary)
Physiology of the Gastrointestinal Tract, 5e (ClinicalKey)
Physiology PreTest Self-Assessment and Review 14e (McGraw-Hill)
Pocket Companion to Guyton and Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology, 13e (ClinicalKey)
Problem-Based Physiology, 2010e (ClinicalKey)
Professional guide to pathophysiology, 3e (Ovid)
Pulmonary Pathophysiology: The Essentials, 8e (LWW HealthLibrary)
Pulmonary Physiology, 8e (AccessMedicine)
Renal Pathophysiology: The Essentials, 4e (LWW HealthLibrary)
Renal physiology, 5e (ClinicalKey)
Understanding anatomy & physiology a visual, auditory, interactive approach, 2015e (Rittenhouse-single)
Vander’s Renal Physiology, 8e (AccessMedicine)
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Chemotherapy and biotherapy guidelines and recommendations for practice, 4e (Stat!Ref)
Adult-gerontology Practice Guidelines, 2016 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
The APA practice guidelines for the psychiatric evaluation of adults, 2016e ()
Current Medical Diagnosis and Treatment, 2017 ed. (55th) (AccessMedicine)
Current practice guidelines in primary care 2017 (AccessMedicine)
Family practice guidelines, 2017 ed. (Stat!Ref)
Guidelines for perioperative practice 2017 (Stat!Ref)
Nutrition essentials for nursing practice, 6th ed. (Ovid)
Pediatric clinical practice guidelines, 2016e (Stat!Ref)
Primary Care Journals - Springer Primary Care Collection
The behavioral health specialist in primary care : skills for integrated practice, 2016e (EBSCO-multiple)
Common musculoskeletal problems in primary care a handbook, 2010e (Springer)
Comprehensive cardiovascular medicine in the primary care setting, 2010e (Springer)
Current practice guidelines in primary care 2017e (AccessMedicine)
Diabetes management in primary care, 2013e (Ovid)
Differential diagnosis in primary care, 2011e (Ovid)
The essential guide to primary care procedures, 2015e (Ovid)
Ferri's Clinical Advisor, 2018e (ClinicalKey)
Fracture management for primary care, 4e (ClinicalKey)
Ham's primary care geriatrics : a case-based approach, 2014e (ClinicalKey)
Health assessment demystified, 2014e (McGraw-Hill)
Lippincott's primary care orthopaedics, 2013e (Ovid)
Pfenninger and Fowler's procedures for primary care, 3e (ClinicalKey)
The primary care guide to mental health, 2012e (EBSCO-multiple)
Primary care medicine : office evaluation and management of the adult patient, 2014e (Ovid)
Primary care procedures in women's health, 2010e (Springer)
Primary care : an interprofessional perspective, 2015e (EBSCO-multiple)
Stroke essentials for primary care a practical guide, 2009e (Springer)
See Also Family Medicine...
More eBooks in Primary Care...
Psychiatry & Psychology Journals - Springer Psychiatry Collection
Top Textbooks
see also: Psychiatry Online (for American Psychiatric Publishing books)
Child and adolescent psychiatry the essentials, 2nd ed. (Ovid)
CURRENT Diagnosis & Treatment: Psychiatry, 2e (AccessMedicine)
DSM‐5, (PsychiatryOnline Premium)
Kaplan & Sadock's comprehensive textbook of psychiatry, 9th ed. (Ovid)
Massachusetts General Hospital Comprehensive Clinical Psychiatry, 2nd es. (ClinicalKey)
Other Books
APA Practice Guidelines for the Treatment of Psychiatric Disorders, (PsychiatryOnline Premium)
Behavioral Science in Medicine, 2e (LWW HealthLibrary)
Care of Military Service Members, Veterans, and Their Families, (PsychiatryOnline Premium)
Case files. Psychiatry, 3e (EBSCO) - single user
Child and adolescent psychiatry the essentials, 2e (Ovid)
Clinical Manual of Geriatric Psychiatry, (PsychiatryOnline Premium)
Companion to Psychiatric Studies, 8e (ClinicalKey)
Core Psychiatry, 3e (ClinicalKey)
CURRENT Diagnosis & Treatment: Psychiatry, 2e (AccessMedicine)
Depression from psychopathology to pharmacotherapy, 2010e (Karger)
DSM‐5, (PsychiatryOnline Premium)
DSM‐5 Handbook of Differential Diagnosis, (PsychiatryOnline Premium)
DSM‐5 Clinical Cases, (PsychiatryOnline Premium)
Dulcan's Textbook of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 2e, (PsychiatryOnline Premium)
Emergency Psychiatry, 2013e (Cambridge Press)
First Aid for the Psychiatry Clerkship, 4e (McGraw Hill)
Gabbard's Treatments of Psychiatric Disorders, (PsychiatryOnline Premium)
Handbook of evidence-based psychodynamic psychotherapy, 2008 ed. (Springer)
Handbook of Multicultural Mental Health, 2013 ed. (Gale)
Helping Parents, Youth, and Teachers Understand Medications for Behavioral and Emotional Problems (PsychiatryOnline Premium)
Integrating psychological and biological therapies in clinical practice, 1st ed. (Ovid)
Integrated Care: Working at the Interface of Primary Care and Behavioral Health (PsychiatryOnline Premium)
The Intelligent Clinician's Guide to the DSM-5, 2015e (Stat!Ref)
Introductory Textbook of Psychiatry, 2014 ed. (Rittenhouse-single user)
Kaplan & Sadock's comprehensive textbook of psychiatry, 9th ed. (Ovid)
Kaplan & Sadock's Pocket Handbook Clinical Psychiatry, 5e (Clerkship)
Kaplan & Sadock's Synopsis of Psychiatry: Behavioral Sciences/Clinical Psychiatry, 11th ed. (Stat!Ref)
Kaufman's Clinical Neurology for Psychiatrists, 5th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Lippincott's primary care psychiatry, 2009 ed. (Ovid)
Management of Adults With Traumatic Brain Injury, (PsychiatryOnline Premium)
Manual of Clinical Psychopharmacology, 8th Edition, (PsychiatryOnline Premium)
Massachusetts General Hospital Comprehensive Clinical Psychiatry, 2nd es. (ClinicalKey)
Massachusetts General Hospital handbook of general hospital psychiatry, 6th ed. (ScienceDirect)
The Massachusetts General Hospital/McLean Hospital residency handbook of psychiatry, 2010 ed. (Ovid)
Massachusetts General Hospital Psychopharmacology and Neurotherapeutics, ed. (ClinicalKey)
The Medical Basis of Psychiatry, 2008 ed. (Springer)
Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for depression, 2013e (Rittenhouse-single)
Motivational interviewing for groups, 2013e (Rittenhouse-single)
Neurobiology of Mental Illness, 2014e (ProQuest-single)
Positive Psychiatry: A Clinical Handbook (PsychiatryOnline Premium)
Principles and practice of psychopharmacotherapy, 5th ed. (Ovid)
Principles of Addiction Medicine: The Essentials, 1e (Clerkship)
The Psychiatric Interview: A Practical Guide, 3e (Clerkship)
Psychiatric Interviewing, 3e (ClinicalKey)
Psychiatry, 7th ed. (Ovid)
Psychological co-morbidities of physical illness: a behavioral medicine perspective, 2011 ed. (Springer)
Psychology and Geriatrics, 2015 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Principles and practice of geriatric psychiatry, 2nd ed. (Ovid)
Rational medical decision making : a case-based approach, 2011 ed. (McGraw-Hill)
Sims' symptoms in the mind : textbook of descriptive psychopathology, 2015 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Spanish Edition of the Desk Reference to the Diagnostic Criteria From DSM‐5, (PsychiatryOnline Premium)
The Substance Abuse Handbook, 2e (Clerkship)
Textbook of Geriatric Psychiatry, 5th Edition, (PsychiatryOnline Premium)
Textbook of Psychiatry, (PsychiatryOnline Premium)
Textbook of Psychopharmacology, (PsychiatryOnline Premium)
Textbook of Psychotherapeutic Treatments, (PsychiatryOnline Premium)
Textbook of Substance Abuse Treatment, (PsychiatryOnline Premium)
Textbook of Traumatic Brain Injury, (PsychiatryOnline Premium)
What Your Patients Need to Know about Psychiatric Medications, (PsychiatryOnline Premium)
Also see Child Psychiatry
More eBooks in Psychiatry and Psychology...
