DAT Life Moment | Jamie S.


I chose ATSU's Doctor of Athletic Training program because I wanted to learn tools to grow and improve as an athletic trainer.

I am an athletic trainer at a secondary school, and I love working in this setting. The DAT degree wasn’t required for my position, but I chose to do it because I felt like I could improve my clinical care and offer more to my patients.

What I learned in the DAT program has helped me improve the quality of care in my clinical practice and has inspired me to take on more leadership roles in my position. My main concern when pursuing an advanced degree was that I didn’t want to give up the position I loved at the secondary school to be able to continue my education.

The program at ATSU gave me the flexibility to continue to work while I completed my degree without compromising the quality of the education I received. I also loved being able to implement what I was learning in real time with my patients, and it was empowering to watch my clinical skills improve throughout my time in the DAT program.

The DAT at ATSU has provided me with a supportive network of excellent athletic trainers and opened the door for future opportunities that I never would have thought of before joining the program.

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