Genitourinary Tract Infections
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Diseases in this Handout

Genital Warts

Lymphogranuloma Venereum

Granuloma Inguinale

VI. Genital warts (condyloma acuminata)

A. Etiology

HPV Type  Associated Disease
6, 11, 42, 43, 44, 54 Genital warts, laryngeal papillomas
16, 18, 31, 33, 39, 45, 51, 52 Dysplasia and carcinoma of the cervix 
B. Epidemiology C. Manifestations D. Diagnosis E. Therapy F. Prevention VII. Lymphogranuloma venereum or LGV is a sexually transmitted disease caused by Chlamydia trachomatis and is characterized by acute inguinal lymphadenitis + genital ulceration. - it is also called: A. Etiology B. Epidemiology C. Manifestations D. Pathology and pathogenesis E. Diagnosis is based on F. Prognosis; G. Therapy IX. Granuloma inguinale (also called lupoid ulceration granuloma of the pudenda and granuloma contagiosa) is a chronic, indolent, ulcerative, granulomatous disease of the skin and lymphatics.

A. Etiology

B. Epidemiology C. Manifestations D. Pathology and pathogenesis E. Diagnosis F. Therapy

Send comments and mail to Dr. Chamberlain,
Revised 8/7/02
©2002 Neal R. Chamberlain, Ph.D., All rights reserved.