Psychiatry & Psychology Journals - Springer Psychiatry Collection
Top Textbooks
Epidemiology, biostatistics, and preventive medicine (Jekel's), 4th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Basic & Clinical Biostatistics, 4th ed, (AccessMedicine)
Other Books
Analysis of Waiting-Time Data in Health Services Research, 2008 ed. (Springer)
Achieving Cultural Competency: A Case-Based Approach to Training Health Professionals, 2009 ed. (Wiley)
Application of Systems Thinking to Health Policy & Public Health Ethics Public Health and Private Illness, 2015 ed. (Springer)
Basic & Clinical Biostatistics, 4th ed, (AccessMedicine)
Bioterrorism and infectious agents : a new dilemma for the 21st century, 2009 ed. (Springer)
Clinical guide to bioweapons and chemical agents, 2008 ed. (Springer)
Co-active coaching : changing business, transforming lives, 3rd ed. (EBSCO - single user)
Conflict and catastrophe medicine : a practical guide, 2nd ed. (Springer)
Contemporary public health : principles, practice, and policy, 2013 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Encyclopedia of Aging and Public Health, 2008 ed. (Springer)
Encyclopedia of Public Health, 2008 ed. (Springer)
Epidemiology, biostatistics, and preventive medicine (Jekel's), 4th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Essential public health theory and practice, 2012 ed. (Cambridge)
Essentials of public health, 2012 ed. (Rittenhouse - single user)
For the Public's Health : The Role of Measurement in Action and Accountability, 2011 ed. (EBSCO-multi)
Guide to culturally competent health care, 2nd ed. (Stat!Ref)
Handbook of disease burdens and quality of life measures, 2010 ed. (Springer)
Health behavior theory for public health, 2013 ed. (Rittenhouse-single user)
Health care advocacy : a guide for busy clinicians, 2011 ed.(Springer)
Health communication from theory to practice, 2014 ed. (Rittenhouse - single user)
Health insurance, 2008 ed. (EBSCO) - single user)
Healthcare disparities at the crossroads with healthcare reform, 2011 ed. (Springer)
Healthy People 2020. (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services)
Igniting the power of community : the role of CBOs and NGOs in global public health, 2010 ed. (Springer)
Issues in Public Health, 2011 ed. (EBSCO-multi)
Introduction to public health, 2014 ed. (Rittenhouse-single user)
Maxey-Rosenau-Last public health & preventive medicine, 2011 ed. (McGraw-Hill)
Maxcy-Rosenau-Last Public Health and Preventive Medicine, 15e (AccessBiomedical Sciences)
The MassGeneral Hospital for Children Handbook of Pediatric Global Health, 2014 ed. (Springer)
Medical Law, Ethics, & Bioethics for the Health Professions, 7th ed. (EBSCO) - single user)
Merck Manual of Health and Aging. (Merck & Co.)
Multicultural medicine and health disparities, 2006 ed. (McGraw-Hill)
Oxford Textbook of Global Public Health, 2015 ed.(StatRef)
Place and Health as Complex Systems A Case Study and Empirical Test, 2015 ed. (Springer)
Primary care medicine : office evaluation and management of the adult patient, 6th ed. (Ovid)
Primer of Applied Regression and Analysis of Variance, 3e
Public health policy and ethics, 2004 ed. (Springer)
Public Health in History, 2011 ed. (EBSCO-multi)
Rural public health : best practices and preventive models, 2014 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Shifting Paradigms in Public Health, 2013 ed. (Gale)
A Systematic Review of Key Issues in Public Health, 2015 ed. (Springer)
The social media marketing book, 2010 ed. (EBSCO - single user)
Understanding Global Health , 2014 ed. (McGraw-Hill)
U.S. Health Policy and Politics, 2012 ed. (Gale)
More eBooks in Public Health...
