Deaths and death rates for the 10 leading causes of death in specified age groups: United States, preliminary 1997

[Data are based on a continuous file of records received from the States. Rates per 100,000 population in specified group. For explanation of asterisks preceding cause-of-death categories, see Technical notes. Figures are based on weighted data rounded to the nearest individual, so categories may not add to totals]

Rank1 Cause of death and age (Based on Ninth Revision, International Classification of Diseases, 1975) Number Rate
All ages 2
. . .  All causes  2,314,729 864.0 
Diseases of heart (390- 398, 402, 404- 429)  725,790 271.2 
Malignant neoplasms, including neoplasms of lymphatic and hematopoietic tissues (140-208)  537,390 200.8
Cerebrovascular diseases (430- 438)  159,877 59.7 
Chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases and allied conditions (490-496)  110,637 41.3 
Accidents and adverse effects (E800-E949)  92,191  34.4
. . .  [>]Motor vehicle accidents (E810-E825)  42,420 15.8
. . .  [>]All other accidents and adverse effects (E800-E807, E826-E949)  49,772 18.6
Pneumonia and influenza (480- 487)  88,383 33.0
Diabetes mellitus (250)  62,332  23.3
Suicide (E950- E959)  29,725  11.1
Nephritis, Nephrotic syndrome and Nephrosis (580-589) 25,570 9.6 
10  Chronic liver disease and cirrhosis (571)  24,765 9.3
. . .  All other causes (Residual)  458,069 171.2 
1-4 years 
. . .  All causes  5,471  35.6 
Accidents and adverse effects (E800-E949)  1,958  12.8
. . .  [>]Motor vehicle accidents (E810-E825)  756  4.9 
. . .  [>]All other accidents and adverse effects (E800-E807, E826-E949)  1,202 7.8 
Congenital anomalies (740-759)  596  3.9 
Malignant neoplasms, including neoplasms of lymphatic and hematopoietic tissues (140-208)  458  3.0
Homicide and legal intervention (E960-E978)  345  2.2
Diseases of heart (390-398, 402, 404-429)  195  1.3
Pneumonia and influenza (480-487)  168  1.1
Certain conditions originating in the perinatal period (760-779) 90  0.6
Septicemia (038)  66  0.4
Benign neoplasms, carcinoma in situ, and neoplasms of uncertain behavior and of unspecified nature (210-239) 60 0.4
10   Cerebrovascular diseases (430-438) 50  0.3
. . .  All other causes (Residual)  1,485 9.7 
5-14 years 
. . .  All causes  8,044 20.7
Accidents and adverse effects (E800-E949)  3,330 8.6
. . .  [>]Motor vehicle accidents (E810-E825)  1,934 5.0
. . .  [>]All other accidents and adverse effects (E800-E807, E826-E949)  1,396 3.6
Malignant neoplasms, including neoplasms of lymphatic and hematopoietic tissues (140-208)  996 2.6 
Homicide and legal intervention (E960-E978)  437  1.1
Congenital anomalies (740-759)  424 1.1
Diseases of heart (390-398, 402, 404-429)  313 0.8
5 Suicide (E950-E959)  313 0.8
Pneumonia and influenza (480-487) 139  0.4
Chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases and allied conditions (490-496)  127  0.3
Human immunodeficiency virus infection (*042-*044)  102 0.3 
10   Benign neoplasms, carcinoma in situ, and neoplasms of uncertain behavior and of unspecified nature (210-239)  76  0.2
. . .  All other causes (Residual)  1,787 4.6
15-24 years 
. . .  All causes  30,945 84.6 
Accidents and adverse effects (E800-E949)  12,958 35.4
. . .  [>]Motor vehicle accidents (E810-E825)   9,929  27.1
. . .  [>]All other accidents and adverse effects (E800-E807, E826-E949)   3,029  8.3
Homicide and legal intervention (E960-E978)  5,793  15.8
Suicide (E950- E959) .  4,146 11.3 
