Learning Objectives

If you can answer the following you are very likely to score very high on the quiz and learn some good stuff in the meantime!

What were Sally's presenting signs and symptoms? What were Sally's chief complaints?

In the section :

Know Sally's vital statistics; age, race, family history, previous illnesses, complaint history, etc.

What previous illness may have precipitated Sally's current condition?

In the exam section:

Be able to identify the abnormal findings.

Please note if you can't hear her chest sounds they are normal.

The heart sound was not normal. What kind of sound was it (murmur, friction rub, gallop, etc.)?

In section:

What laboratory tests were abnormal?

Make a list of laboratory tests from most important to least important for Sally's current condition.

What laboratory tests were useful in helping you make a diagnosis?

In the Diagnosis section:

Be prepared to discuss how the rapid Strep. antigen test was used in Sally's case. Was the test useful or harmful in this case? Why?

Write up S.O.A.P notes on this case. Have your soap notes written up and be prepared to hand them in after the quiz. Good soap notes will get you 5 extra credit points.

Make up a differential diagnosis (list of possible conditions Sally could have had).

What microorganism precipitated Sally's present condition?

Name the 5 major revised Jones Criteria.

What major Jones criteria, if any, did Sally manifest?

In the Patient Management section:

What treatment regimen would you suggest for Sally?

How can you prevent recurrances of Sally's current condition?

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