DAT Life Moment | Luis L.


Knowledge is a proficiency that nobody will take away from you. For that reason, I'm always seeking ways to further my education and continue expanding my capability.

ATSU’s Doctor of Athletic Training program has been a holistic experience that has allowed me to continue growing from a personal and a professional aspect. It has allowed me to become a clinical and academic leader while implementing practical solutions to improve the delivery of athletic healthcare.

While starting my journey educating potential athletic trainers, I knew I wanted to get a post-professional education that focuses on education but didn't want to leave athletic training on the side. Finding that this DAT program offers a Graduate Certificate in Athletic Training Education made my decision a no-brainer. Currently, I am halfway through the program and I have nothing but positive things to say about it. ATSU has made a direct impact on my clinical practice by applying new concepts to the management of orthopaedic conditions. I have also impacted my teaching practice by implementing innovative learning opportunities in athletic training.

ATSU’s DAT program allows students to execute immediately, impacting our population. I intend to apply similar concepts learned in this program to my future students’ learning, so that they will be able to implement these concepts early in their career. I hope to help them become positive deviants while disrupting their minds in a positive way, and impacting their athletes and patients positively as a result.

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