Please complete this form to register your employment opportunity. * Fields are required.
Once reviewed and posted, the listing will be displayed on the ATSU web site for 6 months.
*Job Category: |
*Position Title: |
*Position Type: |
Please provide your contact information: |
*Name: |
*Title: |
*Name of business/clinic: |
*Address: |
Address 2: |
*City: |
*State/Province: |
*Zip: |
*Email Address: |
Website: |
http:// |
Please provide the location of this employment opportunity: |
*City: |
*State/Province: |
This is a nationwide/multiple region listing
*Country: |
Please provide the details of this employment opportunity: |
*Please provide a brief job description, and other applicable details, including minimum qualifications or specific credentials desired, specialty needed, type of practice, and number of group members, if practice:
max 2500 characters
Please provide the beginning financial arrangements for this employment opportunity.
If more than one available, indicate all:
Salary: |
Guarantee without
Guarantee with
Explain pay-back arrangements (if any):
max 125 characters
Percentage basis: |
Salary plus percentage: |
Annual salary or guaranteed amount: |
$ |
Malpractice paid: |
Office space furnished: |
Staff available: |
Expected first-year income (if not certain, please estimate): |
$ |
If practice, please indicate whether opportunities are available for ownership/partnership: |
Ownership: |
Partnership: |
Corporate shareholder: |
Financial investment necessary: |
Explain financial investment:
max 125 characters
Hospital privileges available: |
Requirements for hospital privileges:
max 100 characters
Please provide any additional information regarding this employment opportunity: |
Other pertinent information, including description of community or service area, if desired:
max 300 characters