Physiology Journals - Springer Physiology Collection
Top Textbooks
Clinical respiratory medicine, 4th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Fishman’s Pulmonary Diseases and Disorders 5the ed. (AccessMedicine)
Kendig and Chernick’s Disorders of the Respiratory Tract in Children, 8th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Murray & Nadel's Textbook of Respiratory Medicine, 6th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Principles of pulmonary medicine, 6th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Other Books
Chest Radiology: The Essentials, 3rd Ed. (Ovid)
Clinical respiratory medicine, 4th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Disease & drug consult. Respiratory disorders, 2010 ed. (Ovid)
Fishman’s Pulmonary Diseases and Disorders 5the ed. (AccessMedicine)
High-Resolution CT of the Lung, 5th ed. (Ovid)
Interpretation of Pulmonary Function Tests: A Practical Guide, 4th ed. (Ovid)
Kendig and Chernick’s Disorders of the Respiratory Tract in Children, 8th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Lung function in health and disease : basic concepts of respiratory physiology and pathophysiology, 2014 ed (EBSCO-Multiple)
Manual of Clinical Problems in Pulmonary Medicine, 7th ed. (Ovid)
Middleton's Allergy: principles and practice, 8th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Murray & Nadel's Textbook of Respiratory Medicine, 6th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Molecular basis of pulmonary disease insights from rare lung disorders, 2010 ed. (Springer)
Netter Collection of Medical Illustrations: Respiratory System, 2nd ed. (ClinicalKey)
Nunn's applied respiratory physiology, 7th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Pathology of the lungs : expert consult, 3rd ed. (ClinicalKey)
Pediatric Respiratory Medicine, 2nd ed. (ClinicalKey)
Practical Pulmonary Pathology: A Diagnostic Approach A Volume in the Pattern Recognition Series, 2nd ed. (ClinicalKey)
Principles and Practice of Mechanical Ventilation, 3e (AccessMedicine)
Principles of pulmonary medicine, 6th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Problem solving in respiratory medicine & allergy, 2011 ed. (EBSCO-Multiple)
Pulmonary Pathology, 2018 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Pulmonary problems in pregnancy, 2009 ed. (Springer)
Pulmonary Physiology, 8th ed. (AccessMedicine)
Principles of Pulmonary Medicine, 6th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Progress in respiratory research Series (2002-2012) (Karger)
Pulmonary vascular disorders, Antituberculosis chemotherapy, New drugs and targets for asthma and COPD, Clinical chest ultrasound from the ICU to the bronchoscopy suite, Diffuse parenchymal lung disease, Diffuse parenchymal lung disease, Clinical Exercise Testing
Respiratory: An Integrated Approach to Disease, (AccessMedicine)
Respiratory disease and its management, 2009 ed. (Springer)
Textbook of pulmonary vascular disease, 2011 ed. (Springer)
Thoracic imaging : pulmonary and cardiovascular radiology, 2nd ed. (Ovid)
Tumors and Tumor-like Conditions of the Lung and Pleura, 2010 ed. (ClinkcalKey)
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Radiology Journals - Springer Radiology Collection
Top Textbooks
Basic radiology, 2011e (AccessMedicine)
Chapman and Nakielny's guide to radiological procedures, 2014e (ClinicalKey)
Essentials of nuclear medicine imaging, 6e (ClinicalKey)
Essentials of Radiology, 3e (ClinicalKey)
Fundamentals of diagnostic radiology, 2012e (Ovid)
Grainger & Allison's diagnostic radiology : a textbook of medical imaging, 6e (ClinicalKey)
Netter's Introduction to Imaging, 2012e (ClinicalKey)
Pediatric Diagnostic Imaging, 12e (ClinicalKey)
Vascular and interventional radiology [electronic resource] : the requisites, 2013e (ClinicalKey)
Other Books
7.0 Tesla MRI brain atlas, 2010e (Springer)
7.0 Tesla MRI Brain White Matter Atlas (Springer)
Abrams' angiography : interventional radiology, 2014e (LWW)
Accident & emergency radiology a survival guide (ClinicalKey)
Advanced Cardiac Imaging (ScienceDirect)
Aids to Radiological Differential Diagnosis
Atlas of Emergency Radiology, 2015e (Springer)
Atlas of nuclear cardiology : an imaging companion to Braunwald's heart disease, 1e (ClinicalKey)
Aunt Minnie's atlas and imaging-specific diagnosis, 2014e (Ovid)
Basic radiology, 2011 ed. (AccessMedicine)
Basic Musculoskeletal Imaging, 2014e (McGraw-Hill)
Berek & Hacker's Gynecologic Oncology, 6e (Ovid)
Body CT: the Essentials, 2015e (McGraw-Hill)
Bone Marrow MRI, 2015e (Springer)
Breast Imaging Review, 2015e (Springer)
Caffey's Pediatric Diagnostic Imaging, 2013e (ClincialKey)
Chapman & Nakielny aids to radiological differential diagnosis , (ClinicalKey)
Chapman and Nakielny's guide to radiological procedures, 2014e (ClinicalKey)
Chest radiology : plain film patterns and differential diagnoses, 6e (ClinicalKey)
Clinical Functional MRI: Presurgical Functional Neuroimaging, 2015e (Springer)
Color Atlas of Ultrasound Anatomy, 2e (Thieme)
Computed Body Tomography with MRI Correlation, 2006e (Ovid)
Cross-Sectional Imaging of the Abdomen and Pelvis, 2015e (Springer)
CT- and MR-Guided Interventions in Radiology , 2009e (Thieme)
Diagnostic Radiology (ClinicalKey)
Diagnostic thoracic imaging, 2011e (McGraw-Hill)
Differential diagnosis in pediatric imaging, 2011e (EBSCO-multiple)
Diffusion-weighted MR imaging : applications in the body, 2010e (Springer)
Digital mammography, 2010e (Springer)
Essential Radiology, 3e (Thieme)
Essential radiology for sports medicine, 2010e (Springer)
Essentials of Clinical MR (Thieme)
Essentials of nuclear medicine imaging, 6e (ClinicalKey)
Essentials of Radiology, 3e (ClinicalKey)
Felson's Principles of Chest Roentgenology
Ferri's Best Test: A Practical Guide to Laboratory Medicine and Diagnostic Imaging, (ClincialKey)
Fluorescence Imaging for Surgeons, 2015e (Springer)
Fundamentals of diagnostic radiology, 2012. (Ovid)
Fundamentals of skeletal radiology, 2013e (ClinicalKey)
Gastrointestinal Imaging Cases, 2013e (McGraw-Hill)
Genitourinary Imaging, 2015e (Springer)
Getting Started in Clinical Radiology (Thieme)
Grainger & Allison's diagnostic radiology : a textbook of medical imaging, 6e (ClinicalKey)
Grainger & Allison's diagnostic radiology essentials, 2011e (ClinicalKey)
Guide to Radiological Procedures (ClinicalKey)
Imaging atlas of human anatomy [Weir & Abrahams] , 4e (ClinicalKey)
Internal medicine : an illustrated radiological guide, 2010e (Springer)
Interventional radiology [Tam] 2014e (McGraw-Hill)
Interventional radiology : a survival guide, 4e (ClinicalKey)
Introduction to Diagnostic Radiology, 2014e (AccessMedicine)
Learning radiology : recognizing the basics, 3e (ClinicalKey)
Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Brain and Spine, 5e (Ovid)
Molecular anatomic imaging PET/CT, PET/MR, and SPECT/CT (Ovid)
MRI : the basics, 3e (Ovid)
MRI from A to Z : a definitive guide for medical professionals, 2e (Springer)
