Patient Name Sally Kleinfelder___ Physician Dr.
Michael Green
Date: Monday, April, 5.
cc: " fever and sore throat" Temp.= 104o F, BP=
122/75, AR= 70, RR= 18
Pt. complains of very sore throat that has lasted about 4 days.
Notes fever of 102-104o F started at about the same time
as the sore throat.
Pt. also mentions joint aches and pains
Fever goes down with Tylenol and helps the sore throat a little.
Mother is worried she may have strept. throat
Needs excuse for school.
General: Pt. appears tired and pale. Noted pain when the patient attempts
to swallow.
Ears - TM's appear clear, good cone of light, no retraction or
Nose - slightly swollen mucosa
Throat - very erythematous oral pharyngeal region, pus noted
on tonsils, tonsils present.
Neck - supple, noted lymphadenopathy; very tender nodes. No thyromegaly.
Lungs: clear to percussion and auscultation, no adventitious sounds
HRRR: good heart sounds, no murmurs, thrills, rubs or extra heart sounds.
Skin: No rashes, pale, nail beds okay, minor acne on face.
Streptococcal rapid antigen test: Swabbed pt. throat and tested for
strept. antigen with rapid antigen test. Result: Negative.
Probable viral sore throat
consider; strept. throat, infectious mononucleosis
Treatment plan; Tylenol for fever and pain, salt water gargles to relieve
throat pain, stay home from school and rest until fever goes down.
Diagnostic evaluations; Strept. throat unlikely with neg. antigen test.
Disposition; outpatient care; No antibiotics however if pt. doesn't
get well in 3-5 days tell her to return. Issued excuse for pt. to miss
school until well.