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Case 4

After determining the cause of Gina's sore throat you give her a 10 day perscription for penicillin. She fills the perscription and takes the medication as directed for two days. She starts feeling better and decides to stop taking the medication and saves the remaining pills. What does taking the medication prevent in this patient?

  1. glomerulonephritis and the suppurative complications of this bacterial infection
  2. glomerulonephritis and acute rheumatic fever
  3. acute rhematic fever, glomerulonephritis and the suppurative complications of this bacterial infection
  4. acute rhematic fever and the suppurative complications of this bacterial infection
  5. future Streptococcus pyogenes infections

NOTE: Geraldine came to the clinic with her mother. You notice her face is a little flushed and her mother states that Geraldine is not eating well. Go to Case 5 for more.

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Site Last Revised 11/12/13
Neal Chamberlain, PhD. A. T. Still University of Health Sciences/Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine.

Take Care and Think Microbiologically!