MRI of Degenerative Disease of the Spine, 2015e (Springer)
MRI of the Female and Male Pelvis, 2015e (Springer)
MRI of the Knee, 2015e (Springer)
MRI Parameters and Positioning, 2e (Thieme)
Multimodal cardiovascular imaging : principles and clinical applications, 2011e (AccessMedicine)
Musculoskeletal Imaging, 2014e (McGraw-Hill)
Netter's correlative imaging : abdominal and pelvic anatomy, 2013e (ClinicalKey)
Netter's correlative imaging : musculoskeletal anatomy, 2011e (ClinicalKey)
Netter's Introduction to Imaging, 2012e (ClinicalKey)
Neuroradiology: Key Differential Diagnoses and Clinical Questions (ClinicalKey)
Neuroradiology Signs, 2014e (McGraw-Hill)
Normal Findings in CT and MRI (Thieme)
Orthopedic Imaging: A Practical Approach, 6e (Ovid)
Pediatric Diagnostic Imaging, 12e (ClinicalKey)
Pediatric Imaging, 2014e (McGraw-Hill)
Perez and Brady's Principles and Practice of Radiation Oncology, 6e (Ovid)
Pocket Atlas of Radiographic Anatomy 2e (Thieme)
Positron Emission Tomography, 2015e (Springer)
The practice of interventional radiology : with online cases and videos , 2012e (ClinicalKey)
Primer of diagnostic imaging, 2011e (ClinicalKey)
Principles of cardiovascular radiology, 2011e (ClinicalKey)
Problem Solving in Emergency Radiology (ClinicalKey)
Problem Solving in Neuroradiology (ClinicalKey)
Radiology 101 the basics and fundamentals of imaging, 2013e (Ovid)
Radiology Fundamentals, 2015e (Springer)
Radiology on call : a case-based manual, 2011e (McGraw-Hill)
Radiology secrets plus, 3e (ScienceDirect)
Ryan's Retinal Imaging and Diagnostics, (ClincialKey)
The Right Imaging Study A Guide for Physicians, 2008e (Springer)
Sectional Anatomy by MRI and CT (ClinicalKey)
Textbook of gastrointestinal radiology, 2015e (ClinicalKey)
Thieme Clinical Companions Ultrasound (Thieme)
Thoracic imaging, 2010e (Thieme)
Thoracic Imaging: Pulmonary and Cardiovascular Radiology, 2017e (Ovid)
Thoracic Radiology (ClinicalKey)
Ultrasonography in the ICU, 2015e (Springer)
Ultrasound of the Foot and Ankle: Diagnostic and Interventional Applications, 2007e (McGraw-Hill)
Waldman's Comprehensive Atlas of Diagnostic Ultrasound of Painful Conditions, 2016e (Ovid)
Weir & Abrahams' imaging atlas of human anatomy (ClinicalKey)
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Rheumatology Journals - Springer Rheumatology Collection
Top Textbooks
Arthritis & Allied Conditions [Koopman], 2005 ed. (Ovid)
Current diagnosis & treatment rheumatology, 2013 ed. (AccessMedicine)
Kelley and Firestein's Textbook of Rheumatology, 10e (ClinicalKey)
Manual of Rheumatology and Outpatient Orthopedic Disorders , 2006 ed. (Ovid)
Primer on the Rheumatic Diseases, 2008 ed. (Springer)
Rheumatology [Hochberg], 2015 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Textbook of pediatric rheumatology, 2016 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Other Books
Arthritis & Allied Conditions [Koopman], 2005 ed. (Ovid)
Arthritis and Arthroplasty: The Foot and Ankle, 2010 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Arthritis and Arthroplasty: The Hand, Wrist and Elbow, 2010 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Arthritis and Arthroplasty: The Hip, 2009 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Arthritis and Arthroplasty: The Knee, 2009 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Arthritis and Arthroplasty: The Shoulder, 2009 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Arthritis and Arthroplasty: The Spine, 2010 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Arthritis in Black and White, 2012 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Arthritis in Color, 2009 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Cassidy and Petty'sTextbook of Pediatric Rheumatology, 7th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Challenging Cases in Rheumatology and Diseases of the Immune System, 2013 ed. (Springer)
Clinical Trials in Rheumatology, 2013 ed. (Springer)
A clinician's pearls and myths in rheumatology, 2009 ed. (Springer)
Current diagnosis & treatment rheumatology, 2013 ed. (AccessMedicine)
Dictionary of rheumatology, 2009 ed. (Springer)
Dubois' Lupus Erythematosus and Related Syndromes (ClinicalKey)
Essential applications of musculoskeletal ultrasound in rheumatology, 2010 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Essential Imaging in Rheumatology , 2015 (Springer)
Fam's Musculoskeletal Examination and Joint Injection Techniques (ClinicalKey)
Fundamentals of osteoporosis, 2010 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Gout & Other Crystal Arthropathies (ClinicalKey)
Imaging of Arthritis and Metabolic Bone Disease, 2009 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Integrative rheumatology, 2011 ed. (EBSCO - multiple)
Kelley and Firestein's Textbook of Rheumatology, 10e (ClinicalKey)
Manual of Rheumatology and Outpatient Orthopedic Disorders , 2006 ed. (Ovid)
Musculoskeletal MRI, 2009 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Netter's correlative imaging musculoskeletal anatomy, 2011 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Osteoporosis (ClinicalKey)
Osteoporosis diagnosis, prevention, therapy, 2nd rev. ed. (Springer)
Osteoporosis in Men: The Effects of Gender on Skeletal Health (ClinicalKey)
Oxford Case Histories in Rheumatology, 2012e (EBSCO-multiple)
Oxford Handbook of Rheumatology, 2011 ed. (EBSCO)
Oxford Textbook of Rheumatology, 2013 ed. (Stat!Ref)
Photographic regional atlas of bone disease, 2013 ed (EBSCO-multiple users)
Practical Office Orthopedics (AccessMedicine)
Primer on the Rheumatic Diseases, 2008 ed. (Springer)
Review of Rheumatology, 2012 ed. (Springer)
Rheumatoid Arthritis, 2009 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Rheumatology [Hochberg], 2015 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Rheumatology : A Clinical Handbook, 2014 ed. (EBSCO)
Rheumatology : evidence-based practice for physiotherapists and occupational therapists, 2010 ed. (Science Direct)
The Rheumatology Handbook, 2012 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
Rheumatology in practice, 2010 ed. (Springer)
Rheumatology Secrets (ClinicalKey)
Rheumatology :symptoms and syndromes, 2011 ed. (Springer)
Self assessment questions in rheumatology, 2009 ed. (Springer)
Sjogren's Syndrome, (ClinicalKey)
Systematic Musculoskeletal Examinations, 2012 ed. (AccessMedicine)
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (ClinicalKey)
Tarascon Pocket Rheumatologica - 4th Ed. (2010) (Stat!Ref)
Targeted Treatment of the Rheumatic Diseases, 2010 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Textbook of Orthopaedics, Trauma and Rheumatology 2nd ed. (ClinicalKey)
Textbook of pediatric rheumatology, 2016 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Understanding Evidence-Based Rheumatology, 2014 ed. (Springer)
Washington Manual, The: Rheumatology - Subspecialty Consult, 2e (Ovid)
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Sports Medicine Journals - Springer Sports Medicine Collection