Malignant neoplasms, including neoplasms of lymphatic and hematopoietic tissues (140-208)  1,583 4.3
Diseases of heart (390-398, 402, 404-429)  1,013 2.8
Congenital anomalies (740-759)  383  1.0
Human immunodeficiency virus infection (*042-*044) 276  0.8 
Pneumonia and influenza (480-487)  223  0.6 
Chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases and allied conditions (490-496)  190  0.5 
10  Cerebrovascular diseases (430-438)  167 0.5 
. . .  All other causes (Residual)  4,213 11.5
25-44 years 
. . .  All causes  133,612  159.8
Accidents and adverse effects (E800-E949)  25,995  31.2 
. . .  [>]Motor vehicle accidents (E810-E825)  13,837  16.5 
. . .  [>]All other accidents and adverse effects (E800-E807, E826-E949)  11,640  13.9 
Malignant neoplasms, including neoplasms of lymphatic and hematopoietic tissues (140-208)  21,983  26.4 
Diseases of heart (390-398, 402, 404-429)  15,800  18.9 
Suicide (E950-E959)  12,008  14.4 
Human immunodeficiency virus infection (*042-*044) 11,166  13.4 
Homicide and legal intervention (E960-E978)  8,287   9.9 
Chronic liver disease and cirrhosis (571)  3,890  4.7 
Cerebrovascular diseases (430-438) 3,358  4.0 
Diabetes mellitus (250)  2,405  2.9 
10 Pneumonia and influenza (480-487)  1,933  2.3 
45-64 years 
. . .  All causes  375,454  677.2 
Malignant neoplasms, including neoplasms of lymphatic and hematopoietic tissues (140-208)  130,894  236.1 
Diseases of heart (390-398, 402, 404-429)  100,051  180.4 
Accidents and adverse effects (E800-E949)  16,689  30.1 
. . .  [>]Motor vehicle accidents (E810-E825)  7,985  14.4 
. . .  [>]All other accidents and adverse effects (E800-E807, E826-E949)  8,704  15.7 
Cerebrovascular diseases (430-438)  15,267 22.8 
Chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases and allied conditions (490-496)  13,057  23.5 
Diabetes mellitus (250)  12,652  22.8 
Chronic liver disease and cirrhosis (571)  10,653  19.2 
Suicide (E950-E959)  7,656  13.8
Pneumonia and influenza (480-487)  6,120  11.0 
10  Human immunodeficiency virus infection (*042-*044)  4,632  8.4 
. . .  All other causes (Residual)  57,783  104.2 
65 years and over 
. . .  All causes  1,733,070  5,086.0 
Diseases of heart (390-398, 402, 404-429)  607,703  1,783.4 
Malignant neoplasms, including neoplasms of lymphatic and hematopoietic tissues (140-208)  381,810  1,120.5 
Cerebrovascular diseases (430-438)  140,693  412.9 
Chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases and allied conditions (490-496)  96,997  281.7 
Pneumonia and influenza (480-487)  79,395  223.0 
Diabetes mellitus (250)  47,109  138.2 
Accidents and adverse effects (E800-E949)  30,933  90.8 
. . .  [>]Motor vehicle accidents (E810-E825)  7,786  22.8 
. . .  [>]All other accidents and adverse effects (E800-E807, E826-E949)  23,148  67.9 
Alzheimer's disease (331.0)  22,209  65.2 
Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis (580-589)  21,962   64.5 
10  Septicemia (038)    18,263  53.6 
. . .  All other causes (Residual)  286,996  842.2 
1 Rank based on number of deaths; see Technical notes. 
2 Includes deaths under 1 year of age. 

Suggested citation: Ventura SJ, Anderson RN, Martin JA, Smith BL. Births and deaths: Preliminary data for 1997. National vital statistics reports; vol 47 no. 4. Hyattsville, Maryland: National Center for Health Statistics. 1998. The following link takes you directly to the HTML file: Monthly vital statistics report; vol 47 no 4. For more information go to the National Center for Health Statistics.