Museum of Osteopathic Medicine Partners

American Academy of Osteopathy

Associação Independente de Osteopatia

American Osteopathic Association

Osteopathy Australia

British Osteopathic Association

Canadian Osteopathic Association

European Federation and Forum for Osteopathy

General Osteopathic Council

Verband der Osteopathen Deutschland (VOD)

The Osteopathic Society of New Zealand

Osteos de France

Belgian Society of Osteopathy

Canadian Federation of Osteopaths

Japan Osteopathic Federation

Japan Traditional Osteopathic College

Missouri Association of Osteopathic Physicians & Surgeons

Molinari Institute of Health

Norwegian Association of Osteopathy (NAO)

The Osteopathic Cranial Academy

Osteo Owl Online CPD

Osteopathie Schule Deutschland

Osteopathic Spine Center Education

Register for Osteopaths of Russia

Registro Brasileiro dos Osteopatas

Registro degli Osteopati d’Italia