Top Textbooks
ACSM's exercise is medicine : a clinician's guide to exercise prescription, 2009e (Rittenhouse-single user)
DeLee, Drez and Miller's orthopaedic sports medicine, 4e (ClinicalKey)
Netter's sports medicine, 2018e (ClinicalKey)
Other Books
ACSM's exercise is medicine : a clinician's guide to exercise prescription, 2009e (Rittenhouse-single user)
The Athlete's Shoulder, 2009e (ClinicalKey)
Baxter's The Foot and Ankle in Sport, 2008e(ClinicalKey)
Bull's Handbook of Sports Injuries, 2e (McGraw-Hill)
DeLee, Drez and Miller's orthopaedic sports medicine, 4e (ClinicalKey)
Encyclopedia of Football Medicine. Vol. 1, Vol. 2, Vol. 3 2017e (Thieme)
The Encyclopedia of Sports Medicine, 2010e (EBSCO-multiple)
Evidence-based Sports Medicine, 2007e(EBSCO-multiple)
Examination of orthopedic & athletic injuries, 2015e (Rittenhouse-single)
The Female Athlete Triad, 2015e (Springer)
The 5-minute sports medicine consult, 2e (Ovid)
Football Traumatology, 2015e (Springer)
Hand and Finger Injuries in Rock Climbers, 2015e (Springer)
Handbook of sports medicine and science: gymnastics, 2013e (Rittenhouse-single)
Instructions for sports medicine patients, 2e (ClinicalKey)
Introduction to sports medicine and athletic training, 2e (Rittenhouse-single user)
Netter's sports medicine, 2018e (ClinicalKey)
Nuclear Medicine and Radiologic Imaging in Sports Injuries, 2015e (Springer)
Nutritional Supplements in Sports and Exercise, 2008e (Rittenhouse-single user)
Olympic Textbook of Medicine in Sport, 2009e (Wiley)
Olympic Textbook of Science in Sport, 2009e (Wiley)
Operative Techniques: Knee Surgery. 2018e (ClinicalKey)
Operative Techniques: Sports Medicine Surgery, 2010e (ClinicalKey)
Orthopedic & athletic injury examination handbook. 2015e (eBrary)
Orthopedic Sports Medicine, 2011e (Springer)
Orthopedic taping, wrapping, bracing, & padding, 2017e (FA Davis)
Oxford American handbook of sports medicine, 2010e (EBSCO-multiple)
Pediatric and Adolescent Sports Traumatology, 2014e (Springer)
Pediatric orthopaedics and sports injuries : a quick reference guide, 2014e (EBSCO-multiple)
Pediatric Practice: Sports Medicine, 2011e (AccessPhysiotherapy)
Pediatric sports medicine : essentials for office evaluation, 2014e (Rittenhouse-single user)
Physical Activity, Exercise, Sedentary Behavior and Health, 2015e (Springer)
Posterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries, 2015e (Springer)
Sports and Exercise Training as Therapy in Cancer, 2015e (Springer)
Sports Injury Prevention, 2009e (Wiley)
Sports injury prevention & rehabilitation, 2017e (AccessPhysiotherapy)
Sports Injuries, 2015e (Springer)
Spinal Injuries and Conditions in Young Athletes, 2104e (Springer)
Sports Injuries and Prevention, 2015e (Springer)
Sports Injuries in Children and Adolescents, 2014e (Springer)
Sports Injuries of the Foot, 2014e. (Springer)
Sports Injuries to the Shoulder and Elbow, 2014e (Springer)
Sports medicine and sport injuries, 2015e (EBSCO-multiple)
Sports Medicine Conditions: Return to Play - Recognition, Treatment, Planning, 2014e (Ovid)
Sports Management and Sports Humanities, 2015e (Springer)
Sports medicine : study guide and review for boards, 2012e (Rittenhouse-single user)
Sports Performance, 2015e (Springer)
Sport Psychology, 2009e (Wiley)
Surgical Atlas of Sports Orthopaedics and Sports Traumatology, 2015e (Springer)
Surgical techniques of the shoulder, elbow, and knee in sports medicine, 2e (ClinicalKey)
Tarascon sports medicine pocketbook, 2010e (Rittenhouse-single user)
Tennis elbow, 2015e (Springer)
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AMA manual of style : a guide for authors and editors, 10e (AMA)
APA style guide to electronic references, 2012e (APA)
A Concise Guide to Clinical Trials, 2009e (Wiley)
Constructing research questions : doing interesting research, 2012e (Sage)
Getting your research paper published a surgical perspective, 2011e (Thieme)
How not to write a medical paper a practical guide, 2016e (Thieme)
How to write a thesis, 2015e (EBSCO-multiple)
Mastering scientific and medical writing : a self-help guide, 2007e (Springer)
Medical writing : a guide for clinicians, educators, and researchers, 2e (Springer)
Medical writing a prescription for clarity : a self-help guide to clearer medical English, 2014e (Cambridge)
Narrative matters in medical contexts across disciplines, 2015e (EBSCO-multiple)
Planning your research and how to write it : a practical guide for residents, 2015e (EBSCO-multiple)
Publishing and presenting clinical research, 2e (Ovid)
Publishing your medical research, 2017e (Ovid)
Quantitative Methods for Health Research: A Practical Interactive Guide to Epidemiology and Statistics, 2009e (Wiley)
Research Methods in Community Medicine: Surveys, Epidemiological Research, Programme Evaluation, Clinical Trials, 2009e (Wiley)
Strategic scientific and medical writing the road to success, 2015e (Springer)
Successful grant writing strategies for health and human service professionals, 2013e (EBSCO-multiple)
Writing a biomedical research paper : a guide to structure and style, 2009e (Springer)
Writing winning proposals for nurses and health care professionals, 2015e(EBSCO-multiple)
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Substance Abuse and Addiction Journals - Springer Addictions Collection
Addiction medicine : an evidence-based handbook, 2005e (Ovid)
The American Psychiatric Publishing textbook of substance abuse treatment, 2008e (APP)
Asam Essentials of Addiction Medicine, 2015e (Ovid)
The ASAM principles of addiction medicine, 2014e (EBSCO-multiple)
Encyclopedia of Substance Abuse Prevention, Treatment, & Recovery, 2009e (EBSCO-multiple)
Evidence-Based Addiction Treatment, 2009e (ClinicalKey)
Handbook of Addiction Medicine [Oxford] 2016e (EBSCO-multiple)
Improving patient treatment adherence : a clinician's guide, 2010e (Springer)
Inhibitory control and drug abuse prevention : from research to translation, 2011e (Springer)
Lowinson and Ruiz's substance abuse a comprehensive textbook, 5e (Ovid)
Opioid use disorders and their treatment, 2014e (EBSCO-multilpe)
Principles of Addiction Medicine: The Essentials, 1e (Clerkship)
Recovery-oriented systems of care for individuals with substance use problems elements, 2013e (EBSCO-multilpe)
Strengthening the substance use treatment workforce and provider networks, 2013e (EBSCO-multilpe)
Study guide to substance abuse treatment a companion, 2015e (APP)
Substance Abuse, 2015e (Springer)
Substance abuse : a comprehensive textbook, 4e (Ovid)
The substance abuse handbook, 2014e (Clerkship)
Substance use disorders : a practical guide, 2e (Ovid)
Substance abuse treatment and men's behavioral health needs, 2013e (EBSCO-multilpe)
Substance abuse treatment : options, challenges, and effectiveness, 2015e (EBSCO-multilpe)
Textbook of Addiction Treatment: International Perspectives, 2015e (Springer)
The Wiley handbook on the cognitive neuroscience of addiction, 2015e (Wiley)
More eBooks in Substance Abuse...
