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Experience a class preview

See for yourself how a Postprofessional Doctor of Physical Therapy can add value to your career by trying out a module of the Radiology and Imaging class — at no cost.

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Course description

The Radiology and Imaging course is designed to help students gain insights into the indications and ramifications of frequently employed diagnostic imaging procedures within the context of patient/client care. Coursework delves into the analysis of prevalent diagnostic and therapeutic imaging techniques, encompassing radiographs, CAT scans, MRI scans, and musculoskeletal imaging. By providing students with the necessary knowledge about these imaging techniques, the course empowers them to interpret images effectively, critically analyze anatomical structures depicted in the images, and utilize imaging in therapy settings. Moreover, students will gain insight into selecting the most appropriate imaging options for individual patients to optimize diagnostic accuracy and therapeutic outcomes. Through a blend of theoretical instruction and hands-on practice, this 3-credit hour course equips students with the skills and proficiency essential for navigating the complexities of modern diagnostic imaging practices in healthcare settings.

For more information on DPTP8807: Radiology and Imaging as well as teaching faculty, check out the Course Spotlight.