Multicenter Osteopathic Pneumonia Study of the Elderly (MOPSE) – OMT Techniques

In this era of Covid-19, the world struggles to find ways to minimize the viruses’ morbidity and mortality. This instructional video provides a rationale for and demonstrations on how to perform osteopathic manipulative techniques for people suffering from viral respiratory syndromes.

The Multicenter Osteopathic Pneumonia Study of the Elderly (MOPSE) was a 21st-century sentinel study that provided an approach based on the profession’s published experience. This video is offered to give a refresher to those with formal osteopathic training to have a frame of reference for performing patient-specific OMT within the context of a sequence of techniques based on osteopathic principles and past publications. Please note that in the current pandemic, these techniques need to be performed by clinicians wearing appropriate isolation gear to help stop the spread of the infection.

The MOPSE clinical trial was funded by a consortium of foundations, including the Foundation for Osteopathic Health Services, Osteopathic Heritage Foundation, Brentwood Foundation, Colorado Springs Osteopathic Foundation, Muskegon General Osteopathic Foundation, Northwest Oklahoma Osteopathic Foundation, Osteopathic Founders Foundation, Osteopathic Institute of the South, and Quad City Osteopathic Foundation.

Publications related to MOPSE.

1. Noll, D.R., Degenhardt, B.F., Morley, T.F. et al. Efficacy of osteopathic manipulation as an adjunctive treatment for hospitalized patients with pneumonia: a randomized controlled trial. Osteopath Med Prim Care 4, 2 (2010).

2. Noll DR, Degenhardt BF, Johnson JC. Multicenter Osteopathic Pneumonia Study in the Elderly: Subgroup Analysis on Hospital Length of Stay, Ventilator-Dependent Respiratory Failure Rate, and In-hospital Mortality Rate. J Am Osteopath Assoc 2016;116(9):574–587. doi:

3. Noll DR, Degenhardt BF, Fossum C, Hensel K. Clinical and Research Protocol for Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment of Elderly Patients With Pneumonia. J Am Osteopath Assoc 2008;108(9):508–516.

 March 24, 2020 