Surgery Journals - Springer Surgery Collection - Thieme Specialty Surgery Collection - Procedures Consult Surgery Videos
Top Textbooks
Atlas of Advanced Operative Surgery, 2012 ed. (CliniclaKey)
CURRENT Diagnosis & Treatment: Surgery, 14e (AccessMedicine)
Current Surgical Therapy, (Cameron) 12th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Fischer's mastery of surgery, 6th ed. (Ovid)
Greenfield's Surgery: scientific principles and practice, 6th ed. (Stat!Ref)
Lawrence: Essentials of General Surgery, 2013 ed. (LWW Clerkship)
Lawrence: Essentials of Surgical Specialties, 2007 ed. (LWW Clerkship)
Sabiston Textbook of Surgery, 20th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Schwartz's Principles of Surgery, 2015 ed. (AccessMedicine)
The Washington manual of surgery, 5th ed. (Ovid)
Mastering Techniques |
Surgery First Aid Study Aids |
Operative Techniques |
Cardiothoracic Surgery (3e)
Endoscopic and Laparoscopic Surgery (4e)
Endovascular Techniques (5e)
Gastric Surgery
Head and Neck Surgery: Rhinology
Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Surgery
Orthopaedic Surgery Elbow (3e)
Orthopaedic Surgery: Foot and Ankle (3e)
Orthopaedic Surgery: Fractures (3e)
Orthopaedic Surgery: Pediatrics (2e)
Orthopaedic Surgery: Shoulder (3e)
Orthopaedic Surgery: The Spine (3e)
Orthopaedic Surgery: The Wrist (2e)
Otolarygologic Surgery: Skull Base Surgery
Thoracic Surgery: Lung Resections, Bronchoplasty
Vascular and Endovascular Surgery
Abernathy's Surgical Secrets
Advanced Surgical Recall, 4e
Blueprints: Surgery, 5e
Essential Surgical Procedures
Essentials of General Surgery, 5e
Essentials of Surgical Specialties, 3e
First Aid for the Surgery Clerkship
NMS: Surgery Casebook, 2e
NMS: Surgery, 6e
Shelf-Life Surgery, 1e
Step-up to Surgery, 2e
Surgical Recall, 7e
Foot and Ankle Surgery
Hand and Wrist Surgery
Hip Arthritis Surgery
Knee Surgery
Orthopaedic Trauma Surgery
Pediatric Orthopaedic Surgery
Shoulder and Elbow Surgery
Spine Surgery
Sports Medicine Surgery |
Other Books
Ashcraft's pediatric surgery, 6th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Atlas of Advanced Operative Surgery, 2012 ed. (CliniclaKey)
Atlas of general surgical techniques, 2010 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Atlas of Minimally Invasive Surgery, 2009 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Atlas of Minimally Invasive Surgical Techniques (ClinicalKey)
Basic, Advanced, and Robotic Laparoscopic Surgery (ClinicalKey)
Basic Surgical Techniques, 2010 ed. (Rittenhouse-single user)
Benzel's Spine Surgery
Blumgart's Surgery of the Liver, Biliary Tract and Pancreas
Buchwald's Atlas of Metabolic & Bariatric Surgical Techniques and Procedures
Churchill's pocketbook of differential diagnosis, 2014 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Churchill's Pocketbook of Surgery 2011 ed. (Rittenhouse-single user)
Core topics in general and emergency surgery, 2014 ed. (ClinicalKey)
CURRENT Diagnosis & Treatment: Surgery, 14e (AccessMedicine)
Current Surgical Therapy, (Cameron) 12th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Current therapy of trauma and surgical critical care, 2008 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Endocrine Surgery
Endovascular Surgery
Essential surgery problems, diagnosis and management, 5th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Essential Surgical Procedures
Fischer's mastery of surgery, 6th ed. (Ovid)
General surgery principles and international practice, 2nd ed. (Springer)
General thoracic surgery, 7th ed. (Ovid)
Greenfield's Surgery: scientific principles and practice, 5th ed. (Ovid)
Green's Operative Hand Surgery
Illustrative handbook of general surgery, 2010 ed. (Springer)
Insall & Scott Surgery of the Knee
Kirk's General Surgical Operations (ClinicalKey)
Lawrence: Essentials of General Surgery, 2013 ed. (LWW Clerkship)
Lawrence: Essentials of Surgical Specialties, 2007 ed. (LWW Clerkship)
Manual of Surgical Pathology (ClinicalKey)
Mann’s Surgery of the Foot and Ankle
Medical Management of the Surgical Patient (ClinicalKey)
Modern Surgical Pathology (ClinicalKey)
Mont Reid Surgical Handbook, The (ClinicalKey)
Netter's surgical anatomy and approaches, 2014 ed. (ClinicalKey)
Odze and Goldblum Surgical Pathology of the GI Tract, Liver, Biliary Tract and Pancreas
Pearson's Thoracic and Esophageal Surgery
Pediatric Surgery, 7th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Practical Guide to the Care of the Surgical Patient (ClinicalKey)
Principles and Practice of Surgery, 6th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Principles of Neurological Surgery, 3rd ed. (ClinicalKey)
Rosai & Ackerman's Surgical Pathology, 11e (ClinicalKey)
Rutherford's Vascular Surgery
Sabiston & Spencer Surgery of the Chest, 9th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Sabiston Textbook of Surgery, 20th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Schmidek and Sweet's Operative Neurosurgical Techniques, 6th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Schwartz's Principles of Surgery, 2014 ed. (AccessMedicine)
Scientific American Surgery: Principles and Practice (Stat!Ref)
Shackelford's Surgery of the Alimentary Tract (ClinicalKey)
Shelf-Life Surgery, 1e (Clerkship)
Spine Surgery, 4th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Schmidek and Sweet's Operative Neurosurgical Techniques
Shackelford's Surgery of the Alimentary Tract
Step-up to Surgery, 2e (Clerkship)
Surgery: A Competency-Based Companion (ClinicalKey)
Surgical Exposures in Orthopaedics: The Anatomic Approach, 2009 ed. (Ovid)
Surgical Recall, 7e (Clerkship)
Surgical Review, The: An Integrated Basic and Clinical Science Study Guide, 4th ed. (Ovid)
Techniques and principles for the operating room, 2010 ed. (Thieme)
Trauma, (Moore) 6th ed. (Ovid)
Vascular Surgery, (Rutherford) 8th ed. (ClinicalKey)
Video Atlas of Advanced Minimally Invasive Surgery (ClinicalKey)
The Washington manual of surgery, 5th ed. (Ovid)
Youmans and Winn Neurological Surgery (ClinicalKey)
More eBooks in Surgery...
Anesthesiology board review, 2012e (Clerkships)
Anesthesia secrets, 2011e
Clinical anesthesiology board review a test simulation and self-assessment tool, 2014e
Duke's anesthesia secrets, 2016e (ClinicalKey)
First aid for the anesthesiology boards, 2011e
Review of clinical anesthesia, 2013e
1001 questions an interventional cardiology board review, 2012e
Cardiology secrets, 2018e (ClinicalKey)
The Cleveland Clinic cardiology board review, 2013e
MGH Cardiology Board Review, 2014e (Springer)
SCAI interventional cardiology board review, 2014e
First aid for the COMLEX an osteopathic manipulative medicine review, 2011e (McGraw-Hill)
COMLEX level 2-PE review guide, 2011e (Rittenhouse-single)
Board Vitals and Exam Master have Level 1 questions.
Emergency Medicine
Emergency medicine secrets, 2011e
First aid for the emergency medicine boards, 2016e
First aid for the emergency medicine clerkship, 2011e
First Aid for the Emergency Medicine Oral Boards, 2010e
Case Files Medical Ethics and Professionalism, 2015e (CaseFiles)
Medical Ethics for the Boards, 2016e (McGraw-Hill)
Family Medicine
First aid for the family medicine boards, 2013e
Blueprints Family Medicine, 3e (Clerkships)
Bratton's family medicine board review, 2014e
Case files: Family Medicine, 2016e
Family medicine certification review, 2007e
First aid for the family medicine boards, 2013e
Graber and Wilbur's family medicine examination & board review, 2017e (CaseFiles)
Guide to the Canadian family medicine examination, 2013e
Swanson's Family Medicine Review: A Problem-Oriented Approach, 2013e
Histology and Cell Biology : Examination & Board Review, 5e (AccessMedicine)
The big picture : histology, 2013e
Wheater's Basic Pathology: A Text, Atlas and Review of Histopathology, 5e
Blueprints Neurology, 4e (Clerkships)
Case Files Neuroscience, 2015e
Comprehensive board review in neurology, 2013e
First aid for the neurology boards, 2015e
Fundamentals of neurology an illustrated guide, 2006e
Neurology & psychiatry 1,000 questions to help you pass the boards, 2009e
Neurology secrets, 2017e
Ultimate review for the neurology boards, 2017e (Ebsco-unlimited)
Blueprints Obstetrics & Gynecology, 2013e
Case files. Obstetrics and gynecology, 2016e
Correlations and clinical scenarios Obstetrics and gynecology, 2015e
Shelf-life obstetrics and gynecology, 2015e
Step-up to obstetrics and gynecology, 2015e
Williams obstetrics, 23e study guide
Occupational Therapy
Preparing for the occupational therapy national board exam 45 days and counting, 2011e (Rittenhouse-single)
Occupational Therapy : Examination Review Guide, 2015e (EBSCO-multiple)
The occupational therapist's workbook for ensuring clinical competence, 2016e (Rittenhouse-single)
Bailey's head and neck surgery--otolaryngology review, 2014e
Comprehensive otolaryngology review : a case-based approach, 2014e (EBSCO - multiple)
ENT Board Prep High Yield Review for the Otolaryngology In-service and Board Exams
Otolaryngology board review, 2012e
Otolaryngology--head and neck surgery : rapid clinical and board review
Otolaryngology prep and practice, 2013e (EBSCO - multiple)
Comprehensive review of psychiatry, 2008e
First aid for the psychiatry boards, 2011e
Geriatric Psychiatry Review and Exam Preparation Guide, 2016e
Kaplan & Sadock's study guide and self-examination review in psychiatry, 2011e
Neurology & psychiatry 1,000 questions to help you pass the boards, 2009e
Psychopharmacology and child psychiatry review with 1200 board-style questions, 2011e
Classroom to clinic study system : personal professor for clinical rotations and PANCE/PANRE review, 2011 (Rittenhouse-single)
Davis's PA exam review : focused review for the PANCE and PANRE, 2013 (Rittenhouse-single)
Lange Q & A. / Physician assistant examination, 2016 ed. (McGraw-Hill)
PANCE power practice, 2012e (EBSCO)
Physician assistant board review : certification and recertification, 2010 (Rittenhouse-single)
Physician Assistant Exam Review, Pearls of Wisdom, 2014 ed. (McGraw-Hill)
Physician assistant review guide, 2010 (Rittenhouse-single)
Anatomic pathology : primary certification and maintenance of certification, 2014e
Cases and Concepts Step 1: Pathophysiology Review
Pathology exam review, 2009e
Pathology the big picture, 2013e
Pathology secrets, 2009e
Robbins and Cotran Review of Pathology, 2014e
Blueprints pediatrics, 2013e
Board Review Series Pediatrics
Examination Pediatrics, 2011e
First aid for the pediatrics clerkship, 2011e
Pediatric Board Study Guide: A Last Minute Review, 2015e
Pediatrics Recall, 4e
Pediatric secrets, 2011e
Pediatrics for Medical Students, 3e
Shelf–Life Pediatrics, 1e
Step-up to pediatrics, 2014e
Examination Pediatrics, 2011e (Rittenhouse-single)
Physical Therapy
McGraw-Hill's NPTE (National Physical Therapy Examination), 2012 (Access Physiotherapy)
Physical medicine and rehabilitation Q&A review (EBSCO-multiple)
Physical Rehabilitation Cases
Physical therapy case files : acute care, 2013 (Physiotherapy)
Saunders' Q & A review for the physical therapy board examination, 2011 (Rittenhouse-single)
Cases and Concepts Step 1: Pathophysiology Review
Ganong's physiology examination and board review, 2018e
Physiology an illustrated review, 2012e
Physiology :pretest self-assessment and review, 2014e
Test yourself in anatomy and physiology, 2011e
Aunt Minnie's atlas and imaging-specific diagnosis, 2014 ed. (Ovid)
Noninterpretive skills in radiology : Q & A top score prep guide for the boards, 2016e (Ebsco-multiple)
RadCases emergency radiology
Radiology secrets plus, 2017e
USMLE - Step 1
Case Files: Anatomy, 2015 (Case Files)
Case Files: Biochemistry, 2015 (Case Files)
Case Files: Microbiology, 2015 (Case Files)
Case Files: Neuroscience, 2015 (Case Files)
Case Files: Pharmacology, 2015 (Case Files)
Case Files: Physiology, 2009 ed. (Case Files)
First aid cases for the USMLE step 1, 2012e
First aid for the USMLE step 1 2017
First aid for the USMLE step 1 2016
First aid Q & A for the USMLE Step 1, 2012e
Passing the USMLE clinical knowledge, 2009 (Springer)
Passing the USMLE Basic Science, 2009 (Springer)
Thieme Test Prep for the USMLE: Medical Physiology Q&A, 2017e (Thieme)
Thieme Test Prep for the USMLE: Pathology Q&A, 2017e (Thieme)
USMLE images for the boards a comprehensive image-based review, 2013 ed. (Rittenhouse-single)
USMLE roadmap pathology, 2009 ed. (McGraw-Hill)
USMLE step 1 pharmacology flashcards, 2015e
USMLE step 1 secrets, 2013 (ClinicalKey)
USMLE - Step 2
Boards and wards for USMLE steps 2 & 3, 2013 (Clerkship)
Boards and wards for USMLE step 2, 2018
Case Files: Emergency Medicine, 2013 (Case Files)
Case Files: Internal Medicine, 2015 (Case Files)
Case Files: Neurology, 2015 (Case Files)
Case Files: Surgery, 2015 (Case Files)
First aid for the USMLE step 2 CK 2012e
First aid for the USMLE step 2 CS, 2014e
Step-up to pediatrics, 2014 (Clerkship)
Step-up to USMLE step 2, 2016 (Clerkship)
Step-up to USMLE step 2 CK, 2016e
USMLE images for the boards a comprehensive image-based review, 2013 ed. (Rittenhouse-single)
USMLE step 2 clinical skills triage a guide to honing clinical skills, 2010 (EBSCO-multiple)
USMLE step 2 secrets, 2014 (ClinicalKey)
USMLE Step 2 Triage : An Effective No-nonsense Review of Clinical Knowledge, 2010 ed. (EBSCO-multiple)
USMLE - Step 3
Boards and wards for USMLE steps 2 & 3, 2013 (Clerkship)
Crush step 3 CCS the ultimate USMLE step 3 CCS review, 2013 ed. (Rittenhouse-single)
Brochert's crush step 3 : the ultimate USMLE step 3 CS review, 2013 (ClinicalKey)
Clinical judgment USMLE Step 3 review, 2014 (McGraw-Hill)
Correlations and clinical scenarios. Internal medicine USMLE Step 3, 2014 (McGraw-Hill)
Correlations and clinical scenarios: Obstetrics and gynecology USMLE Step 3, 2014 (McGraw-Hill)
Crush step 3 CCS the ultimate USMLE step 3 CCS review, 2013 (ClinicalKey)
First aid for the USMLE step 3, 2011e
Images from the wards : diagnosis and treatment, 2010 ed. (Rittenhouse-single)
Rapid review USMLE step 3, 2008 (ClinicalKey)
Step-up to USMLE step 3, 2009 (Clerkship)
USMLE images for the boards a comprehensive image-based review, 2013 ed. (Rittenhouse-single)
First aid for the wards, 2013 ed.
First aid radiology for the wards, 2011 ed.
Toxicology Journals - Springer Toxicology Collection
Top Textbooks
Casarett & Doull’s Essentials of Toxicology, 3e (AccessBiomedical Science)
Casarett & Doull's Toxicology: The Basic Science of Poisons, 8e (AccessBiomedical Science)
Other Books
Casarett & Doull’s Essentials of Toxicology, 3e (AccessBiomedical Science)
Casarett & Doull's Toxicology: The Basic Science of Poisons, 8e (AccessBiomedical Science)
Clinical Neurotoxicology: Syndromes, Substances, Environments, 2009e (ClinicalKey)
Clinical Ocular Toxicology: Drugs, Chemicals, and Herbs, 2008e (ClinicalKey)
Criminal Poisoning : Investigational Guide for Law Enforcement, Toxicologists, 2e (Springer)
Fundamentals of Analytical Toxicology, 2009e (Wiley)
General Toxicology, 2009e (EBSCO-multiple)
Haschek and Rousseaux's handbook of toxicologic pathology, 2013e (ClinicalKey)
Illustrated handbook of toxicology, 2011e (Thieme)
Manual of overdoses and poisonings, 2006e (Ovid)
Modern Medical Toxicology, 2013e (EBSCO-multiple)
Modern poisons : a brief introduction to contemporary toxicology. 2016e (EBSCO-multiple)
Poisoning & drug overdose, 2012e (AccessMedicine)
Principles of toxicology : environmental and industrial applications, 2015e (EBSCO-multiple)
More eBooks in Toxicology...
Urology Journals - Springer Urology Collection
Top Textbooks
Campbell-Walsh Urology, 11e (ClinicalKey)
Diseases of the kidney & urinary tract, 8e (Ovid)
Handbook of urology : diagnosis and therapy, 3e (Ovid)
Pediatric urology, 2e (ClinicalKey)
Smith & Tanagho's General Urology, 18e (AccessMedicine)
Urology [MacFarlane], 5e (Ovid)
Other Books
The 5-minute urology consult, 2e (Ovid)
Bladder cancer : diagnosis, therapeutics, and management, 2010e (Springer)
Campbell-Walsh Urology, 11e (ClinicalKey)
Continence : current concepts and treatment strategies, 2009e (Springer)
Diseases of the kidney & urinary tract, 8e (Ovid)
Emergencies in Urology, 2007e (Springer)
Female Urology, 3e (ClinicalKey)
Female Urology : A Practical Clinical Guide, 2008e (Springer)
Genitourinary imaging cases, 2010e (McGraw-Hill)
Glenn's urologic surgery, 7e (Ovid)
Handbook of urological diseases in children, 2011e (EBSCO-multiple)
Handbook of urology : diagnosis and therapy, 3e (Ovid)
Hinman's atlas of pediatric urologic surgery, 2e (ClinicalKey)
Hinman's Atlas of urologic surgery, 4e (ClinicalKey)
Images in urology : diagnosis and management, 2012e (Springer)
Invasive Bladder Cancer, 2007e (Springer)
Medical therapy in urology, 2010e (Springer)
New technologies in urology, 2010e (Springer)
Oxford American handbook of urology, 2011e (EBSCO-multiple)
Pediatric urology, 2e (ClinicalKey)
Penn clinical manual of urology, 2014e (ClinicalKey)
Renal Cell Cancer : Diagnosis and Therapy, 2008e (Springer)
Smith & Tanagho's General Urology, 18e (AccessMedicine)
Textbook of uroradiology, 4e (Ovid)
Urologic pathology, 3e (Ovid)
Urologic robotic surgery in clinical practice, 2008e (Springer)
Urologic surgery for the gynecologist and urogynecologist : female pelvic surgery, 2010e (ClinicalKey)
Urological tests in clinical practice, 2007e (Springer)
Urology [MacFarlane], 5e (Ovid)
Uropathology : high-yield pathology, 2012e (ClinicalKey)
More eBooks in Urology...
Women's Health Journals - Springer Women's Health Collection
The 5-minute consult : clinical companion to women's health, 2013e (Ovid)
Advanced Health Assessment of Women (EBSCO-multiple)
Changing landscape of academic women's health care in the United States, 2011e (Springer)
Danforth's obstetrics and gynecology, 2008e (Ovid)
Diabetes in women, 2009e (Springer)
Diabetes in women : adolescence, pregnancy, and menopause, 3e (Ovid)
Female Pelvic Floor Function, 2e (Springer)
Female Urology (ClinicalKey)
Hacker and Moore's essentials of obstetrics and gynecology, 6e (ClinicalKey)
The handbook of contraception : a guide for practical management, 2006e (Springer)
The Johns Hopkins manual of gynecology and obstetrics, 2015e (Ovid)
Managment of Breast Cancer in Older Women, 2010e (Springer)
Netter's obstetrics and gynecology, 2018e (ClinicalKey)
Nutritional influences on bone health, 7e (Springer)
Pathology of the Female Reproductive Tract (ClinicalKey)
Primary care procedures in women's health, 2010e (Springer)
Principles of gender-specific medicine, 3e (ClinicalKey)
Promoting Health for Working Women, 2008 ed. (Springer)
Sleep disorders in women : a guide to practical management, 2006 ed. (Springer)
Sexualities and identities of minority women, 2009 ed. (Springer)
Women's Global Health : Norms and State Policies (EBSCO-multiple)
Women's health in clinical practice a handbook for primary care, 2008 ed. (Springer)
Women's mental health : a life-cycle approach, 2006 ed. (Ovid)
More eBooks in Women's Health...